twelve: and i am only telling you the truth.

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"You better pick up you son of a—"

"Arthur Ketch speaking."

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Well, hello to you too, love."

"Shut up," I hiss. "Now is not the time. Why didn't you tell me Mick was stopping by?"

"Mick is at your bunker?"

"Yes, Mick is at the fucking bunker right now and now it's out to Sam and Dean that he knows who I am and— Are you trying to get my brothers to murder you? Because at this point, I really think—"

"Love, if I may interject—"

I sit down on my bed. "You may."

"I was not aware Mr. Davies was paying a visit to your bunker."

I furrow my eyebrows. "I thought you were—I figured it would all be connected. Like, you would know what everyone does."

"And I do," he replies. "But I am finishing up a hunt. Dr. Hess must have sent Davies on that trip last minute, or he went on his own accord." He pauses to sigh. "He seems to think your brothers must be on board before this operation can advance."

I shake my head. "And it's stupid – of him to think that. Because they don't want to. And he can't force them."

"Yes, well, if at any time you feel so inclined, please let Mr. Davies know. I'm quite tired of trying to persuade your brothers."

I chuckle. "I know you are." I pause, laying back on my bed. "So how was the hunt?"

"Splendid. Killed a clan of seven shape-shifters."

"Ah, shifters," I crack a small smile. "Nasty bastards. I hated hunting those things." He hums. "I remember when we ran into one pretending to be Dean. Some crazy shit."

I pause when I hear a knock on my bedroom door.

"They are not my favorite either."

"Hang on a sec." I pull the door open, startling when I see Mick standing there. I furrow my eyebrows. "What d'you...?"

"Can I talk to you?"

"Uh..." I pause. "Ketch, I' you back."


I end the call, stuffing my phone in my back pocket. I know he was going to protest, so the best thing to do is cut him off before he can. "Sure," I tell Mick, gesturing for him to come in. "What's up?"

"So you and Ketch."

I nearly slam the door from shock. Not the words I expected to come from his mouth, but he has been drinking. I guess I should expect a little bit of surprises. "Would you keep your voice down?"

Realization crosses his eyes. "Oh, your brothers are asleep."

I study his face. "Are you drunk?"

He almost laughs. "Oh, barely. I've got a bit of a buzz, but it's your brothers you should worry about."

I nod. "Okay..." I look around, waiting for him to say something else. "So what about me and Ketch?"

"You seem quite friendly."

I scoff. Of course. "Listen, if you just came here to talk about that then, I—"

better man/worse than nicotine » arthur ketchWhere stories live. Discover now