20. Finally

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Heeeeeeyyyy. I know I have been gone for a while *cough* months *cough*. I am so sorry things at school have been so rough. ANYWAYS This is going to be last chapter of this book :'( I hope you enjoy.

Your Pov:

You walked into the bunker and saw Dean pacing the room on the phone. "Yeah, Bobby, this plan is-." As soon as he saw you he stopped mid-sentence. "I'm gonna have to call you back," he promptly hung up and looked you straight in the eye. "Y/n, I think Bobby and I found a way to fix Sam." "Are you serious? How? Can I help? When did you figure out? Why didn't you tell me? I'll stop rambling now." You took a deep breathe and composed yourself. "What do I need to do?"

After ten minutes of explaining, you were up to speed on Dean's plan to bargain with Death for Sam's soul. All you needed to do was help get Sam to Bobby's and then, in Dean's words, which he earned a black eye for, 'sit around, look pretty, or cook like a good woman.' You walked up to Sam's door with a trank gun behind your back. Slowly, you inched the door open. Light flooded the room and you make-out Sam's body underneath the blankets. 'That's weird. Dean told me he doesn't sleep. Oh shit, that means he knows it's me.' you thought. Instead of waiting like you usually would, you shot the trank straight into his back. His shoulders drooped a little and it looked as though he was more relaxed.

"Dean!" you screamed while looking at down at Sam. Dean turned the corner into Sam's room and replied, "Nice work, right in the back. You deserve the best girlfriend award." "Oh can it," you sassed. "Whatever, dork." He hoisted Sam over his shoulders and carried him to Baby. You opened the trunk and Dean gently set him in. "See you at Bobby's," you said as you climbed into Angel and drove off.

-_-_-_- el timeskip brought to you by my forgetfulness about this book -_-_-_-

After a few painfully long hours of driving, you arrived at Bobby with Dean on your tail. You grabbed your duffle bag and marched up to the house and knocked. "Yo, Bobby, open up!" You yelled through the door. You heard a few muffled complaints before Bobby opened the door. "Where those two idjits," Bobby said. "Dean should be here any minute," and if on cue, the Impala's engine rang out through the junkyard. Dean pulled up to the house and went to get Sam out of the car, which wasn't the easiest task since he had woken up on the drive. Finally, you, Dean, and Bobby managed to get Sam into the panic room. "Now that that is over, I have to go," Dean said sadly. He turned around and began to walk up the stairs and to the door. "Hey! Just don't die, will ya!" you called as he opened the door. "Sure thing Y/n/n." Dean left you and Bobby alone to take care of Sam but you knew that it would be ok and Sam would get his soul back.

-_-_-_- el timeskip brought to by Death -_-_-_-

A few days had gone by since Dean had left to meet Death. You were worried sick. Bobby had specifically told you not to go near the panic room under any circumstances, so naturally you were sitting in his library reading. A knock pulled you out of your book at the best part. Reluctantly, you pulled yourself off the chair and opened the door where Death was literally on your doorstep holding a glowing briefcase. He pushed past you and Dean followed him to the stairs. "Well come on in, I guess." you sarcastically scoffed. Shutting the door, you quickly rushed after them. Bobby was already by the panic room before Dean had gotten back and was standing with his hand on the door handle.

Bobby edged open the door. The sight inside made you want to cry, but you held it in for everyone else's sake. Sam was laying on the bed resting. He looked so peaceful, like the real Sam. Death walked up and started to open his mysterious briefcase. Inside, there was a shiny orb, that seemed to be calling to out you. "Is that what I think it is?" you questioned Dean from you spot on the wall next to him. "Depends on what you think it is, Y/n." You waited for a second and watched as Death grabbed the orb and shoved it into Sam's chest. 'Everything is going to be ok,' you thought. You had never been more wrong.


Squeal, anyone? Mwhahahaha

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