Chapter 3

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Riley's POV

I walked in from the B.S. with the guy I helped, and the others leaving. I walked into the kitchen and started to cook dinner. We are have chili My favorite! The beans are ready and all the extras that we always put in it, such as onions and cheese were ready. I put the hamburger meat in and started to brown it, I turned around and looked into the living room to see Soph playing with her toys. I turned back around with a small smile on my face. Soon the meat was ready, I had already put the onions, and chili mix in with it for them to cook, and I added them to the beans and mixed it together and let it simmer.

Then my phone rang.. My work phone. UGHHHHH I groaned and walked to my bag and grabbed it, answering it. "Hello" A voice said. I never say the first word. "Hello." I replied. I heard a sigh and then they started talking again. "Hello Death, I have a job for you. I will be paying you a million dollars to kill 4 people." 4 people? What the hell? "Send me the information and I will see if I will take the job." I said in monotone. "Ok." With that the person hung up, and a moment later my computer let out a small ding. I opened it and read the profiles that they sent me. "What the f*uck!" I whisper yelled. Why does he want them dead.

I stirred the chili and sent him a message back telling him I wasn't doing it. Why did he want a grown man, 2 teenagers and a little kid killed. I am not doing that shit! Who does he think I am!?

The Angel of Death.... Said my subconscious.

Once again I groaned and called Sophia for dinner. In a rush she put her toys away and ran to the dinner table. I let out a giggle at her, she reminds me of me when I was her age. I made her and myself a bowl of chili with cheese on top. We sat down and ate, while we were eating we talked about her school, and her friends. "Can I go to the lock in at the church?" Sophia asked me. I looked at her with a stern look and shook my head. It took everything I had not to bust out laughing and tell her yes. Her smile turned into a frown and she lowered her head. And I couldn't take it anymore, a smile graced my lips. "I am sooooo gonna have to get up early." I giggled out. Her head snapped to me and she had a huge grin on her face. "Go get ready for bed, we got to get up early in order for you to get to check in on time." I told her with a smile on my face.

In the last 4 years since mom and dad died, she has been the only one who I have truly smiled and laughed around.

Once she was of to get ready for bed, and the dishes were done I went down stairs with both my phones, and laptop. Time to figure out who exactly these people are. Who exactly did I help. I opened my laptop and hacked tracked the dudes phone. Once I was in I found out his son one of the targets the dude from earlier asked about. I continued to hack into nearby phones and computers, I also got into their security. GOD THIS IS EASY! I thought. I had set up my security and it was tighter than the pentagon... Don't ask how I know the pentagons security.

Anywayyyssssss I found out, the son, right hand, the guy I helped, and a 4 year old girl were the targets. I will be damned if it let someone kill him right after I stitched him up! "My work will not be all for nothing! I SWEAR TO GOD!!!!" I yelled. Carter (the son), Jasper (the right hand), and Daniel (the guy i helped), and Alice (the little 4 year old girl). Well lets see what I can do for you.

I traced the call from the dude who wanted them dead and figured out it was the right hand man to Red Dragons. The Red Dragons are the second most feared, and most powerful gang in the states. While Carter was the next leader to the Skulls, The most feared, and most powerful gang in the states. I'm guessing the Red Dragons want to be number one.

I was about to send a message to the Skulls, when Sophia walked in. I closed my laptop and picked her up, carrying her to her room. I laid her down and tucked her in. Giving her a kiss on the forehead and walking to the door. I turned back and she was already asleep, being 4 must be really tiring. I inwardly chuckled and turned the light off and cracked the door open.

I walked back into my room and opened one of The Skulls, main computers. I blacked out the screen and waited a minute. Then in big red letters I typed "Red Dragons want you dead. Watch your backs." Then I froze the screen and set up their other one so they could still see everything they needed to. Yes I know, why help people? Your supposed to be a Assassin. Well I am a assassin, and I get my name, Angel of Death, because I choose who lives and who dies. I have full control. With that I exited out of my computer and shut it down and went to bed.

Carter's POV

Jasper and me wall out of the house and outside to where the lady who saved dads life had one of our men against the wall, with the little girl on her hip. I watched the interaction, "Who to you think you are looking into a little girls room!?" She seethed. He smirked at her and said something that signed his death warrent "Well she looked mighty nice in her dress and the way it went up her legs when she sat, I just couldn't look away." The man said. All of a suddem she dropped him and looked down. When she raised her head up, i sucked in a breath. Her face was completely erased of emotions. Then she pulled out a gun, that i didnt even notice she had, and shot the man between the eyes. All of my men, except, dad, Charles (dads right hand), jasper and myself, raised their guns amd aimed at her. They were waitijng for the next move. She turned towards us and quickly looked around, amusment flash om her face but left as fast as it came. She walked up to us and spoke. "You better get your men out of here before you don't have any men left." She said. My eyes widened at the thought of what she could do, if i didnt know she had a gun on her then what else could she have? I quickly tell.everyone to stand down and go back to the cars. Everyone did as i said, dad and Charles were walking away, and thw girl turmed and started to walk away to. Then jasper spoke. "How can we repay you?" Then realizations and questions flooded my mind, she hasn't asked for anything? Does she know who we are? Why hasn't she asked for anything? She lives in the middle of the woods, we could give her so much! "Stay safe, make sure he rest and lets himself heal, and make sure none of your men come back here.. if they do.. They wont be coming back." She said with such athority and conviction, i knew she wasn't bluffing. With that she looked at the little girl, the little girl smiles and it made the older girl smile. You could tell that the little girl is her world. With that she walked inside and me and Jasper made our way back to the cars.

Soon we were at our house, which also happened to be the gang house. Yes We are in a gang, actually my dad runs it and I will be taking over in the next few months. We are The Skulls. Jasper an me walk upstairs and then went to get the gang doc to check dad out. I know! I know! The girl already helped him but we don't know her so the dos just gonna check up and see if its done right.

I quickly took a shower. Once I was done, I walked out slipped on some sweats and walked to the room dad was in. "Alright Mr. Evens, it looks as if the person who stitched you up did a very well job, almost professional if I say so myself. The bruises should be gone in a few days, ribs and the gun shot wound should be healed in about a week maybe a week and a half." Doc said. I nodded my head as he spoke and let out a sigh watching dad. "Now remember the lady wanted you to rest and get better, that is the only thing she asked for in return. So I expect you to do it." Jasper stated in a serious tone. Dad groaned but nontheless stayed in bed. Then one of our techs barged into the room, "SOMEONE HACKED IN!" I with that I bolted out of the room and ran down the hall. Once we got to our security room our best hackers were trying to fight back on the intruder. But it was to no avail.

One of the screens went black, the other changed and showed what both the computers would show. Then after a few moments, big red letters came onto the black screen. "Red Dragons want you dead. Watch your backs." Then the screen froze. Everyone was staring at the screen. "I want to know who hacked in, and I want to know all information we have on The Red Dragons." With that said I walked out and down the hall and down the stairs. "All our fighters are to do extra training and I want all our member training from now on. I don't care what position you have, you are training from now on." I ordered everyone in the living room. The word will spread to everyone in the matter of minutes so I don't care that there was only a hand full of people in the living room. With that I turned around and went back to bed. Its been a long day.

I climbed into my bed and fell asleep. The only thing on my mind was HER.

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