chapter 2

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Riley's POV

*4 years later*

Its been 4 years since my parents were on our living room floor, bloody with no pulse. About a year after they died, I started training. I also built a secret room in our house in the woods. I used the money from the safe to get the materials that were needed. It was slightly difficult since I was 13, but I did it anyways. Now it holds a ton of guns, and a medium sized safe with all the money. There was no room for anything such as a chair in there. There were shelves and cabinets covering the walls completely. As well as a counter in the middle that had the bullets and knives, the counter reached almost the entire length of the room, with only enough space on the ends for me to walk through. Then I only had small hand guns, and pocket knives. Now? I have AR-15's, AK-47's, and many.. many.. many.. more. my favorite are the desert eagles that I keep with me at all times. They stay in my waist band and never leave.. Honestly I even sleep with them. Along with the guns I have swords, boot knives, combat knives, and to many more to list. I have several of each. I have enough bullets to load each gun separately about 10 times... yea I know why would a 16 year old need enough weapons to gear up a small army? Well that's because I'm not any normal 16 year old. I have a huge secret. Soph knows already because she saw me one day when I came home all bloody..

Well let me tell you... It started when I was 13, a little after I finished making the secret room. I had started street fighting, and had caught the eye of one of the people in the crowd.

*Flash back*

I am standing in the ring just about to finish off my opponent. I walk around while he stumbles to keep up with my movement. "Finish him!" one of the people in the crowd shouts. I turn and look at the crowd and a smirk crosses my features. My opponent charged at me from behind and instead of hitting him, I just moved to the side and watched as he fell over the railing of the ring and plummet to the floor.. The ref went over and talked to him in a hushed voice so I couldn't hear, but I knew he was asking if he could get up. So far I am the champion and have people coming from all over to fight me. But I never lose. I can't. If I lose then what am I fighting for. If I lose then I disappoint Soph, and with just that thought I always push forward and win. She is what keeps me going.

The ref comes up and stands next to me and faces the crowd. "THE WINNER IS THE QUEEN!" He declares. With that I walk out the ring and grab my money, 5,000. Yes this is normal. I only come here a few nights a week. No one knows my true name. The only thing they call me is "The Queen". That's because the first time I came in I had wore a hoodie that said "Queen Bitch". I went and grabbed my things, putting my money in my backpack and went towards the exit. I was close to the exit when I heard someone call me. "Queen!" a deep voice called. I stopped and turned around. "What?" I asked in a deadly tone, I need to get back to Sophia. "You're a killer." I huffed and turned around starting to walk again. "Wait! I want you to do something for me!" The stranger called. I turned around laughing. "I don't do shit for others. What the hell do you want. I got places to be." I seethed. He gulped and handed me a picture. It was of some older man. It looked as if it was taken far away. He was dealing a small bag of white powder which I realized was drugs on one of the streets on the other side of town. "What am I doing with this?" I said turning it over to see a address on it. "I want him dead." He said in a forced calm tone. I looked up and raise my eyebrows. "And?" I asked. "I want you to kill him. I know you can and I need someone no one knows. I will pay you half a million to kill him." He finished.

After thinking I agreed, he gave me a burner phone and I walked home thinking about how I was going to do it. The next time I tucked Sophia in bed and went to get more guns and a few knives. Once I left the house and went to the address, and saw it littered with guards. I put on a silencer and started shooting the guards down. I didn't want anyone alive to know what I looked like. Once everyone in the house was dead, I walked into the office the original target was in and looked him in the eye and shot him between his eyes. The entire time I was trying to figure out why I took the deal and wasn't paying attention to what I was doing. I pulled the burner phone out of my back pocket, took a picture and sent it to the stranger who hired me. He sent back a address for me to go to and pick up the money. With that I left. The next thing I knew there was word going around that there was a new assassin and they called "him" Death. Because in the picture was a paper that had a big red stamp on it that read exactly that, "Death."

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