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The whole night I felt Harry's arms around me. I tried to pull away from his grip but he was to strong. I didn't wanna have feelings for him. I mean.... He's too good for me. I don't want to mess his life up, that's what I always do to people. I'm just a home wrecker. So I got out of bed and went back to the couch. There I fell asleep.

--- the next morning I wake up. I smell something good in the kitchen. I guess Harry's making breakfast. I go into the kitchen and I see him in his boxers and no shirt. Damn. "Hey." I sit down on the kitchen counter. He looks at me and smirks "you look great." I give him a confused look and look down at my self. I'm still naked from last night. I didn't mind being naked I front of him. "Thanks." He smiles. He's making pancakes. So he flips the pancake In pan. He then serves breakfast and sits down. I sit down with him at the kitchen table. I kept watching him eat. It was so sexy I loved it. Ugh stop it y/n. Don't love him. I keep reminding my self. "Harry." He swallows his food "yes." I sigh "do you like me? Like really like me like almost love me." He sits back in my chair and studies my face. "Yes...... I do love you." "Shit." I groan to my self.


"Shit" she groans. She jumps up and walks to the living room. I follow her. "Where are you going." She gets dressed. "Harry I love you, but I'm not the one for you. Your smart handsome and your going to go far in life. Me on the other hand, I'm probably gonna be dead but the time I reach my 30s." My eyes of wide "dead?" She sighs and comes closer to me. "Yes Harry dead." "W-why?" She strokes my cheek. "I'm trouble...." She then stands on her tippy toes and walks out the door leaving me broken. I loved her. I know we just met like yesterday but we shared love last night. I felt us attach. We both where falling in deep deep love together. I walked over to the window and I see y/n light a cigaret and get into her car. She pulls out of the drive way and drives away fast. I guess she was going home. But was she gonna be ok?


I pulled in the my drive way. I lived in a small house with one bedroom and two bathrooms. A tiny kitchen and living room. My house looked vacant. The siding was all falling off. There was barely any grass because it was all Burt and dead. There was lots of bushes and trees tho. I enter my house. I look to see my dad. He's sitting there with come coke in front of him and his guns out. That weird he never has his gun out. "Hey dad." He ignores me and sniffs away. I shake my head and go to the basement. When I of there I smell something bad. I walk closer and closer to the smell. It's coming from the bathroom. I open it and I see my mom with several bullets in her chest. I cover my mouth and let the tears fall down my face. I know my mom was a drug attic and an alcoholic but still she's my mom. When she was in her right mind which was when she just woke up. Me and her would joke around and actually interact. I shakily went to go feel her pulse and I felt no heart beat. She was ice cold. Dead.


I went upstairs and saw my dad now drinking beer. He looks at my face and saw that I was crying. He knows I know. He points his gun at me. "If you tell anyone..... I'll kill you just like I killed your mother. Right In the chest." I start to shake and cry. "C-can I have a smoke out side?" I shake. He pulls the trigger. I'm going to die. I close my eyes and shake. "Yep but if you tell...." He points the gun to my chest. "Boom, boom, boom, boom." I nod my head yes. "I-I'll just be o-outside." He puts the gun down. I walk out side and run to my car. I start it and pull away as I pull away I hear gun shots. "YOU BITCH." My father shoots at the car. I start crying and I drive to the only person who I can trust..... Harry. I stumble out of his car and bang on his door. "HARRY." I scream. The door unlocks and this older man opens the door. "May I help you?" "W-who are you?" I wipe away my tears. "I'm Edward styles." "Oh you must me Harry's father." He squints his eyebrows. "Uh... Yes and know are you?" "I-I'm y/n can I see Harry please?" He looks me up and down. "Um Harry's at the library." I then see Harry walk down the stairs. His eyes where all puffy and he looked like he was crying. "Y/n?" He gasps. "Harry." I push passed his dad and I hug him.


She looked scared and traumatized. I hugged her and she was shaking. "Harry who is this." My dad asked looking mad. "Well... She's.. She's my girlfriend." Y/n looks up at me. This words make her cry. "I'll be back dad." My dad shakes his head. I larvae with y/n I'm my arms. I retake her keys and drive to a near by park. We sit down on the bench. "Tell me what's wrong." She takes a deep breath and controls her crying. "M-my dad k-killed m-my mom and he- he said if I t-told anyone he w-would kill me." My eyes go wide. Holt shit. I didn't know what to do. But the one thing I did know to do was call the cops. "We gotta call the cops." She gasps. "No please harry don't, I don't wanna die." "It's for the best." I hug her tighter. She felt so weak and was still shaking. "He's not gonna hurt you." I whispered to her. "Your with me and you'll stay with me forever. I don't care what you say. I know you love me and I love you." She sobbed and shook her head no. "I do love you but I don't want you hurt or even dead." I wasn't scared of dieting before I met y/n. But now I don't wanna die cause I'll miss y/n to much. But if her dad finds out about me. I'm dead..... Literally.

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