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he thought about that blonde guy the whole night when he went 'to sleep'

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he thought about that blonde guy the whole night when he went 'to sleep'. he is home now, he couldnt even sleep at home after his night shift ended. 'why cant i just stop thinking about him' he thought.

he was going on a night shift. again. because his other co-worker was sick. he was sick again. seungmin gets sick pretty often. maybe he is too sensitive indeed. he used to say that. changbin put his black (of course) hat on, and left the building where he lives. as usual, the little cat was waiting for him. she is always there for him. changbin sometimes stops and sits on a bench with the little cat and talks with her about his problems. because she will always listen what he says and will never judge him, like the others did. he would talk for hours and not get tired. sometimes he buys some treats for her. this is all he can do to thank her for always being there for him.

as he arrived at work, his other co-worker, chan, was about to leave. 'what took you so long? i have an important meeting and i really dont wanna be so late' he said, almost shouting. he could be 'wild' sometimes, but he is a good guy. 'uh, sorry. the bus didnt arrive and it was kinda crowded' and changbin lied again. of course he stopped and talked a bit with his little friend. 'a bit' until he saw how late he was for work. 'i guess, its okay. but make sure you wont be late again next time, i mean its not a problem but if i have something important to do then.' 'i wont be late! ill try...' he always says that, and chan always forgets him, because as i said, he is actually a good guy.

time passed by and it was already like 10pm. changbin just thought about life in general, while the radio was on, playing 'softcore' by the neighbourhood. his favorite song. and then the blonde guy's image suddenly came in his mind.  'why am i still thinking about him. i wouldnt see him again anyway. he wouldnt ever come again to this market after yesterday. and its really late right now...'

right when he was about to fall asleep, the door opened, and a blonde guy entered. it was him. it really was him.

'hello.' he said while looking at changbin, with a blank face.

'h-hello.' said changbin, a bit shocked. no. not just a bit. he was so shocked. like why would that cute guy come again there.

'the soap... is still there?' he asked, kinda shy. unexpected. changbin nodded, and he started blushing. why would he blush anyway. good that the blonde guy couldnt see him blushing, it was kinda dark there. changbin loves dark, even though if he's alone in the dark he gets scared immediately. he likes just one light to be turned one. just one. so he can fall asleep easily. or just because he loves dark. or both.


         remember changlix?

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         remember changlix?

                   changlix now

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                   changlix now.

fEEL oLd yEt?

i had to do this i really love this gif  (✿◠‿◠)

hope you like this chapter even tho its shitty but i had this cute idea with the little cat while scrooollling on tumblr lmao.

see you later (▰˘◡˘▰)


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