Not a sound:

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"I'm Darcy styles?" The nurse called for Darcy. "Right here." I chuckle. I then stand up and Harry picks up the baby carrier. We walk to the doctors room and we wait in there. The whole time we where into waiting room Harry would tell me he loves me in my ear and he would kiss me. You know all that cute stuff. I was interrupted in my thoughts when the door opens. The doctor then comes in and he's this old man. "Hello mr. And mrs. Styles. What seems to be the problem? " I smiled to my self. Even tho we aren't married yet it makes me feel special being called 'mrs.styles.' I start to tell the doctor about Darcy and he takes down notes. "Can I see Darcy?" The doctor asks. Harry then takes Darcy out of the carrier and he hold Darcy. The doctor then looks at her eyes nose and then ears. When he was done looking at her he sighed. "Ok she can go back in the baby carrier." Harry then puts her back and we sit down. "So?" Harry asks. The doctor sighs "well your child is..." He starts. "Well?" I start to tear up and Harry holds my hand tight. "Your child is deaf." My eyes went wide. I started to cry. "I'll give you some time." He says and walks out. I cry into Harry's chest. "Baby it's gonna be ok. It's not like she's gonna die." I sigh "I know Harry but I'm heartbroken cause she's going to struggle. With friends and learning." I calm down "listen to me, well learn sigh langue and well get through this together. Ok baby. Well help Darcy." He kisses my lips. "Ok Harry." I sigh and we leave and go home trying to look at the bright side of this situation.

To be continued.. Sorry it was so short. Please vote and comment please. Thanks.

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