Chapter 13

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We were standing outside of Luca's house. The alleged brother of  Thomas Haddon's. Jared must've been as nervous as Armie and I, for he was chewing his lip with force and tapping his foot impatiently as we stood there.

The house was not a house but a mansion'. An estate. Hell. I was in such awe of the heavily decorated outside and the beautiful facade of rose bushes trailing up to the front door that Armie's stupid comment caught me off guard.
"What if he is the kidnapper?" Armie suggested, pushing to the front and pressing the doorbell.

"Shut up Armie." I sighed, regaining my balance.

"Don't tell me to shut up! Can't you tell I don't want to be here?"
Before I had the chance to make a remark the door finally opened.

Through the small gap between Jared and Armie, I looked at the man or God who opened the door. I thought my eyes were deceiving me. It was the same dark hair and the perfectly sculpted face. It was the eyes that gave it away. Luca Haddon had deep sea blue eyes but my Thomas had sky blue ones.
His sharp, slightly husky voice questioned us,"And you are?"

"Your interrogators," Armie replied making Jared elbow him on the side as a warning to keep it quiet.

"He means people who are curious to get information in a completely, utterly harmless way." Jared corrected, nudging Armie out of his way to hold out his hand to Luca.

I was nervously concealing myself behind the pair of them, letting them have the conversation.
Luca looked at Jared's hand and rolled his eyes,"Goodbye." Just as he was about to shut the door, Jared interceded the closing door with his arm.

"We need to talk. You don't have a choice." Jared pulled out his police ID, hoping to stir him. Luca did not flinch but simply stared at the ID in fascination.

After a moment, Luca's mouth opened abruptly with a gasp,"I can make you go away Jared McAdams. All I need to do is make one phone call."
Oh. A powerful being. So it ran in the family.

Jared simply laughed,"I can put you behind bars."

Luca smirked,"Do it. Won't be much use."

My heart skipped a beat at his simple but effective sentence.
Jared reached to his back pocket to hold the gun but Luca invited 'us' in, warning 'us' not to even breathe.
But it was my mistake to think he meant "US" and not just Jared and Armie.

It would be more pleasurable to admit it was on purpose but he hadn't noticed me standing behind the two, towering giants we like to call men, hence my painful contact with the doors moment later.

I screamed out in pain and retreated from the door. As it slammed off of my face, it bounced off of me and hit the side of Luca's jaw.

He let out a 'GARRRHH' in pain and opened the door again, this time acknowledging and frantically analysing me.

"What are you doing there woman?" He hissed, hand caressing his 'damaged' jaw. "My jaw!"

I scoffed, "HEY! It's not my fault you're BLIND. And... YOUR jaw? What about MY bleeding nose!?"
I was stood there, wincing in pain whilst he stood like a God, dramatising his scratch.

Armie came back to the door and rolled onto the floor, unable to breathe. I kicked him right where it hurts,"Stop laughing you dickhead."

My hand was on my nose, holding it before the blood spooled out onto the expensive, laminated floors. I was far too busy complaining about my nose to intake the rest of the space.

Luca ushered us to his gigantic living room, clearly not seeing fit to apologise for almost knocking me unconscious. I didn't have the guts to make a retort, instead sat on the sofa and bled out in nausea. The strength a single man could have was astonishing.

I sat down on the sofa, trying not to move or trigger blood to slip from my nose. Armie and Jared were opposite me, joking about my contact with the door, though the event happened six minutes before.

Luca came back into the room with two packs of ice. One that he handed to me, and one apparently for himself. I snatched it out of his hand and rammed it into my nose, momentarily flinching at the sudden coolness.

Ice pressed against his jaw, Luca glanced at Jared and waited for him to start explaining. Jared exchanged glances with me. I nodded with approval.
"Your brother, Thomas, and your parents have gone missing. Did you notice at all? Do you have any information that might even, you know, help us?"

Luca raised his eyebrows taking a moment to think about it,"What a shame. It's their own fault since I don't associate with them anymore."

The three of us tried not to jump up with several thousand squeals of excitement. Luca had effortlessly admitted that Thomas was indeed his brother and that was the main reason we went to him.

Jared moved to the edge of his seat, trying to greedily pry out more information,"Who do you believe they might've got in trouble with?"

He sighed looking at Jared, "I haven't spoken to them in years. He most likely ran away for his own selfish reasons so don't get the wrong idea."
He continued after letting his gaze fall on me, "If you think hard enough you will find that you actually know what's happening."

I was as confused as Armie and Jared.
Luca continued to gape at me and I gulped, averting my gaze, "I don't...I wish I did."

"So you don't want to tell us. Fine." Jared cut in, standing up.

"I would tell you if I knew. I need my brother back so he can pay off his life debt."

Armie, clearly bored out of his mind, took a stroll around the room to admire the unique artefacts, "Life debt? Who are you people? Jesus."

Luca noticed immediately and snapped at Armie, "Don't TOUCH that!"
Armie's hand jumped back from the literally butt naked angel ornament standing up on the desk and went straight back into his pocket, caught red handed.

Luca returned to the conversation,"As I was saying, officer, I do not know his whereabouts and would appreciate if you left me in my humble abode to contemplate my life."

He paused, looking at Armie, "Be sure to remove of this imbecile on your way out"

I smirked, at least I wasn't the only one to see Armie for what he was. An imbecile.

Jared sighed, "I'm going to have to check your home Mr Haddon."

Luca chuckled, "If I'm correct, you don't have a warrant and have been asked not to interfere with his disappearance,"

Jared laughed lazily, " If I'm correct about 2 minutes ago, you claimed not to have known of his disappearance until I told you."

I'd expected Luca to be caught in that second but he continued, "What makes you think I didn't know?"

"So there, you know of it so Its rational for me to interrogate you and want to search you." Jared returned, flailing his arms in the air.

Luca had had enough, "Good luck finding any dirt."

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