fourteen: i understand...because i've been there.

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Ketch drops me off back at the bunker, speeding away quickly just in case my brothers are home. I make a promise to call him later tonight, but he said he would call me since he isn't sure what time he'll be done with the hunt. I tell him to be careful. And as usual, he laughs at me.

The bunker is empty when I make it inside, having to flick the lights on myself. I check my phone for any messages, finding one from Sam about thirty minutes ago.

>Sasquatch: Got a definite lead. Should be back later tonight hopefully with Kelly.

I breathe a sigh of relief. Thank goodness.

>Awesome. Did you let Mick in on it?

I chuckle to myself as I hit send. I stuff my phone in my back pocket, heading into the kitchen in search of some food. Ketch and I didn't have time to eat unfortunately.

My phone buzzes when I'm at the fridge.

>Sasquatch: I did, yeah.

>Did you tell Dean?

>Sasquatch: Not exactly

I laugh, shutting the fridge door. We're out. Of basically everything. There's some dinner leftover from last night, but I'll eat later. I'm not that hungry right now anyway.

>He'll live. You think she'll come back here?

>Sasquatch: Hoping so. Dean might not give her a choice

>Fair enough. I'll get a room set up for her

>Sasquatch: Thanks sis. I'll let you know when we're headed back

>Okay. See you soon

I walk down the hall to the empty room next to Cas's, opening the door. It's the only one left with the biggest bed – a full, I think – and I want Kelly to have it.

I place my phone on the dresser, moving it back a little so the speaker will project my music further through the room while I clean it up a little.

The linens are in the closet, and it takes no time to make the bed. I grab extra pillows from the other spare rooms and place them on the bed.

I clean the mirror, dust having been collecting on it for some time now. The dressers are all empty, but I make sure to put extra blankets in the bottom nightstand drawers.

Despite everything, I'm hoping Kelly agrees to come back here. We can protect her from Dagon, from everything. I can help, Eileen can help. Make sure she's comfortable when it's time for her baby to be born.

I just want her to let us help her.

But every time I think about it, I understand why she doesn't want our help. Because I've been there before. And I made a stupid deal because of it.

I need a drink. That's it.

I leave the door to Kelly's room open, the lamp on her nightstand on as well. Just to let things air out and hopefully feel more home-like when she gets here.

I sit in the library with my beer, reading up on more Lore about Nephilims. Because there's still hope in me that there is some way we can let Kelly have her baby and keep her safe as well. There has to be some way.


What feels like ages and two books of Lore later, I hear the bunker door opening. Nearly scrambling from my seat, I run into the map room, looking expectantly among my brothers and Eileen.

better man/worse than nicotine » arthur ketchWhere stories live. Discover now