It ends here

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Asuna's POV
The big screen suddently turn completely black,then it pops up a wide view of the finals' play area and it was at Tokyo nighttime and raining? Damn they really intend to make the final battle look dramatic or something.

Asuna's POVThe big screen suddently turn completely black,then it pops up a wide view of the finals' play area and it was at Tokyo nighttime and raining? Damn they really intend to make the final battle look dramatic or something

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(They were no people)

Two people were seen spawning on both ends of the play area.It was my beloved and the murderer.His costume do look itimidate.All I hope is one thing........

Asuna:.........please don't die........

(Y/N)'s POV

I got all of my weapons load up and ready.(Y/N),you got this *breaths in* *breaths out* Don't miss your shot and don't fucking get cornered,if I able to avoid that,I can win this.I observed his way of killing and the way he kills is to paralize the enemy first before engaging then so all I need is to avoid any traps that he able to put down,Im gonna be fine,Im completely fine.



Announcer:So the final battle will be (Y/N) against Death.

Everyone:LETS GO!!!!!!!


All SAO survivors and some other groups:(Y/N) FOR THE WIN!!!!!!

Some groups:GO DEATH!!!!!

I can hear their voices screaming my name and that made me realise that I had a lot of supporters behind my back.I smiled while looking at the camera.

Me:SUP BITCHES!!!!! *Gives a piece sign* *smiles to the camera*

Some girls:Awwwwwww ♡♡♡

Me:*sighs* I didn't sign up to entertain girls like this.

I did some final checkings on my revolver and my sniper,my SMG too just in case.Im ready to take this guy down to the ground.



Breath in and out


Breath in and


Breath out!!!!

I used my grapple to give some height advantage because this map is really confusing so the slightest information on your enemy will be a game changer.I tried to look at him and I saw a black cape running to an alleyway.Did he saw me? I got down by jumping down from roofs to roofs.I tried to surprise him in the alleyway but there were no sign of him.I looked around with my SMG out checking for any movements.Suddently I heard some crumble noises from the top so I looked up just to see part of the buildings came in down to crash me so I went with my insticts and roll out.As right as I roll out,Death tried to shoot me with a assault rifle but I able to dodge all of it and in return I tried to fire my SMG and I got a couple of hits but not enough to finish him.I rushed to him,hoping for him to be weak but he was gone from the site.Shit!!! Did he have an invinsibility armour or some shit? Im about to ran away but then a red pointer was aiming straight to my head.I quickly checked what it was and its his goddamn turrent.I ran fast while jumping to the roofs and I ran to a spot where the turrent can't aim at me at it was on top of the turrent,I threw an EMP below to disable it.

I'll rest when I die (Sword art online harem x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now