Laughing Coffin more like Crying Coffin

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The girl we were suppose to question has died.She also got stabbed by the same sword.What pisses me off is that how the fuck you able to hurt a player in a safe zone.It doesn't make any sense.The only thing I can do now is to eat the delicious fricking sandwich that Asuna made.

Asuna:You're still thinking about the accident.

(Y/N):*sighs* yeah.Its just stupid.

Asuna:Don't push yourself.

(Y/N):*gets up* FOR FUCK SAKE ASUNA HOW THE FUCK I CAN CALM DOWN WHEN PEOPLE ARE FUCKING DYING AND I CAN'T SOLVE THIS SHIT!!!!!!!!! *reliases* oh shit sorry *sits down and looked at the ground.

Asuna:*shocks* wow im sorry and did I just heard you say sorry?

(Y/N):Noo you heard nothing.

Asuna:Come on please repeat it.

(Y/N):Fuck you bitch ass.

Asuna:*sighs* the same old (Y/N)

Suddently my fingers got slippery and my sandwich flew and ended up on the..............ground.That is one of the most depressing moment in my life.

(Y/N):My sandwich................

Asuna:*giggles* I'll just make more.

(Y/N):I guess thats a good idea.

As we were walking home,I might had a solution to the murderes.Any item including armour able to worn out if their durabality reaches zero at any zone but HP can't so the only way the pulled off such trick is that when their armour worn out.They teleport so it looks like an actual death.

(Y/N):Asuna I think I have a solution.

Asuna:solution to what?

(Y/N):Solution to the murderes you dumbass.

Asuna:Jeez....what is it?

I explained to her everything I thought and she agreed on it.I quickly ran to the foggy forest as that is where they meet their next target.

I arrived there and saw a guy was laying on the floor and of fucking course the two people that fake their own death was wearing one of the hoods that those that try to kill the guy on the ground which was the leader in those 2 party.Fucking traitors.

Member 1:Who the fuck are you?

(Y/N):And who the fuck are you?

Member 2:We are a PK guilt Laughing Coffin so I advice to just gave up as you are fighting 3 of us and you 1.So I repeat who the hell are you.

(Y/N):*comes closer to them* Your worst nightmare.*takes out one of my sword*

As right they got a glimse of me,they totally turned into a pussy.They were shaking violently,sweat can be seen dripping from their faces and did I just smell someone pissed himself? That is just gross.

Member 3:Guys its the fucking beater!!!! Its fucking death!!! Run guys!!!!!

They ran away like the cowards they are.

Leader:How do you solve it.

(Y/N):I managed to solve it about 20 minutes ago.Don't worry about your injuries,Asuna will called the rest of my team here.

Leader:Thanks dude.

(Y/N):It fucking sucks huh when you have to party up with traitors *glares at the 2 traitors*

Kains:We are sorry!!!!! *prostrates*

(Y/N):Thats fucking right bow down before your master *steps on the two's head* Im not the one you should be apologizing its him *points at the leader*

They did patch up things and got up together and my friends arrived and Silica healed the leader's health and we able to get to the town safely.Suddently Asuna out of no where ask me a retarded question.

Asuna:Hey do you think that getting maried in this game is romantic?

(Y/N):Bitch are you fucking high?

Asuna:What I mean is that if you got married,you'll share your inventory with your spouse.

(Y/N):Yeah so?

Asuna:Im just thinking its romantic.

(Y/N):Well I give a fuck about it.

Asuna:*points her sword at my neck* Take that back.

(Y/N):Bitch.....try me *runs away*


Aiman:Thats what you call a romantuc couple alright.


Silica:*pouts* She got all the fun.

Ronaldo:Don't worry Silica you'll get him.

Silica:Are you sure? *blushes*

Ronaldo:Just go for it.


We went to a wide field to train.Asuna  against me and also the other agaist themselves if they wanted to train.

(Y/N):I'll give you a chance to back away *readies sword*

Asuna:Ohhh you will regret for underesrimating me. *stretches up*

Silica:You can do it (Y/N)

(Y/N):*pats her* I'll beat her no doubt.

Asuna:Can you stop your lovey dovey moment?

(Y/N):Jealous much?

Asuna:N-n-no w-w-wh-why wo-would I be jea-jealous.

(Y/N):Lets just get this over with. *readies stance*

Asuna:*readies stance* You bet.

Aiman:Ok you guys ready?

(Y/N):Born ready!!!

Asuna:Im ready.

Aiman:3....2......1.... Gooo!!

We charged to each other and our sword clashes and we been at that position for a while.

(Y/N):Give up?

Asuna:Hell no

We broke the contact and clash again and again.I tried to slash her body but she hop on my sword and use it to boost her up.She did a backflip and aimed for my head but I pushed her blade away by pushing the side of her sword.I wanted to slash her to the right but she dodge it wanted to uppercut me but her attempt failed by me kick her to the side.I ran at her and slash downwards hard hitting her armour and I did a front flip and slash her downwards again causing her armour to broke.

Aiman:(Y/N) wins by destroying the opponents armour.

Asuna:*pants* You're paying for that!!!!

(Y/N):*yawns* well that was quick and boring.

Silica:*runs at (Y/N)* you are so strong!!!

(Y/N):Hehehehe daily routine Silica,daily routine.

Asuna lost so she needs to treat all of us for dinner and I decided to be an asshole like I always am and order the most expensive and finest meals.Oh boy she was not happy with that but punishment is still a punishment.

I'll rest when I die (Sword art online harem x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now