chapter 15

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Riley's POV -
   Ive finally arrived at the party! Im only like 15 minutes late. The venue is beautiful! Like wow! I revved my engine once as I pulled in and it brought a smile to my face. God I love this car!
     I got up to the front and handed the keys to the valet. I then proceed to walk into a place filled with people who are more than likely scared of me, but they wont know its me unless they see my back. Which is covered.... I should be ok.... Right?
   I walked up to the door making sure my dress was right and smoothed out. My weapons didnt show. I hope to god no one finds out who I am. Tonight I just want to be the leader of the red dragons.
    The doors opened an I entered. A man dressed in a black tux with a black bow tie was standing at the top of th stairs to the ball room. He asked "whats your name and..." He looked at my arm an smiled. "Sophia Taylor's." I stated in the friendliest tone I could. I forgot how much I hate people. He turned to the crowd and announced "Sophia Taylors, leader of the Red Dragons." His voice boomed. I then proceeded to walk down the stairs and into the throng of gang leaders.

As I walked down the stairs I scanned the crowd. I spotted Carter surrounded by girls, and by his facial expression... He was not enjoying it. I let out a small laugh and a smile grew on my face.
    Im still mad at him for what he said. I would never abandon Sophia. Should I help him or let him suffer? Ughhhhh

Carter's POV -
    I've been here 10 minutes and im already hating this place. The moment I stepped into the crowd the girls that came with the father or gang leaders themselves surronded me. PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE!! Like.holy fuck they just keep talking and touching my arms. "Please stop ladies. Im not in it tonight." I tried nicely. "Please stop. Ladies. Stop please." "Riley Taylor's, leader of the Red dragon." Rang through the room. I tried to look up but on of the girls pulled my face to look at her. Oh my fucking god I'm going to lose it. A mimute later Riley walked by. I watched as she took a few steps past me, then shook her head. She turned around. She grabbed my arm and went to pull me with her when one of the other girls grabbed her arm. Dear lord please help us tonight.
   Riley looked at the girl and stepped beside me. "Hello ladies. I'm taking him with me if you like it or not. And id appreciate of you'd not bother him again tonight. Thank you." She grabbed my hand and walked away pulling me out of the group of girls, to the bar.
"Thank you." I said. "Dont mention it." She ordered a glass of champaign. She turned around with the glass in her hand an watched the crowd. I ordered a glass of Champaign as well and sat beside her. "You dont gotta stay, is actually liked it if you left." She said in a amgery tone.
   Confusion filled me. I thought we were friends, possibly on the way to being more than friends. I looked over at her and forgot all thoughts. She was beautiful. "Amazing... You look amazing. May I have this dance?" She looked at me and shrugged. She tooked my extended hand and we went and slow danced. She layed her head on my shoulder and smiled. That smile that knocks the breath out of me. We danced for 3 songs. "Riley?" I started. "Stop. Let me forget what happened today. At least for a little bit." She said. What happened today? Oh. Shit.  "Riley i am so..." I was stopped by our phones. They bother rang at the same time. Wowwwwww really? She grabbed hers and we answered both. Before the other lines got to speak gun shots were heard over the line. We stilled. As did the people closest to us. Riley looked me in the eyes. "Phantoms.." Was the only thing she said before she took off running. We pressed the button for our cars and ran. The other leaders looked around and notice the phantoms werent there. I watched riley jump in her car as I jumped in mine. We set off on our own trips.
    I pulled up at the house and went in guns blazing.
   Phantoms have been keeping quiet and building.  I guess they thought it to be the right time to attack to get the tittle of biggest an baddest. 😂 yea right!
   A few minutes passed all but one was down. The other leaders pulled up and were ready to fight. The man on the ground in front of me laughed. "This isnt even half of us." Was his last words before he bleed out.
   Whats that supposed mean? R they coming back? Why would they warn us? The guys started cleaning up. And the kids ran out into the living room... 3 of them... "We all came here cause we didnt know the red dragons new HQ." One of the leaders said. "Riley?" Sophia said. "RILEY!" I screamed and ran out to my car with evenone following. "She has all gang members and families at her HQ." Jasper rang out. Everyone ran faster.

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