four: would you mind staying?

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A/N: These lyrics are from a new song I found called 'Honest' by Mali-Koa. Since 'Better Man' is from Ketch's point of view, I thought it'd be cool to add a song from Joy's point of view, so that's this one. Enjoy.

Also, warning, super soft chapter ahead. You're welcome in advance.

if my heart had a choice/i'd tell you the stories/i always avoid

"So, you've never hunted? Not a day in your life?"

"I said I don't hunt," I correct him. "Not that I never have."

"Ah," he smirks, raising his whiskey glass almost triumphantly. "So you have."

I lick my lips, shaking my head. "Remind me why I haven't kicked your ass yet."

"I'm simply trying to make conversation."

I narrow my eyes. I'll give him that. "Fine," I breathe, settling back in my chair. I swirl the whiskey around in my glass, tilting my head as I look for a suitable answer. "Before I died," I nod, "I hunted. All the time. I was...raised in it."

He furrows his eyebrows. "And yet you've walked away."

I chuckle. "More like stumbled." I can tell by the look on his face that he doesn't get my joke, and it's then when I remember I don't normally joke about my knee like this. "I liked researching more anyway," I shrug. "Sam and I have shared that interest. He sort of raised me to love reading and learning."

Ketch nods. "Sounds like you and Sam are close."

We're venturing into more personal territory, something I wasn't expecting when I started conversation with him earlier. I look to him, to find something in his expression, but there's nothing. Just...genuine curiosity.

"Yeah," I finally answer. "We're close."

He hums but doesn't reply.

Apparently, that's the end of that conversation.

My turn to be nosy. "What about you?"

He looks up, his eyes meeting mine. "What about me?"

"Family?" I ask, raising my eyebrows. "What's your tragic backstory," I pause, cracking a grin. "Every villain has one."

"I'd argue I'm not the villain."

"It was a joke, Ketch. Just answer the question."

I watch as the sides of his mouth quirk up in a small smile. He was teasing me again. Obviously.

I'm still not used to him.

"No family," he replies finally, shaking his head. "The Men of Letters is my family."

I roll my eyes. "Here we go."

"Oh, don't be so cross."

I stare at him.

"The Men of Letters are all that I have. All that I need. Family is not necessary in the line of work I partake in."

"Or a relationship?" Ah, there's the alcohol. I was wondering when she was going to start talking.

I can tell my reply has caught him off guard as he opens his mouth to reply, furrowing his eyebrows. He answers carefully. "Yes. Or a relationship."

better man/worse than nicotine » arthur ketchWhere stories live. Discover now