twenty-four: the pleasure was all mine.

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A/N: Just to clear some confusion some readers on AO3 had about this chapter (this will all be explained in a greater detail in the coming chapters I promise), this Joy does not remember her brothers. Or anything. She believes she is an only child, and an independent hunter who has never met Sam or Dean in her life. Short version: Ketch had Lady Bevell (you'll meet her) wipe Joy's memory because he knew her brothers and friends were the only thing holding her back.

The first thing I feel when I wake is pain. Pain in my head, for the most part. I have a raging headache.

            I manage to push myself up on my elbows, my eyes refusing to open because of the bright light in the ceiling blaring down on me.

            I pinch the bridge of my nose. "Mm, god—"

            As if he himself heard my prayers, the light in the room shuts off. My eyes are able to open now, glancing around the now dimly lit room. It's not god, though, it's a doctor.

            She has a smile on her face, her hand falling down from the light switch and resting at her side. The light has lessened my headache a great deal, but the throbbing pain is still persistent on my forehead.

            A noticeably harsh pain shoots through my eyes, causing me to fall back on the bed, both hands covering my forehead.

            I hear the rush of the doctor's footsteps over to the side of my bed.

            "Is everything alright?"

            "Does it look like it?" I groan. "God, that was rude. Do you have any painkillers?" I pause to chuckle. "Or whiskey? I feel like I've got one hell of a hangover."

            "Your solution to a hangover is more alcohol?"

            My eyes widen. "You're British. Am I in England again?"

            She shakes her head, adjusting one last thing on the machine next to me before pressing and holding a button. She turns to me, grabbing my right hand and checking the port.

            There's an IV. In my hand.

            "The pain medication should begin to help soon," she pauses, letting go of my hand. "My name is Dr. Paige. You're at the British Men of Letters compound—"

            I tilt my head. "I thought the Men of Letters was a myth?"

            She smiles. "That is how most people see us, but I assure you, we are not a myth." She moves to the sink off to the side, beginning to wash her hands. "And thank goodness, too. If Mr. Ketch had not found you when he did, you might not be here."

            Ketch... Why does that name sound so familiar? "Can I see him?" I blurt, blinking slowly.

            Dr. Paige studies my face. "When you wake. You need rest. But when you wake, remind me and I will have him pay you a visit."

            I nod, my head falling back on the pillow. The throbbing is gone, now replaced with overwhelming drowsiness that is no doubt brought on by the pain killers.

            Just before I drift completely off, I feel the name surface fully: Arthur Ketch.


The next time I wake, it is to Dr. Paige at the machine by my bedside.

            She smiles apologetically. "I didn't mean to wake you."

            "S'okay," I yawn. "How long did I sleep?"

            She glances at her watch. "Around three hours. Are you feeling better?"

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