The Skull Reaper

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I woke up in the morning and surrounded with girls.Asuna is on top,Silica and Liz is beside me clinging to my arm.I smiled looking at my loved ones.I'll protect them till the end of time.I barely escaped from their grasps unnoticed.I went to the balcony and just sat there enjoying the view.Yui,I promise I'll get you back one way or another.

???:Morning bro.

I looked at my back and its Aiman bringing both of us coffee.

(Y/N):Morning man.

Aiman:What a relaxing morning am I right.I wish everyday is like this.

(Y/N):I know right.

As we were enjoying the view,Suddently I recieve a notification from the leader of the Knight of Blood Ouths.


(Y/N):Can they give us like 2 more months?

Asuna:Don't be a baby,maybe its urgent.

Silica:Asuna is right.

Liz:Damn I wish they give you two a year of holiday.

Asuna:Well work is work Liz

Liz:I know.

Asuna and I went to the headquaters and the uppper ups inform us our current situation.

Leader:Our Recon got wiped off and there last words were just screaming and cursing the teleport crystal.

Fuck not one of those again.....

Suddently,the memories that died because of the dungeon unables players to use their teleportation crystals.Its horible.There faces are horible,they are begging........................
Because thats the only thing they can do.

(Y/N):Its one of those trap dungeon.

Leader:That is of our theory.Thats why I decided to assemble the largest group of combat soldiers.I'll be expecting for your arrival to the main hall on 5pm.

(Y/N):Got it.


Asuna:Yes honey?

(Y/N):Can I ask you one question and promise you won't get mad.

Asuna:I don't know what question it is about so I can't really promise you.

(Y/N):Can you stay back with the others?

Asuna:*walks to me* *Angers* (Y/N) do you really want to know what happens if you didn't come back.

(Y/N):*sighs* what?

Asuna:I'll kill myself.

This shocks me completely

Asuna:(Y/N) you're the only one that I live for.Without you I would lose all insanity and *starts to cry* Lose the will to live.*hugs me*

(Y/N):*kisses her forehead* I did not know you would go that far.Sorry....

Asuna:So promiss me *looks to me* always fight alongside me.



(Y/N):I promise darling.

Asuna:*kisses* good~

We gather at the main hall for the meeting and what surprises me that the rest of our friends will also be joining the war.

Shirou:Yo man

(Y/N):You guys are here for the boss too?

Jack:Yeah we are told to get ready for this.

I'll rest when I die (Sword art online harem x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now