Chapter 7

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Carter's POV

I fall to the ground, tired and sore. "Alright everybody go shower and head home!" Coach yells. I continue to lay on the ground a few more minutes before I get up and head to the showers with everyone else. Once I've finished my business I walk out and slip on my cloths. I'm wearing blue jeans, with a black T-shirt, and my leather jacket. Almost everyone else has left, so I head outside to my car. Where I see Mark on the trunk typing away on his computer.

"MARK!" I holler to get his attention. His head snaps to me for a split second before I snaps right back to his computer. I roll my eyes at his behavior as I walk up to him. The other guys a wrestling around in the parking lot, "Any progress on the girl?" I ask as I look over at his screen. His screen is covered is different symbols, numbers, and letter. It looks as if someone ate every symbol, letter, and number and than threw it up on his screen, how does he do this crap.

"I got the basics, but when I went to look further I hit a wall. And a damn big one! I have been at it all practice and I've barely made a dent!" He exclaims. I draw my eyebrows together at the information he just gave me. What is she hiding? "Alright well keep working on it, do the best you can. And show me the basics you got." I say as I unlock my car.

"Alright.." Mike begins as I step back from my car to look at him. Everyone else has stopped and is listening as well. "Her name is Riley Taylors, She has blonde hair blue eyes, she's 18, 5'8, She has a baby sister whos name is Sophia Taylors, she's 6 years old, blonde hair, green eyes, and she about 4 foot. Her parents have not been seen since a break in a few months after Sophia was born. Hold on I am just now getting their names." He says as he continues to type. Hmm so she has lived a pretty basic life, so what is she hiding? Why so much trouble to hid her past? All of a sudden Mark eyes go wide and he sets his laptop beside him, jumps off my car, runs to his and drives off without any explanation.

Confusion etches across my face as I watch him drive off. All of a sudden Jasper's breath catches. I look over and hes looking at Marks computer. "Everyone leave now." He commands. "Excuse me?" I ask while everyone leaves. He takes a deep breath and turns the computer to face me. I walk up to it and looked at the screen. "That's why her last name sounded familiar. She the daughter of the leaders of the red dragon." I said in almost a whisper. "But they don't have kids? No one has ever seen them around any kids.. EVER." Jasper says just as low, and emphasizing the last word. Hes right no ones ever seen them with kids. "We find her, and we find her now! I have a few questions." I say as I get in my car. Jasper grabs the computer and gets in too. Once the doors close I speed out and to the gang house. I will find her, but right now I need to talk to dad.

Riley's POV

Once I got Sophia changed, she told me she didn't want to stay so I took her home. Mainly cause I didn't want to go back either. I almost let myself go back there. That cant happen again. Once we got home, Sophia took a bath and laid down. Apparently come girl spilled the milk on her, and Soph doesn't think it was a accident. Which I agree, I mean it was on her head, come on now, we all know it was on purpose. Anyways, we are home now and Soph is laying down. I am now scrolling through the internet. Soon a email popped up. "Kill the dark knights and I will pay you 1 billion U.S. dollars." from anonymous. Well shit ok.. "Send the money here.." With that I sent a link to my account and logged off my laptop.

I got up and went to Soph's room. Once I walked in, I saw her sound asleep on her bed. Gosh she's so adorable. My beautiful little princess. I wrote a note and taped it to her wall next to her. Then I kissed her forehead and left. I geared up, I put on my black jacket, it covers most of my body an paired with my black leggings/jeans, you cant tell who I am. The back has small cuts all the way down my back, showing off my tattoo. My black wings, it is a tale-tell sign so they know who is attacking them. It also covers all of my weapons beautifully. Once finished gearing up, I hop into my 2008 "Black" Ferrari F430 Spider. The only one I ever use for my jobs.

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