We did it?

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Im worried of what would happend.Losing him.......Ahhhh I can't even imagine a life without him.Suddently the smoke started to get less dense and the first thing I saw was Akihiko's sword penetrate my beloved's chest.I tried my best to get up but the stun was too strong.All I able to do was to watch my (Y/N) die in horror.Surprisingly,he used all of his remaining energy to caught Akihiko by surprise,(Y/N) manage to stab him with one of his sword.I tried my hardest and stand up.I slowly walked towards them.As I approach Akihiko,I used my sword and stab him in the heart to quicken his death.As right he vanished,I quickly caught (Y/N) in my arms.Akihiko's death cause all the other players to recover from the stun.All the other players gather around the hero.

(Y/N):*coughs up blood* Hehehe I really fucking hate when people see me when Im at my weakest state.


I played with his hair while my tears starting to drop one by one on his armour.The Health crystals doesn't work in here.His health continues to go down slowly.I look around me and everybody has tears on their eyes.The hero sacrificed himself to save us all.Sili,Liz and I took it the hardest.

(Y/N):Sili,Liz and Asuna..........please try your hardest to..........live on........

Silica:*cries on his hand* I'll try my best to live for you.

Lizebeth:I........I don't even know what to do without you....... *cries silently*

Me:To be honest Im not as strong as the girl you know (Y/N) so Im scared to make promises that I can't keep *sobs*

(Y/N):Its okay girls *coughs up blood* Kirito will take care of you three right?

Kirito:Yes I will. *cries silently*

Silica:Bu-but It won't be the same!!!!

Lizebeth:I want to be with you!!!!

Me:I want to live with you and die side to side not seing you die by my side!!!!

(Y/N):Hehehe.......you girls are asking the imposible and *looks at his buds* you guys seem kind of quiet.....

Jack:Im sorry man its just that I have no words.

Shirou:I won't forget you bro.

Ronaldo:Its too soon man.

Neo:*sobs* we should be home *sobs* spend time *sobs* together *sobs* instead we spend our time *sobs* in this death game.Im gonna miss you *cries on Aiman's chest while he hold Neo tighter*

Aiman:Its  an honour to fight alongside my bestfriend.

(Y/N):Same here.......

Me:Can we share our last kiss?

(Y/N):Go ahead.I can't really stand up now so I'll let you girls do it.

Without hesitation I smash my lips to his which he sank into the kiss.We kissed for a couple of moments until we broke the kiss,Sili and Liz also shared the kiss with him.

Me,Liz and Sili:We love you (Y/N)

(Y/N):I love you th-

He was about to continue his final words but he vanished before completing the sentance.This made all of us burst to tears.The one that always took care of me,protect me has g.......gone..

Suddently at the bottom right of our menu shows that there will be 60 seconds before we all logged off.Sili and Liz went to me with a pale expression on their faces.

Silica:Asuna do you have any idea where (Y/N) live?

Me:Yeah I do.My house was near to his.

Lizebeth:Can you message us the address?

Me:Yeah *sobs* hold on.

I messaged both of them his address.My goal is to bring him to the hospital as right we all logged off.I hope with that he has a chance to live.

Game logging of players in...

Logging off players....

I woke up in my room and my father and mother was beside me.As right as I took the VR off my parents instanly hugged me with tears form on their eyes.



I tried my best to broke the hug as my priority was to help him.

Me:Mom,dad I need your help!!!

Dad:What is it sweety?

Me:My boyfriend is in trouble!!!

Father and mother:BOYFRIEND???!!!

Me:I'll explain to you guys later but now we need to help.

Father:Okay just show us the way.

And that I managed to bring him and his friends to the emergency room.We waited for minutes seems like hours to me until the doctor finally came with a worried expression.That almost made me gave up on life until........

Doctor:Good news is he is alive.

That almost made my heart stop.I was relieve that he is still with me.Thank God!!!

Me:The bad news is?

Doctor:He'll be in a comma for about 6 months or it might be years.So please try to be with him and talk to him so he'll recover much quicker.

Aiman:Thanks Doc.

Doctor:I'll come back after I run another dianosis on him to make sure he is in stable condition so until then please be strong.


Father:Asuna you owe daddy an explaination.

Asuna:Ohh right.

I explained to my parents on how we got together and all.My parents were a bit surprise but whats best is that they gave us their blessings which I happily accept.They told me that a type of guy like (Y/N) is really hard to find.No one would go and sacrifice their life in order to protect someone.Boys these days have a lot of ideas on flirting but when it comes to life and death,most of them would pick and save themselves than protecting the one that they love.I smiled to myself on how lucky of a girl I am to have a wonderful boyfriend such as (Y/N).

Asuna:Mom,dad can I take care of him please?

Mom and dad:Yes but on one condition.

Asuna:What is it?

Mom and dad:Always come home at least once every weekend.

Asuna:Aye Sir!!!!! *salutes*

Dad:Enjoy taking care of him and if he do wake up please send our regards.

Asuna:Okay Dad.

They left me and (Y/N)'s friends told me that they were tired and will be comming tomorrow.I set them off and went to his room.There were a lot of machines connected to (Y/N).I sat on a chair beside his bed and hold his hand.His face are just too satisfying to watch.Without noticing I felt asleep while his hands were inside of mine.

To be continued......

I'll rest when I die (Sword art online harem x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now