Chapter one

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Aurora ashford is NOT a hero. She's more than that. She's the embodiment of development and journeying into the depths of the unknown.

When my night went off to a rocky start with me spilling orange juice, I was sure that it was going to be a terrible next few days. Unsurprisingly, the night ended with losing my best friend. For good? Only God knew, but the orange juice was definitely a bad omen.

The murmur of the television and the soft drumming of my heartbeat in the background were the only sounds accompanying me at midnight, 12th of November.

I had a cup of cold orange juice wrapped in one hand and a notebook begging to be used for revision in the other.

It was far too easy to stay awake to watch Netflix instead of completing my essay. Time spent deciding on whether I should procrastinate or watch Netflix took longer than actually completing one of the two.

My thoughts were cut off at the sound of my phone, so violently that I spilt half of my cup onto the sofa.

"Sh-!" I murmured, licking remnants off of my hand.

Slamming the cup and notebook onto the coffee table, I rapidly pulled out my phone to answer it. I stared at the screen, wandering if I had the option to decline it.


Thomas may have been my soulmate, my best friend or whatever the kids called it nowadays but I wasn't in the best frame of mind to listen.

My finger lingered over the decline button but I decided not to let my satanic vibes win and reluctantly answered the call."So, you ran out of films to watch?" I asked grumpily.

"I'm happy that you think so little of me." He joked.

I sighed deeply, "When have I ever been your priority over your swimming pool, Xbox and movie room?" I quickly added, "What made you think I would be up anyway?"

Thomas was undoubtedly rich but if I had the guts and greed, I'd ask him to purchase me a few years worth of Netflix so that didn't have to end up with a bankcard balance going into overdraft.

"Stop that. You are my priority. And besides, I knew you were awake. I could practically smell you staying up to rewatch supernatural."

"Tell me why you called, you cunt."

Although annoyed, I smiled, understanding why he, or anyone for that matter could find me so irritating. Was I funny? No. But that's precisely what made people laugh.

"Ten years of friendship.'d think you would have learned better insults than that. Anyway...I need the wise warlock's advice."

I glanced up at our living room clock. It was 12:32am. Only God knew if I was suitable enough to give him advice at this time of day."Well, if you end up jumping off the bridge because my advice was so good, don't blame me."

"I just need an ear to listen...It's just that I've been doing something I know I shouldn't have. It-"

"Ahhh um THOMAS PLEASE keep this PG JESUS-"

Thomas laughed out loud, objecting my comment,"Ar- YO- you actually think I'd spill my guts to you about shit like that? Please, I love you but not THAT MUCH, JESUS. I just called because I needed to talk."

I turned the volume down on the TV, "What happened Tom?"

There was a sudden shout in the background and Thomas paused. My question remained unanswered.
"Shit-" he murmured.

"Thomas-I swear if that's your mom and dad I'm coming over there to sound proof your doors because I'd rather not be traumatised-"

"IT'S NOT THEM JESUS. THAT WAS GLASS SHATTERING," He yelled, and suddenly the conversation was no longer funny.
He whispered something inaudiable, then shuffled around before leaving me in silence. Was he pranking me?

"Thomas, I really don't have time to deal with your pranks," I admitted, opening up my notebook to finally begin  my revision.

There was another guttural shout followed by a smash from afar and I felt myself begin to panic.

I fumbled off of the sofa and bit my lip so fiercely that it might have drawn blood: was he in danger? Or was I dreaming ?
"Thomas?! Thomas what happened? Are you okay?! FOR GOD'S SAKE SPEAK TO ME!"

"Aurora, it's all okay, DO not try anything–"

The line went dead. All I could hear was the endless hum of the phone line.
My heartbeat had sped up, sweat trickled down the sides of my face and I felt - what I believed to be- my dinner slowly rise up my throat.

I slid the phone off my cheek which was hot from my grasp and sent my brother Armie a message to phone the police. He was rattling around upstairs and so I knew he was awake.

Call the police and tell them to go to Thomas's if I don't reply in 10. Don't ask stupid questions. I'm going there NOW.

With that, I stumbled out of the front door with my dads car keys. I didn't have a minute to contemplate if I'd rather be lectured because every second I wasted could be lethal.

I didn't remember the door closing behind me as I rushed out of the house, into the cold, autumn air. The rush of wind hit my face, suddenly making me gasp for breath, yet I somehow didn't care.

Three driving lessons. That was all. Time for them to shine.

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