7. The Prank

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"Sam..." you croaked through the pay phone. "No this is his brother he's in the shower." "This is Y/n, Dean." you said. "Y/n, where have you been!" "I...I don't know where I am. I was in some forest" and you sniffled, "I don't know where I am!" you fake cried into the phone hoping it was believable. "Ok Sam has been freaking out." "I've been freaking out about what?" you heard faintly through the phone. "Hold on is that my phone? Is that Y/n?" Sam questioned relief and surprise evident in his voice. "Yeah it is," Dean said. "Let me talk to her." "Ok here let me put her on speaker." "S-Sam I don't k-know where I am." you said purposefully cracking your voice. 'I should be an actor.' you thought playfully, holding back a laugh. "Well look around, what do you see? Are there any signs" more worry creeping into his words. 'Is it ok to pull this kind of prank on them?' you wondered. 'I guess it's ok. I'll just tell them where I am for now.' "I think I'm in Morganville, Kansas." "How do you know?" Dean chimed in. "I see signs that say suggest that," you lied smoothly. "Ok we are heading out right now." Sam yelled.

(A/n: Morganville is a real city about 2 hours away from where the bunker is, just in case you were wondering. Also I haven't done much research on it, so if you want to that's cool, but all I know is where it is and that it's real)

Dean's Pov:

Sam was running like a madman to the garage. When he got the garage he stopped dead in his track. "Why did you stop?" I asked before looking into the garage, but when I did I was fuming. In place of Baby was a giant cake three times the size of her, almost taking up the whole garage. 'That son of a bitch' was all I could think. "GABRIEL!" Sam screamed worry evident in his voice. As he said that he appeared on top of the cake laughing like crazy. "If you want to get back at us for whatever you think we did to you, fine, just leave Y/n out of it!" Sam screamed. "Woah, woah, woah, calm down Moosey. Why are you so attached anyways, you've only known her for a few weeks. Also, I bet she had more fun with me than she has had with you two knuckleheads," Gabe retorted with a wink. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!" Sam yelled. "Oh nothing she didn't want." he winked again. This conversation had gone on long enough, I wanted to know where Baby was, then we could worry about Y/n. "Hey where angel of douchiness where is my car!" "Oh that it's in the cake, but you can drive this new one for now." With a snap, he was gone.

In front of us appeared a light blue, sparking prius. "I AM NOT DRIVING THAT." I yelled at Sam, pointing to the abomination in front of me. "Please Dean, we have to get her back then we can figure out what to do about your car," Sam pleaded using his puppy dog eyes. "Fine, but we never speak of this again. Got it, Sam." "Yes, sir." he replied, sarcasm dripping through his words.

We had been driving for about two hours when we reached Morganville. We asked around to see if anyone had seen her, describing her the best that we could. After and hour and a half and no one claimed to have seen. I decided it was best to head back to the bunker and regroup our thoughts.

Your Pov:

You had been sitting at the bunker for almost four hours. The first hour was spent eating the cake around the Impala and talking about the last bit of the prank. Also Gabe fixed up the Impala, by your requested. The next hours were been spent joking and laughing with him. He told you about his favorite book series Supernatural. You couldn't help but laugh at the fact that people would want to read about what you and the brothers do. You guys also talked about some serious stuff. He told you all about what Heaven was like now and what it was like before Lucifer fell and God left. He talked about his brother, the archangels, and you talked about your mother, which brought a few tears to your eyes. "Y/n..." his voice sounded as sweet as the candy he ate, "are you ok." "Yeah," you wiped a few tears from your eyes, "It's just she's dead and I miss her so much." you cried. Gabriel engulfed into a ginormous hug.

After a few minutes, you broke the silence and hug by saying, "Do you wanna have a baking contest, sweet tooth." "You're going down, sweet cheeks," and with that the baking began. You had made a few rules before starting like no using your powers to get a pie, that one was for Gabriel, and no sabotaging the other baker. Thirty minutes had gone by and you were both done with your pies, using a little help from Gabe to skip the oven part. You were in the middle of the judging process when you heard the boys come back into the bunker. It was time to finish the prank.

You and Gabe walked down the hall to the library. You stopped just outside the doorway, while Gabe continued inside. "Hiya, fellas! Whatcha doin'!" Gabe said extremely cheerfully. Dean moved closer to Gabe. "You son of a bitch." "I see you've met my father, oh wait! He's missing." Gabe chucked. "What have you done with Y/n!" Sam yelled from behind Dean, pushing him aside to get closer Gabe. "Hmm... I don't know it's really up to her to come back. Isn't it Y/n?" As soon as he said that you were teleported into the library next to Gabe. He wrapped an arm around your shoulder. "You douche." Sam said as he ran to you, trying to grab you and put you safe into his arms, but his attempt failed. Gabe had moved you back to where you began, just outside the doorway. You held back a laugh because you could almost picture the look of confusion and rage on Sam's face. You couldn't hold it back anymore and started laughing. The boys ran around the doorway to see you rolling on the floor with laughter. "Awwww, Y/n, you ruined it." "I'm... sorry... I... just... couldn't... hold it back!" you said still laughing. Finally you stopped and stood up. Both brother's had a look of confusion on their faces.

You decided to explain. You started with how you and Gabe became friends, best friends actually, and how you forgave Cas. Then, you got to the good part. You explained the prank to them with Gabe helping here and there with some details. Gabe also said that he was surprised how good at acting the part over the phone call. "So," Dean started, "I had to drive a PRIUS because you thought it would be funny!" "Ok it was kinda funny, Dean." Sam said. "I agree, MOOSE." "Hold on where did you hear that name." "No where." you replied nonchalantly. Dean started laughing. "You're one to laugh, SQUIRREL." "Hey!" Dean yelled. You all started laughing even Gabe. After a few more minutes of talking, Gabe walked over and hugged you. Sam wasn't happy about it but you ignored him. "I have heavenly business to talk care of. Talk to you soon." Gabe whisper in your ear. You nodded and he was gone with a familiar flap of wings.

Dean left shortly after, but Sam stayed and just looked at you. "Are you going to keep staring at me or are you going to come over here and kiss me." He quickly walked over to you, picked you up, and kissed you. You wrapped your arms around his shoulder as he put you down and snaked his arms around your waist to pulled you closer. "I missed see you, even if it was for a few hours." he muttered in your ear, sending sparks down your spine. "Me too, Sammy." He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on your nose. You broke the hug and grabbed his hand leading him to your bedroom. "We still have the other five Harry Potter movies to watch, Moose!" you almost squealed with excitement, happily skipping down the halls. Sam chuckled. "I'm only letting you call me that because I love you." "I love you too." you replied before sprinting down the hallway. Sam chuckled and followed.


I don't know if I should be sorry or not for the longer chapter. It is about 1500 or so, just in case you were wondering. Also, I want to make sure to continue to give credit to my friend her profile is @NerdBota. Make sure that you add this to your library, so you can see when I update, which is about every other day or so. Thank you for reading my lovelies!

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