Chapter 39

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Bonjour reader❤️

Read carefully- I know there's a lot of drama here 😭😂but you will thank me later for the tea.

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I waited for Thomas to look at me. Just once more so he could see how angry and betrayed I felt.

As if it was going to restore things, Thomas added, "We've used science to aid us in our journey to mastering our talents. I  have been trained  for years and we hope you embrace this opportunity to fund the children out there with these special abilities. Look at mind readers for example- they can stop perpetrators in a police force so don't tell me that isn't promising."

The crowd didn't pay attention. After he dropped the bomb, all they could do was fire question after question.

I watched as Thomas slowly went down into the crowd with his security encircling him protectively. I watched on the big screen as he walked up to an elderly lady and whispered something to her. He stepped back, moved to the next young man and did the same thing. The crowd suddenly fell silent as both gasped in shock.

My head turned from the screen momentarily, as I heard car doors slam shut from a few yards away.


Luca, Jared and Kali stepped out, furious and flustered. I lost my track of my thoughts for a few seconds but quickly composed myself as I realised I should get away before they spotted me.
I waded into the crowd, muttering apologies as I accidentally nudged others.
Please don't see me.

I glanced back up at the screen to where Kali was pointing out, face red with anger.

"H-he's telling the truth. He read my mind." The old lady said, clearly into the cameras. She was on the verge of crying, tears welling up her eyes.

Thomas made a quick announcement, "If you doubt me, ladies and gentlemen, all you need to do is find me and I will show you this world."

"Who does he think he is? Jesus?" Someone cried, laughs following closely behind

Several people stepped forward curiously and Thomas' guards shook their heads, guiding Thomas out of the crowds to safety.

I started to push through crowds to reach the tent to where Thomas was taken, hoping that the three wouldn't see me from afar.

"Watch where you're fucking going sweetheart! You fucking knocked into me!" Yelled a drunkard, shoving me back.

I apologised quietly, hoping to avoid any trouble but he began to get frustrated, "Where's the apology? Oh look she's VIP! One of those idiots like HADDON. Thinking that the world is for him to conquer. We have no homes and he wants the government to fund kids who have powers!"

I opened my mouth, getting sweaty and terrified. A few camera men turned their heads towards the unfolding scene.
Click. Click.
The shutters clicked, and the lights flashed in my eyes, blinding me.

"Are you supernatural too? Prove it!" The drunkard continued, and I suddenly felt myself falling.
I felt something painful graze the side of my face as I slammed my eyes shut to shield them from the lights.

"Move away or I will fine every single one of you,  $1000 for attending a speech that was set up with BRIBERY!" A familiar voice yelled over the animalistic group of drunkards surrounding me.

A pair of sturdy arms wrapped around me and hauled me from the ground.

I pried my eyes open , finding Luca right in front of me both of his arms around me.

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