chapter 5

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Riley's POV

So the day after I finished setting up the house (which took like 3 total days to finallu habe everything the way i wanted it, including the security, rooms, and small things. The security took the longest... Probably cause i set up remote control guns that were pointed at all doors, windows, and any other entrance to the house and every entrance to everyroom, along with cameras that covered every inch of my property. Yes its a lot, but if you didn't know it was all there, then you would never know, hell evem if someone finds out, you can't see them.
     Anyways, once it was set up, we moved in. Sophia squeled as she ran through the rooms. And I swear she squeled even louder when she saw her room, what can I say she's my little princess. But that was the other day, today is my first day at the school.
     And yes I'm the quiet girl, I don't talk unless I have to. Like I dont even talk to the teachers. Yea I know ita like im mute but normally people stay away from me. Hopefully the kids here will to. Maybe I can be a different person here, since my parents were... Yeah... I dont really talk unless it's to soph or one of her friends/teachers. When I helped the man 2 years ago, that was the most I talked to anyone other than Sophia. Shocker right! Lol Anywaysssss time to get up.

I woke up a hour ago, a hour before I had to. And it put me in a bad mood. I finally rolled out of the bed, stopping my alarm clock before ot went off and annoyed me even more. Once I was out of bed, i hopped in the shower and did my daily routine. Once out i put on black skinny jeans, a black tank top, a leather jacket and some black Adidas. Yeah im gonna start new and be the real me, the me thats happy.
Once I was dressed I left my hair down and walked down stairs. Sophia was already at the table looking through her school supplies. I let out a chuckle and she turned around. The sight of her cleared my mood instantly. She put her hands on her hips amd gave me her best glare, "what took you so long?! Im hungry." She said trying to sound mad. She ended up whining at the end, and i giggled at her. I scooped her up and set her on the kitchen island.  Once she was set, I turned around and started making pancakes. Once we finished eating and cleaned out plates, we walked out.
  Yesterday I went and got a my race cars and brought them over to this house. I have quiet racing and street fighting and am solely a assassin... Not the best but i am really good at it and it pays AMAZINGLY.
  I put her in the passanger seat of my 1966 ford mustang, it is my baby. I love it! Yes maybe there are better for racing, but this is my baby and no one has beat me. With that thought, a smirk made its way to my face.
Once we were in, i pulled out and drove to our schools. Sophia's school was across the street from mine. I mentally thanked the lord for her school being so close. It put me more at peace. Soon we were pulling into her school, I put the car in park by the curb and got out. I walked around and opened the door for soph, I held my hand out and helped her out. She was in a beautiful white dress that she loves. Her hair was curled up and had two braids going around her head like a crown. (I helped her before i got ready.) She looked just like a princess to me. I smiled at her, I gave her a hug and kissed her forehead. She smiled at me and I smiled back. "Be good, and have them call me if anything happens, or you dont feel well, or for anything ok? I promise I will be over here in a flash." I said pulling her into another hug. She hugged me back, said a quiet ok and went inside.
  I got back in my car and went across the street to my school. Mentally I gave myaelf a behave lecture and smirked. As i pulled in, it seemed as if everyone was starring. God why did i wamt to change again????? I groaned but nontheless opened the door, and stepped out with all the confidence in the world. I mean i can kill the all in like 5 seconds... But ill keep that to myself. I walked towards the door with a emotionless mask on. As i got to the first step to the door, a blonde cheerleader stepped in front of me with her arms crossed. "Oh look girls, someones trying to look all badass and sexy." The.. Now bimbo... I was trying to be nice... Said. I rolled my eyes and went to step around her, just for her to step in my way again. Once again i tried to walk around her, and she blocked my path... Again. Aggitated I looked in her eyes and steped forward. We were now eye to eye. "Move." Was all i said. I noticed the entire school was surrounding us. "And what if I dont whore." She screeched. Ughhh her voice is getting annoying. I looked around and said, "where the mirror?" With that she huffed and gave me the reaction I wanted. She pulled her hand back and went to slap me. And just as another car roared in, i grabbed her hand and pulled her towards me, moving out of her way, cause id hate to be rude like she was and stand in her way. I smirked as she fell to the ground at the end of the steps and walked inside. Everyone was either looking at the car that pulled in or was watching the bimbo.
Once I got my schedule from the office I went to my first class, English. Once I was in i walked to the corner and sat down. It was on the same side as the door, where i could see the windows, door, the entire class, and I was the farthest away from the teachers desk as I could get.
    Soon the bell rings and kids file into the class room. I had my earbuds in and music playing. I was doodling on my paper with my head down, when I heard someone bust the door open. From the corner of my eye, I saw it was another kid. Him and his friends were arguing with the teacher. Once i saw what was happening, i went back to my doodles.
  Soon I saw a shadow over me. I internally sighed, but didnt look up. I could slightly hear him talking to me, but i couldnt understand a thing he was saying due to my ear buds.. Gosh i love these. Soon another shadow came, and after a moment they both disappeared.
    Not long after that i felt all eyes on me. I let out a loud sigh, took one ear bud out, and looked up. The entire class was looking at me. "Will you interduce yourself Ms. Taylors?" The teacher asked. I laughed a little and put my ear bud back in and went back to doodling. I heard the teacher grumble something but didnt pay attention.
   Before i knew it, the bell rang and i started putting my stuff in my bag. I never took my ear buds out during the class. Soon it was time for lunch. Everyone had left the classroom amd headed for lunch, or at least i thought so since I was facing the wall, when I put my stuff in my bag. I have sat in the same spot in all my classes. As i stood up, someone pushed me back down. I looked up to see 2 very familiar guys, I have no idea who they are or where I've seen them though. I took out one ear bud, "what?" I asked in a bored tone. The guy, who is obviously is the leader here, got even angrier. "That's my seat." He said through gritted teeth. I laughed and pushed pass him. Once we were in the hall way he pushed me into the lockers. Ok, now he's pissing me off. I pushed myself off the lockers and continued to walk away. It will not be good to get into a fight on the first day. At least wait till the second day. I say to myself. Then I felt my body connect with the lockers again. I groaned in aggervation, but it came out more of a growl. I turned and saw the guy from the class room smirking at me. He had the other guy from the class room, a step behind him. I rolled my eyes at them and went to turn around. But as i did, he reached out to grab me and ended up yanking my earbuds out. Now im furious. I turned around and glared at him. His friend had a shocked look on his face. While he just smirked even more. With out thinking I pulled my fist back and went to swing. But before my first could be put into motion my phone rang. Without looling at the caller ID I answered lowering my fist. The guys smirk grew even bigger if possible, while his friend was confused. "Hello." I said into my phone as i continued to glare at the guy.  Then a voice amswered."Hello? Is this Ms. Taylor's?" A woman asked. "This is she." I relpied slightly letting my annoance slip into my voice. "Hello Ms. Taylor's, I was calling to let you know that there was accident during lunch and Sophia has mill spilled all over her." The woman said. My face changed to one of concern and i quickly ended the call and raced out the door. I heard telling and running behind me but I never stopped. I got to my car, opened the trunk, and got sophia a cute pair of jeans, and a cute shirt along with undergarments, that I keep in there for emergencies.
  Once I had them i ran across the road an into the elementary school.

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