Chapter 15

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It was possible to use my 'friendship' with Luca as a way to reach Thomas, if he was out there. Yes, that was my excuse to talk to him. Thomas.

He immediately felt my presence and moved his head slightly, giving me a lovely view of the side of his head.

"HEY, NICE TO MEETYOU-" I blurted, stopping and correcting myself, "Again-UH. YEAH."
By the confusion on his face, I realised I must've sounded like I was blabbering nonsense.

"Who are you again?"

It was, as much as I'd hate to admit, acceptable that he didn't recognise me."I-I'm Aurora, i came to your house yesterday with Jared McAdams."

He finally turned his whole body around and skimmed his eyes over my whole body. I may have even peed myself just a little at his whole body scan.

His stare was cold, hard and fierce. There was a slight trickle of sweat falling down the side of my face, the air getting mysteriously hotter whilst I stood there, gawping.

"Well the lot of you pissed me off so it's not nice to meet you again. And you, YOU, you broke my jaw!"

My nerves evaporating, I folded my arms, no one insulted me and got away with it," At least I put on a fake smile and pretended it was nice to meet you again. Besides, you are a grown man, stop whining about your jaw when my nose went through a traumatic 20 hours."
I could hear my mental audience applauding me for my comeback and I smirked childishly.

He raised his eyebrows, possibly a little thrown off by my response,"You know it's nice to meet me again. I'm rich, you can get some cash out of me- what else could one want?"
His voice lowered down a little and he swirled his wine around in the glass, speaking as though he was speaking to himself.

In return I choked- realising I was small compared to him. Small bank account, under control and not as well built.

A sentence formed in my head, to reply to his rude reply however my voice cracked, blurting out a non sensical sentence to which he replied,
"What?" The right side of his lip was raised in confusion.

I shook my head in response and looked down in embarrassment.

He turned his head away, showing no interest. That was the end of it I guessed and pivoted to stalk away, but he made a comment that confused me more than my blabbering.

"If Thomas looked close enough, he would've seen the potential."

Whatever that was suppose to mean.

"I need your name." He demanded, taking a sip of his drink.

I blinked. Once. Twice. Three times. Hard and in shock,," Sorry...I think I am failing to understand here. Are you-are you asking for my name?" I replied sarcastically.

He let out a low laugh that made my heart race.

"Perhaps ask me nicely, and I'll respond?" I suggested, tapping my chin with my acrylic nails.

"Fine, What's your name, salty?"

It was annoying but I gave in,"Aurora Ashford. Also known as the baddest bitch in the wizarding world."

"Luca, not to be messed with "

"I figured."

"I'll make sure up you end up in hell, Aurora."
My heart skipped a beat for no good reason, his voice made me panic but I whirled and walked away, smirking.

Aurora Where stories live. Discover now