9. The Birthday Surprise (Part 2)

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Sam's Pov:

"Hey have you seen Y/n, Dean" I asked. It was 8:00 A.M. and when I woke up she wasn't next to me like normal. She would sleep late and I loved that about her because I could wake up with her every morning. "She said she was going on a hunt, she left a note on the table." Dean replied, stuffing his mouth with pie. "That's not suspicious to you at all?" I muttered under by breath. I went back to my room and grabbed my phone. I clicked her contact and it started to ring. I paced around my room. I went to voicemail after six rings. 'Crap' I thought, 'She must be busy.' I sighed and walked toward the kitchen to get some lunch before going to the library. I was making a salad when I noticed the bracelet I had gotten her a few weeks ago on the table. She never takes that off. 'Was she actually leaving me?' I wondered.

After a few minutes of pacing in my room, I decided to call Bobby to see if he gave her the case. "Hello?" "Hey, Bobby." "Whatcha need boy." "Oh I was wondering what case you gave to Y/n?" "First off I never give cases to Y/n on or even near her birthday because she needs that time to herself for personal reasons. Secondly, what are you two idjits doin' with Y/n?" I could almost here the scowl in his voice. "I thought she told you already." "Told me what?" he asked sceptically. "We are um... dating." "You're what! No wonder she took off." "What do you mean?" "Well that is up to her to tell you. Just know it's about her birthday, which is in a few days from now by the way, she never has liked it." "Well I guess I can make this the best birthday she has ever had!" "N-" I hung up before he could finish.

I ran back to the kitchen and grabbed Dean. "Did you know that Y/n's birthday is in a few days?" "No, why would she leave of it was her birthday? If it was my birthday I would make you make me pie." "Of course you would, Dean," I said rolling my eyes. "But Bobby said she doesn't like her birthday, so we are gonna make her like it." "And how do you plan on doing that, Sammy?" "By finding her and giving her the best birthday ever!" "Ok, you do that, I'll be here." "No, you're helping and so will Gabriel."

-_-_- el timeskip brought to you by ooOoooOOOoof -_-_-

After a few days, we finally found out where she was hunting, Memphis, Tennessee. The plan was in place. Y/n was out tracking down the ghost's corpse. Dean, Gabriel and I set it all up in her motel room #148. Gabe made her a vanilla cake with chocolate icing and got her a kitten. It was fluffy and gray with white socks and a white stripe on its little nose. I thought it was amazing because she was always talking about how much she wanted a kitten. Dean and I set up the room with fairy lights and put our presents on her bed. Dean got Y/n a car jack, which I thought was crazy, but she does love her car. I got her a black leather jacket, since she burned hers on a case a few weeks ago. 'How flammable and cute can a person posible be.' I thought to myself, thinking of all the times she had caught fire. We put the cake on the small table by the couch and the kitten in the bathroom. Then we waited for Y/n.

Your Pov:

You burned the body and walked back to Angel. It was your birthday and you had almost set yourself on fire... again. 'Just my luck,' you thought 'It's my birthday and I almost die.' You got in and started Angel, tears still rolling down your cheeks from the case. The ghost had been killed by its mother on its birthday one hundred years ago. It made you think of the night you decided to become a hunter all those years ago.

Before you knew it fat tears were rolling down your cheeks as you pulled into the motel parking lot. You sat there for a few minutes crying into your hands, until you spotted movement in your motel room from the corner of your eyes. You slowly got out of Angel, checking behind you as you made your way over to the door. You grab your key and quickly unlocked the door. "Surpr-" was all you heard before you pulled out your knife, grabbed someone by the shirt, and shoved them into the wall with a knife to throat.

"Y/n!" you heard Sam say but that was impossible, Sam was at the bunker. "Sam?" you questioned your voice breaking from the crying. That was when it hit you. You never told Sam your birthday or where you were going. Also, you probably looked awful, your eyes felt puffy and were definitely red. "Y/n what's wro-" Sam tried to say, but you were focused on other things. "Shut up." "Wha-" "I said SHUT UP!" you screamed, while running out of the room.

You got in your car half expecting Sam not to follow, but of course he did. You started the car, leaving Sam in the lot, eyes following you as you left. You stopped a few miles down the road and reached for your phone. 'Crap!' you thought, realizing that you must have dropped it in the motel. So, you went back, wanting to call Bobby and know exactly what he told the boys. He was the only person you could be around on your birthday.

You pulled back into the parking lot and sighed still seeing the light on in your room. 'This is gonna be bad.' you thought, but you were surprisingly wrong. You quickly walked in and saw your phone on the floor. The boys hadn't noticed you enter yet, but then you had to blow it and sneeze. 'HOW CAN PEOPLE SAY MY BIRTHDAY ISN'T CURSED!?' you wondered. They all looked over at you standing next to the door; you froze like a deer in headlights. "Y/n, what are you doing here?" Sam questioned you softly. "I need my phone." you muttered. "Why?" he said moving a little closer. "I NEED TO KNOW HOW YOU FOUND OUT!" "Found out what?" he said genuinely confused. "THA-THAT IT'S M-MY BIRTHDAY." you couldn't stop the tears from rolling back down your cheeks. Sam pulled you into a huge hug and pet your hair to calm you. Gabe and Dean left quickly, while you fell to the floor with Sam. "Bobby told us, but he said that what happened then was your business to tell." he spoke softly into your hair. "I-I just can't," you sobbed into his chest. "It's ok, Y/n, I understand."

You stayed in Sam's comforting arms for an hour or so. He whispered sweet encouraging words into your hair, kissing your head. Sleep nagged at you. "It's ok, Y/n. I know you're tired. Just go to sleep." You fell asleep in Sam arms. He carried you bridal style to the bed, laying next to you. He looked over at you and thought you were the best thing that happened to him and that he wouldn't know what he would do if anyone ever harmed you. So, that night he made a promise to himself to always protect you. It was all gonna be ok because he would always have you or so he thought...

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