chapter 17

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Riley's POV
   As carter and the boys come into view through the door. I can not longer hold on. I let everything go. With one last smile, everything goes black.

Carters POV -
    Finally I am getting her back. My heart dropped at the thought of what they were doing to her.
    As we enter the disgusting building that we have tracked them to, shots ring off. Our men taling no time and leaving no one in their wake. Thousands of men come running through the halls and before they even get the chance to see whats going on, a bullet pierces their skin right between their eyes. Perfect shots everytime.
   "Search the building! The only one leaving alive today is Riley!" I yell as we whipe the Phantoms off the map.
   Billy, Bob, Joe, Mark, Jack, an I head down stairs. Once down stairs we start openeding doors. And as we get closer to the farthest door at the end of the last hallway we hear talking.
   "Scream bitch!" A voice comes from the other side. At the door, we dont even try the knob and bust the door open. And the sight has me falling to my knees. Right before my knees give out, she looks at us and... Smiles. Then her head falls. My knees connect with the floor as a bullet connects with the phantoms leader's head.
    "We gotta go Carter. We can still save her." Then it clicks. The blood is here! Shes lost to much. I stand and rush to her. Once we get her free from the restrants, I pick her up and put her chest to mine so no one can see her exposed chest, and throw a jacket over her back.
    We walk out and everyone is waiting. The stare at her figure taking in her terrible condition.
     We keep walking and climb into one of the SUV's and head to the Red Dragons HQ.

   After some time passed with me checking each wound the worst ones are on her back. Except the very worst is her stomach. Any deeper and her organs would be falling out. How the hell her body didnt give up before we got there amazes me.
   Soon we pull in and I run her to the medical wing and have all her doctors working on her. Other gangs sent their doctors and we waited.

   I went out and thanked everyone for their help and gave them what i could in return. Most refused cash or even a favor. Saying that this is what happens when you break the one night treaty. When they said that i couldnt help but chuckle. Smaller gangs accepted money to help build their gnag up. And most left. I walked back inside and waited... For hours. Doctors were going in and out in shifts. And none could tell me what was happening. Then a hand placed itself on my shoulder. Following the hand up a arm and to a face I see Dad.
    "The kids are worried. Why dont you go sit with them for a while and you all get some rest. Ill stay here." I look at him a bit longer before dropping my head and sighing. I took one more look at the door, and sigh again before getting up, hugging my father and walking to the rooms where the kids are.
   I walk in and they are all crying. My heart breaks. Sophia looks up when she hears the door open. After a second she runs over and runs on me. I kneel down and Alice an Jake run over engulfing me in a hug.
   We sit there hugging for half an hour. Just holding on to them makes me feel better. I let go of them and we head to the bed and silently climb in. Its like not eben these 6 year old ball of sunshine an joy want to talk. Or maybe they are just more mature than their age. As we climb in Jake is on my right and Alice and Sophia are on my left. I wrap my arms around them all. Soon they sleep and not long later... So do I.

    I wake up the next morning and find Jake an Alice still alseep curled up next to me. But Sophia is just sitting on the bed next to Alice starring at the door. "Soph?" I say quietly. Her head drops and she slowly turns towards me. Tears stain her cheeks and her eyes are puffy. Quickly and carefully I moce out of the bed and around to the side shes sitting and kneel down. I wrap my arms around her. I feel her tiny arms around me and I pick her up.
"Why dont we get some breakfast and then check on her, what do you think?" I ask and she just nods as her head leans again my shoulder.
   After eating some cereal, it was the only thing I could get her to eat..., we walk to the medical wing, and up to her door. Before I open the door I see Riley through the window on the door. She had bandages around her stomach she was in shorts and a sports bra that was several sizes to big. It wasnt until I walked in the I realized that there was bandages covering her entire back. Tears silently rolled down my cheeks and I didnt even notice that Soph had gotten out of my hands and was next to Riley.

  Unable to look anymore I turn around and go find the doctor.

"She will be fine. She lost a lot of blood and was and is in a lot of pain. She will stay here until she wakes up and hopefully at least another week afterwards. But if she choses to leave then she will be on bed rest." Dr. Montez says before he walks away. He takes a few steps before turning around. "Honestly I dont know how shes alive. After everything she went through, i dont know how shes holding on... Maybe... Just maybe its love. And not just for her sister." With that he walks away. He thinks she loves me. But shes supposed to not have a heart. "i told you already. She has a heart its just guarded. She loves you Carter. Now is it ok if I stay here today? I wanna make sure she is treated properly." Sophia says. "Are you even 6?" I say utterly shocked. All she does is giggle and run back to Riley.

Dad js staying with Riley and Sophia. While I have to go out on a mission with Rileys men. She was supposed to do it today. They are supposed to be getting a shipment of some kind, her men wont tell me what, coming in, in like 10 minutes. So here we are waiting.. A semi pulls up and her men take care of it. The boys and I are just here in vase things go wrong. Lucky for everyone they don't. The men drive the shipment to a warehouse and me an the boys head home.

In the car, on the way home. Its quiet. "She will be ok." Jasper says. My head snaps to him and with a sigh I tell them. "The doc said the only thing keeping her from dying is love. And He said he didn't mean for her sister. And soph says she loves me. And I swear that child is not 6!" I say the last part hoping to lighten the mood. And it did. They all chuckled and agreed that she loved me. God i hope their right.

    Once we get back I walk straight to Riley. I look in the room and shes awake. Shes sitting up on the bed with Sophia, Alice, and Jake watching a disney movie. "She made it through. I thought it would take longer for her to wake up. But the little girl you left started demanding her to get up a few hours ago. You could hear her all through out the wing. She yelled that it was enough and that she had to get up. You could hear her tears fall as she yelled. And soon enough she woke up and was on full alert. Its a miracle." One of the nurses said. I nodded and walked up to the door. Knocking before walking in. As soon as the kids saw me, they left and I sat next to her. Just starring at her. Without notice she smashes her lips to mine and we join each other in a passionate kiss. "God I thought i lost you. You are never leaving me. You are mine and mine only." I demand.

After a moment of just sitting there with out foreheads resting against each other, i add. "If you will have me." As soon as it comes out my mouth, she smiles that same beautiful smile from when we walked in yesterday when we found her. She nods her head and kisses me again. "Of course I will" she whispers. And a erupt of cheers go off behind me, coming from the direction of the door. Turning slightly we are both smiling as the boys, dad, the kids, nurses and doctors, and several of hers and my men stand at the doorway cheering.

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