seven: you are dangerous.

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"So, was that part of the tour?" I tease, shrugging my jacket back on my shoulders.

"Not at all," Ketch replies, staring at me with a look in his eyes like we didn't just have sex against the crates of books. "Where did you throw my tie?"

I roll my eyes, reaching down next to me and grabbing it off the floor. "Right here."

I run my fingers over the silky material, my eyebrows furrowing as I study the pattern. He seems to wear a different one every time I see him, but each one is just as beautiful and captivating.

"What is it with you and my ties?"

I smirk, looking up and finding him once again, so close to me our noses almost touch. He has a habit of doing that – coming so close without me knowing. But I don't mind it.

I shake my head, lifting the tie over his head and around his neck. "I'm not sure." I tug him forward, catching him off guard, but his little stumble causes me to smirk.

He raises an eyebrow, leaning his hand on the crate behind me. "Are you asking for round two, love?"

I chuckle, shaking my head. "No, not now." I quit teasing and attempt to tie his tie, trying to remember from when I had to tie Sam's a couple times. Surprisingly, my memory doesn't fail me here. "I think they're probably wondering why we're still in here."

"And what those noises were."

I gasp, smacking his chest. "Hush! I was quiet."

"Love, you were anything but."

I narrow my eyes. "You're an asshole."

He chuckles. "I know I am."

He cups my jaw, pressing a kiss to my lips. I inhale slowly, wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him closer. I feel the fire trying to ignite again when he snakes his arms around my waist, his hands pressing into my back.

Closer. Why is he never close enough?

A squeeze to my hips has me opening up for him, allowing him to deepen the kiss – even though I said we shouldn't.

And I'm right. We shouldn't. I need to get back to the bunker.

But damn, he is intoxicating.

"Mm, okay, okay," I mutter, pulling back. He chases me down, growling as he moves to my neck.

And damn me if I don't lean my head to the side, letting my eyes slip closed as he continues.

But he stops all too soon, causing a whine to spill from my lips. I look at him with furrowed brows, wondering what happened, but he's smiling.

"You are quite possibly the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

My cheeks immediately burn red, my eyes falling to the floor. You would think that I wouldn't blush at something like that after what we just did, but I can't help it.

A soothing touch on my cheek has my eyes returning to his, a quick kiss being pressed to my forehead. "There's the eyes."

"Okay," I laugh, swatting his hand away. "We need to go before my cheeks actually catch fire."

He chuckles, stepping back. "Right. I suppose I should be returning you to the bunker soon."

"I suppose," I tease. "Can we take the Norton?"

"You are just dying to be on that motorbike, aren't you?"

I smirk. "I've never been on one."

He sighs, straightening his jacket and buttoning it. The action alone should not be as hot as it is, but I have to use all of my willpower to tear them away from him.

better man/worse than nicotine » arthur ketchWhere stories live. Discover now