Chapter 22

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Despite the scolding I got for calling him Lucifer,We had come to a final agreement.
Luca would hire them as his employees but under the condition that they wouldn't spend unusually long hours around the house.

I took Luca's silence as an usher to help myself feel at home.
The halls were endless, one room after the other and as I wandered down them, I was questioning the necessity of buying such a big house if you were planning on staying there alone.

I selected a cosy, darkly painted room that had a whole shelf of withering books and nook in the left hand corner. It was just my kind of room and the books would keep me distracted.

It was mine for God knew how long so I had to make it feel like mine.
My hand was already stroking the backbones of the books, deciding on a book to read.

If you could see me now. I carefully pulled it out of the shelf, coughing at the sudden release of dust.

My chest was heaving up and down, sore again which suggested that the painkillers had worn out. I'd need them soon.

Luca found me after my bedroom adoption and discovered me reading.

I glanced at him in confusion but he brushed the conversation away before abnormally asking if I had anything I needed desperately.

"Painkillers, maybe some new bandages, antiseptic, slippers, clothes, tissue and oil."

He squinted, "The correct answer was 'No, nothing thank you very much I'm good' But I'll purchase you items worth $60, your highness."

I rolled my eyes, "Thats your fault for giving me no warning"

I was unaware of how fast time had passed until Luca had called me.

His voice echoed through the hall and I immediately scrambled to the stairs, hoping he would announce a dinner. A feast. A lovely cuisine or whatever rich people ate.


"I'm going out, do yourself a favour and feed yourself when you get hungry"

I grunted, dismantled,"You mean do YOU a favour and feed myself."

Luca blinked several times and turned around to head towards the door.
His expression read whatever works to shut you up.

I sprinted down the stairs and grabbed a jacket that was hung on the rack.

His hand reached towards the door handle but at the sight of me putting on his jacket, as if I was deciding to invite myself to wherever he was going, he paused and shut his eyes in annoyance.
"At what point did I say you could come, exactly?"

"Just now."

He sighed,"You just CANNOT come. Good gods, you can barely walk."

I can come.
There it was, the echo in my head. I was perceiving. Again.

No, I wasnt about to risk my life staying alone in a supernaturally talented beings house. Anyone could come for him at any time of the evening especially if they found out I was in it.

"I'm coming. I don't want to die because someone came to hunt you but found me instead."

Luca's cheeks tinted rosy, wanting to argue but he couldn't bring himself to and grunted, "Stay"

"IF you hadn't noticed, I'm not a dog, Lucifer."

Despite him slamming the door in my face, yet again, I pulled it right back open and followed him.

His big strides left me far behind and I began to jog- trying to keep up.

We finally turned out of the enormously long road, and into the main city streets. Amongst hundreds of people, or so it felt, I had the urge to cling onto the hem of Luca's shirt before I had gotten myself lost but I resisted, to avoid giving him the satisfaction.

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