A sister I never had

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While walking at a forest just grinding some big gorilas.Currently most of us are in level 70 to 79 where I am level 79.Suddently we saw a defenless little girl almost got killed by one of those monsters.I quickly took my sword and block its damage and slice all three of them with ease.I turned around and the girl was traumatized by the suddent event.Even her pet died.I crouch down to her level and pat her head.

(Y/N):Hey girl don't worry,everything will be fine

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(Y/N):Hey girl don't worry,everything will be fine.

???:Bu-but Pina died *cries*

(Y/N):*hugs her* Hey there is a way to revive her if you have her heart.

???:*shocks* really!!!?

(Y/N):Yup *smiles I'll help you get her back and im sure of it.

???:*blushes* well I-I-Im Si-Silica.

(Y/N):What a cute name you have.

Silica:*blushes hard* Re-re-re-really?



(Y/N):Do you want to die? *glares at Shirou*


(Y/N):You should join us Silica.

Silica:Are you sure?

(Y/N):Im sure.

We took her to our hotel and we had some truth or dare games to kill our free time.

Aiman:Truth or dare?


Aiman:Kiss (Y/N) *smirks*

Asuna:*blushes hard* B-B-Baka!!!!

Aiman: Hahahaha I didn't say it must be in the lips.

Asuna:Ok then *looks at (Y/N)*

(Y/N):Asuna if you touch me I'll kill you.

Asuna:One kiss please.

(Y/N):No Asuna and thats final.

Asuna:*pouts* fine......

Ronaldo:So then Silica truth or dare?


Ronaldo:hehehe Who is your first crush?

Silica:*blushes* (Y-Y/N)

Everyone:...........WHAT THE HELL!!!!!! *looks at (Y/N) in disbelief*

Neo:*sighs* pedophile......

Aiman:I can't beleive you dude.

Jack:Since when you became one?

(Y/N):*Looks at everyone* Seriously guys?


We had fun the entire night doing some random and stupid dares such as balancing a cup the entire game,scream out loud and much more.After the game The girls took their shower together and then we boys.The shower is pretty huge.We literally slept everywhere.The girls sleep on their beds and most of we boys sleep on the ground.While Everyone has fallen to their slumber,I checked my profile to see my proggression on this game or what skill I can unlock.Suddently,Asuna falls on me.

(Y/N):Really Asuna? You have no where to land on?

Asuna:Hehehehe I know you like this *shows cleverage*

(Y/N):My eyes *covers eyes* I need holy water to clean it.

Asuna:Hehehehe I know you like it.*smiles*

(Y/N):No I did not!!

Asuna:You know,You are really kind huh.

(Y/N):How many times I need to repeat.Im not kind and never be.So just don't conpliment me by that discusting word.

Asuna:hehe whatever just sleep.

(Y/N):Then can y-

I got cut off by Asuna snuggles to my chest snoring.Unbelievible.....She looks kinda cute when she sleeps.I guess I let this slide.I sighed.I did gone a little softer.Then I let sleep get the best of me.

We travelled to the floor that Kirito said that there will be a thing there that can heal fallen pets.We got the item with minimal resistant except the tentacle thing that tries to grope Silica,Asuna and Neo.Well Neo being her totally decimates the monster.Like we all say,never mess with Neo no matter what.Suddently we bumped into a woman with some sexy clothes.


(Y/N):You know this slut Silica?

Rosalia:That hurts me but I'll forgive you handsome if you come with me at our place and have a fun time don't you think~

(Y/N):No thanks.But my instincs told me to avoid thots such as you.*points at her*

Rosalia:*pisses off* Its okay I thought I'll give pleasure to your big friend down there *licks lip* but you pisses me off.

(Y/N):Ohhh really now? Just get out of your hiding spots guys.

Guy 1:Tchh he found us!!!!! *scared* hai *waves hand*

Guy 2:We simply want to enjoy the beauty of this park.

Neo:Lets just get this over with *shoots a guy at his leg causing him falls to the ground*

Guy 3:Guys I have a bad feeling about this guys!!!!

Rosalia:These guys are green.Just kill them.

(Y/N):You know what guys,I give you a chance,Try your hardest to hurt me for a minute then I'll send you to the prison.

Guy 4:That is what im talking about.

They all attack me while I just yawn.My teammates laughed at their attempts except for Silica which weren't aware of my level.

(Y/N):*laughs maniacly* is that it?

Guy 5:What the hell?!!

(Y/N):*sighs* Im actually level 79 *smirks* My health regeneration is beyond your attack damage.Your attack only causes 500hp to drop but my regeneration ability ables me to heal 1000hp in seconds.So basicly you fucked up.Prison time!!!!

I teleport behind Rosalia and put my blade on her neck.

Rosalia:You can't send me there im a green player.If you do,You will be an orange player.

(Y/N):Look at my face.Do I give a fuck?

Rosalia:*fears* please don't send me.I'll be your sex slave.

(Y/N):Too bad for you but Im not intrested.I ain't your average pervert but Im the opposite.I hate sluts.Hahahahaha bye bye bitch!!!

And that I sent all of her guys and herself to the prison.

Silica:*runs to me* Im glad you are alright *cries*

(Y/N):*hugs back* don't worry Silica *pats* im alright.

Silica:*sobs* Its just I see you as a big brother and I don't want my brother to get hurt.

(Y/N):*shocks* *smiles* awwww I see you as my sister as well *pats her head*

We then return to our hotel and revive Pina.....

To be continued

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