one: a different world

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A/N: Just some background, but you can honestly watch the season finale of season 12 if you really want to know what all Joy is talking about here (just replace Mary with Joy and tada). Basically, when Jack (the Nephilim) was born, it created a tear in the universe, a door to another world. This is where Joy is currently trapped, and where most of this book will take place (I kind of have a plan for this book...and you're probably not going to like some parts of it, but y'know). So Joy is in the Alternate Universe (AU) and was captured by the archangel AU!Michael (pictured up there), who is holding her hostage for an interesting reason that you're about to find out and I hope it doesn't sound too stupid. Happy reading, and welcome to Worse Than Nicotine!

Amazing. This is just brilliant.

When I pushed Lucifer - and myself - through that rift, I wasn't thinking. Jack - the Nephilim - had just been born, Kelly was dead, Cas returned through the rift only to be stabbed and killed by Lucifer- I just wanted to get Lucifer away from Sam and Dean. I'm reckless by nature and acted on that plan without thinking.

Of course, I didn't think it would be too bad. Lucifer and I aren't exactly best friends, but he's never hurt me. Don't be mistaken, he's never been nice. The snarky comments make up for him never laying a finger on me, I suppose. But that still doesn't change the fact that he is Lucifer. Nor does it reverse all of what he did to Sam.

He's not a good guy in my books, period. But it meant getting him away from Sam and Dean, so I did it.

I wasn't - I'm still not - in my best headspace either, but that's irrelevant. Lucifer was away from Sam and Dean, and that was all that mattered.

Until we ran into Michael. Well, this world's Michael. Not the guy who almost wore Dean to the Apocalypse, but a different one. He's a bit of an asshole.

Well, a big asshole. A tyrant of this world.

This world's Michael said he killed Lucifer - his Lucifer.

But when he looked at me...I can't describe the look he had in his eyes. Or the feeling that I got - not a good feeling, I know that much. But something struck him. Like he could see right through me.

Terrifying, really.

So now, I am here. In some sort of holding cell.

But it's not that, really. When I think of a holding cell I think of a jail cell. I've been in those before. But this is different. It's a room in what used to be an old church, I'm assuming, but it's where Michael and his men hide out. They have their own place, not that they need one. Everyone here is deathly afraid of Angels. The Angels here are almost the level of Demons or regular monsters back home. These Angels are monsters, from the looks of things.

There's one window in here at least. Not that the outside world is pretty, but at least it's a window. But the window is

I'm basically a prisoner here. I've thrown myself against the door so many times my shoulder is sore now. It's locked shut tight, probably with some spell work.

I settle down into what looks like a bed. It's not comfortable at all, but it's what I have, and I'm exhausted.

No sooner than I have laid down, though, the door opens to reveal Michael.

He's a lot different than I think I was expecting. Maybe because the last time I saw a Michael, he was using our half-brother Adam for a vessel. This one...he's much different. Darker, more cynical - sadistic, even. He wears a long coat and a face that just screams that he knows he is invincible and powerful.

He's cocky. And I've hated every minute I've spent with him.

"What do you want?" I grumble, moving to lean back against the wall.

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