Chapter 21

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I wasn't able to decipher what Luca meant and squinted at him in confusion. He let out an low, intimidating chuckle that was at the same time hotter than you could ever imagine,

Shut your dirty trap Aurora.

"I've already read deep into your head. You're a perceiver" he stated calmly.

For a second, I thought about what he said. Read into my head? If what he said was true, did he just hear me call him hot?

I let out a laugh,"Perceiver of what? Your lies?"
Although it was a joke it as though I was quite correct.

He raised his eyebrow and smirked,"Exactly."

I was waiting for my body to tell me he was lying, but I felt nothing, not even a pinch. Maybe the ability he was raving on about disappeared and I could no longer tell a lie a from a truth?

My silence edged him to clarify,"After the accident I think somehow something started to come back to you...Infact... I think you had an ability before..."

I shook my head,"What the HELL are you talking about?"

I searched my head for any clues: he wasn't lying. "You're doing it again- looking for lies that come of my mouth."
I was speechless. A Perceiver, or whatever he called it. A supernatural talent he says.

"That's crazy. Supernatural talent is non existent."

He sighed, "Well, I wouldn't say it is purely based on luck. If you have supernatural in your blood you need to have the ability to control it. Take you for example-in your...old must've learned how to deduce people. That's why you're already off on a head start. It usually takes people years to become as...adequate as you are."

I shook my head, slapping my head with my palms over and over, "This is impossible. This isn't happening. WHAT OLD LIFE?"

"Thomas Is going to be searching for you so you need to leave. I mean like right now." He continued, becoming unsettled at my presence.

"I still don't trust you, despite what my head says. I don't even know anything about you or Thomas. So before anything happens you tell me FIRST before I move a step out of here"

Luca groaned."Take a seat and shut up."

Until he suggested it, I didn't once think I needed to sit down. I must've stood up halfway through the heated debate in order to compose myself.

It had barely been a week since I was in a car crash, so there was no surprise as to why I was constantly exhausted and dizzy.

I calmly sat on the kitchen chair and watched him, ignoring his insult. He didn't open his mouth, all I remembered was a hand leaning over and two cold fingers touching the side of my head. A gasp escaped me and I closed my eyes tightly.

I was standing i from if two boys.
Not any two boys, Thomas- how I remembered him when we were 16, and Luca.

Both brothers were facing each other, staring into one another's eyes, the similar green eyes you would kill for.
"See? I got it fair and square baby brother." Luca said, arms folded.

Thomas, eyes watery, looked at his brother with pleading eyes.
"He said one more chance and I'm out, please. Don't"

Luca broke eye contact with Thomas-unable to deal with his desperate eyes.
Thomas with his puppy dog eyes; it could steal your whole soul with a simple glance.

Yet I didn't expect Luca to be a gentle Luca . After seeing him be quite the opposite it was hard to accept that he was once a softie.

The door clicked open a few minutes later revealing Mr Haddon.

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