Sometimes,things don't go well

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After Aiman and I got out of the game the girls came in and things won't go well,I can tell by their shocked faces.Asuna walked slowly to me while keeping her head down.

Me:Hehehe Asuna,how's shop-


I can see tears streaming out of her face and for once I felt bad,its like im the bully.

Asuna:You know all this time *sobs* I trusted you.I don't think this will work out.

Me:Hold on,Asuna please I can explain.

Asuna:SHUT IT!!!!

The entire room went silent for a couple of seconds,the intense atmosphere are haunting me.

Asuna:There is one thing I regret doing in my life.Its falling in love with you!!!!!

As right as she said those words,it tores my heart,she made me changed at least a little,she made me a nicer-ish person and this is how I repay her? She went to our room and pack her clothes.I went in and tried to made her stay.

Me:Asuna please listen to what im trying to say.

Asuna:*packs her clothes*.........

Me:Asuna please don't leave.


After she packed her clothes she went away with her tears still comming out.Kirito went and followed her where as I just sat on my bed thinking of what I have done.

Jack:Hey its okay we-

Me:Im a horrible human being.

Shirou:Hey bro *sits down* you are not horrible its just...........

Me:Its just what? Im the worst?

Shirou:No I didn't say that.

Liz:(Y/N) the way I felt is the same thing as Asuna.Just listen to me,please don't play that game again.

Sili:*sits beside* *hugs* I don't want to lose you the second time (Y/N).

Me:Im sorry guys but there is something I need to do in that game.

Liz:Like what? Risking your life again?

Me:I guess you can say so.

Liz:(Y/N) please no more life risking,I cried enough already so please

Me:You don't understand Liz,if I don't do this,thousands and thousands people to die.

Liz:*sighs* I guess that is also a reason why I like you with your will to save people even if its putting your life on the line.

Sili:*hugs tighter* Im scared.

Me:Sili,you're scared about what?

Sili:Of losing you again.

Me:Sili look at me.

Sili:*looks at me in the eyes*

Me:*smiles* *pats her* Im not going to die and I can promise you that.

I'll rest when I die (Sword art online harem x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now