Minnie fight:

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Today was the big day. I wake up and walk to the kitchen to get me some coffee. I see y/n cooking breakfast. She was making waffles. "Smells good babe." I kissed her cheek. "Thank you Harry. I'm making breakfast cause I know it's today's important." I wrap my arms around her tiny triceps tightly. "Thank you so so much baby." I kiss her cheek and I keep kissing it over and over and over again. "Harry stop." She giggles and tries to squirm out of my grip. I then put one big kiss on her cheek. "Oh now I'll stop." I let go of her and she pushes me away playfully. I then quickly wrap my arms around her again and kiss her cheek. I then back away quickly. "That's for pushing me." She glares at me with a smile on her face. I wink at her. "Oh and how can I forget hello little buddy." I rub y/n's belly. "There's not even a bump yet." She smiles. "But there is a little little baby in there." She shakes he head and chuckles a little. I take my coffee to the living room. I turn on the tv and watch the news. Then suddenly I saw a face that was very familiar. It was y/n's uncle and dad. "Babe come here please." She comes over and sits next to me. Her face then drops as she watches the tv. The news reporter then says. "These two men where a part of the y/l/n business. Police are on the look out for more people in this business." She gaps and turns towards me. "Harry there's more people out there." I see tears form in her eyes. "Just when everything was going good it fucking crumbles down." She started to get angry. She stands up and runs her fingers through her hair. "It's alright y/n." I try to calm her down. "No it's not, don't you get it. This business is MY family business. It has my last name in the name of the business. It's not like this business sells fucking stuffed animals. It sells drugs and god know what else. So don't tell me it's alright." She then walks away. I sigh. I under stand that she's scared and with child so her Hormone level must be high. I sit on the couch and shut the tv off. After a while I went to go talk to y/n. She was sitting the bedroom window. The window was a little open. I then see smoke some out of her mouth.


I was so stressed. I had to smoke. I was sitting on the window sill. I hear harry come into the bedroom and I let the breath out smoke I just took in out of my mouth. I tried to hide it from Harry but he caught me. He takes the cigaret out of my hands and he throws it out the window. "Hey!" He closes the window. "We need to talk." He crosses his arms. "There's nothing to talk about." I saw a flash of anger move through his eyes. "Really, ok one you flipped out on me when I was trying to comfort you and two your smoking dangerous chemicals that can harm the baby." I chuckle. "It's not like where gonna be alive to watch our child grow up." I look down my my stomach and rub it a little. I start to cry. I then feel Harry's hand over mine. "I'm not superman but I can promise you that I will protect you and this baby with all of my will. Even if it kills me. But don't worry about me, you or the baby dying. No ones gonna die. You have to remember that. Please." I looked at his face and studied it. It looked of sorrow and sadness and truth. I shake my head yes. I then hug him "I love you so much. I'm sorry for before I'm just so hormonal." I hear him chuckle. "I love you too and I under stand." I pull away and kiss his lips. I lean my forehead against his. "Ok let's get ready for tonight. I can't wait to hear you." We then get up and get ready for tonight. Hey Maybe a miracle can happen.

To be continued. Please comment below on how you like the story so far. Thanks.

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