nine: it's for us.

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Less than fifteen minutes later, Ketch is here.

I manage to haul myself up the bunker's spiral stairs and out the main door on my own, but my knee is violently protesting by the time I make it outside. Thank goodness he notices right off the bat, because I feel like I'm about to collapse as soon as his arms wrap around my waist to hold me up.

He helps me over to the Norton, sitting me down on the seat. I give him a shaky smile.

"Thank you."

He furrows his eyebrows, his hands lingering on my waist. "Are you alright?"

"You asked that already," I murmur, smoothing my hands up the sleeves of his leather jacket. My eyes trail to his. "I need a hug."

He smirks, raising one eyebrow. "I figured when you called you needed an orgasm. Or four."

I roll my eyes. "You wish." I only had one last time. He wishes he could make me have four in one session. I pause, then shrugging. "Sometimes I just need a hug."

"Well, I can still oblige." He pulls me up, keeping me steady enough so my weight is completely off my knees.

I wrap my arms around him, burying my face in his neck. I breathe deeply, closing my eyes.

It feels nice. Dare I say it: safe, even. There's something different about being in his arms. Even though it is obvious he isn't used to hugs, he seems to give the best ones.

Or maybe I'm biased. I'm probably biased.

"You know," I say, pushing back from the hug, leaving my hands on his shoulders, close to his neck.

"Enlighten me," he muses, pressing a quick kiss to my lips.

I smile when I feel his arm smooth themselves under my shirt, teasing my ribs, but not in a mischievous way. It's soothing.

"I like the leather," I begin, letting my eyes rake over his jacket. "But there's no tie."

He laughs then, his small little chuckle that appears to be as much as he'll let himself do. "Well, there's no reason for a tie while I hunt."

I tilt my head, earning another kiss on my lips, strong enough that I close my eyes and take a deep breath. He squeezes my hips, knowing that's exactly how to get me to open up for him, that little gasp spilling from my lips that always prompts a breathy groan from him as he deepens our kiss.

He steps between my legs further, enough that I can feel him. That alone is enough to make my legs forget how to work.

"I want to show you something," he finally says, but his voice is only a whisper.

I can feel his lips ghosting against mine when I reply. "What is it?"

It takes him a moment to answer because he's too busy making my knees weaker than they already are.

He still doesn't answer me, though.

"You better not be taking me to some extravagant waterfall," I tease, lifting my good leg over the motorcycle, lowering myself onto the seat.

He gives me a look. "One day I will, just because you tease."

I can't help but smile at him, thinking about it seriously for a moment. "I'd like that, actually."

better man/worse than nicotine » arthur ketchWhere stories live. Discover now