eight: i'm lonely and i miss you.

777 39 23

A/N: This work is now also on AO3! My user on there is the same as it is here (QuickCharade).

When Ketch said he would keep in touch, he meant it this time.

I wasn't expecting a text from him when he arrived at the hotel he'd be staying at for this hunt, but that's exactly what I receive. When the text comes through, though, Sam is sitting right next to me at the table in the library. Thankfully, he's entranced enough by whatever Lore he's reading that I don't have to worry about him looking over at my phone, but Dean – who is sat across from us – does make a comment about my phone being extra busy tonight.

I brush him off with a laugh, not offering a verbal response. He's busy on his laptop with God knows what, so he moves on from the subject rather quickly.

This encounter does tell me that I should probably change Ketch's contact name in my phone. Right now, it's just that Ketch – which isn't exactly good. Because if Sam happened to be nosy and look over, I would be dead meat.

>Ketch: Just go into the hotel. Monster is about a mile from here. Is this a wrong time to ask you to sneak out?

I try to hide my smile as I set my phone on my book, thinking of a reply.

>Not a wrong time, but for the record, I haven't driven anywhere since I've been back.

His reply makes it really hard not to smile. That or it's just him.

>Ketch: That is one depressing piece of information.


>Ketch: I'll just have to bring you with me next time.

I chuckle softly, hiding my smile behind my hand.

>I guess so

>Ketch: No mention of the brothers? I'm surprised.

I furrow my eyebrows.

>Well with Mick sending them new hunts every five seconds, I'm sure they're going to be busy for a while

>Ketch: Ah, the tall one finally told you.

They're both tall. Taller than me. But okay.

>You knew?

>Ketch: Of course I knew

>And you didn't think I'd wanna know?

I'm not mad, I'm more messing with him, but still. Even if he had told me, I wouldn't have come home and went straight to Sam and asked him what the hell was up with him. I would've kept it quiet.

>Ketch: In case you haven't noticed, I can't do a lot of talking when you're around. You keep me quite busy.

I snicker.

>Fair. But back to what you said, yeah he finally told us

>Ketch: Dean wasn't aware either, I presume?

"What are you glaring at that book for?"

I look up to find Dean looking at me, beer bottle pressed to his lips and eyebrows raised. I open my mouth to answer, but Sam speaks before I can.

"It's her phone, not a book."

I can hear the teasing look on his face before I see it. I discreetly click my phone off, turning my head to glare at Sam, but he's grinning.

better man/worse than nicotine » arthur ketchWhere stories live. Discover now