Chapter 14

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Carter's POV

My eyes shot open as the annoying sound of my alarm clock woke me up. Riley never came to get Sophia last night. It wasn't a big deal but I wanted to see her. Sophia didn't seem to mind that Riley didn't come. She had a lot of fun with Alice and Jake last night. They watch movies and had popcorn, and all kinds of other snacks. They also played tag, and hide and seek, they also played with different toys. Then they cleaned up and went to bed. It was really no problem, all the boys stayed over. They said it was because they just wanted to spend some time together and play games, ya know bond. But I think that they stayed because if someone had attacked and hurt or took Sophia then Riley would skin us all alive.

I took a shower and got dressed. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. Then boys were sitting at the table, each with a cup of coffee and sleep still evident in their features, along with them the kids were sitting at the table eating cereal. I looked at Sophia and a frown made its way to my face. Riley never came... at all. Alright ill take her to school with Alice and Jake. I grabbed a cup of coffee and drank.

10 minutes later, we were loading up in our cars. I turned on the radio as I drive the kids to school. The sound of their laughter made my day. At that point I had forgotten about what had happened last night... or more like what didn't happen last night. I dropped the kids off and headed to my school across the street. I reached back and grabbed my bag. I walk into school and head to class.

I took out my headphones. I played my music and in walked Riley. Seeing her walking in and ok had relief flooding my body. Then I became confused, if shes ok then why didn't she get Sophia last night. The confusion brought rage with it. If she is fine then why on earth did she not come get Sophia! I watched as she sat down, and I moved over next to her. "Where were you! We watched Sophia all night and we were all worried! You don't call. You don't answer calls. No texts, nothing!" I scolded her. I kept going on and she didn't seem bothered. Then I said something that I never thought I would say."You abandoned her last night!" The look in her eyes gave me the opinion that something just snapped inside of her. I just fucked up.. BIG time! She stood up and threw me against the wall. Her hand gripped my throat and squeezed. I could hardly breath, the guys were now standing up and watching. Their eyes wide and a look of complete disbelieve covered their faces. "Don't you ever think that I abandoned her! You don't know what I was doing! You don't know me!" She yelled.

Then she dropped me and stomped away. My hand flew over my throat and the boys ran to my side. "I can not believe you Carter." Jasper said. Pity filled his eyes. "Even though you were wrong for what you did, she shouldn't have hurt you." Jack said. "I don't believe she would have. You could have said anything else. But because you said that she abandoned Sophia, she snapped. Everything about her seemed to darken as you said that. You have to remember that she was abandoned." Jasper argued. Oh god.. He's right. Riley's parents did abandon her. God i am such a idiot. I scolded myself. I stood up and went outside. I figured she would be in her car. I knocked on her window and after a moment, the door opened and Riley came out. Her hand lightly caressed my neck. I looked in her window behind her and saw it was bruised. Guilt showed in her eyes. Then she seemed to go off into her own world. It was as if she was looking through me. I put my hands on her shoulders, and she immediately grabbed my hands. Knowing what she could do, I pulled my hands away, before she could do any damage, and put them up in surrender. Then only thought was to kiss her. Let her know how I feel, but I couldn't. I just hurt her. UGHHHHH! I walked away and went to my car. I drove home and was meet with my dad.

"Hey son! Is everything alright? Your home early and Riley just asked if Sophia could stay over again." My dad said as I walked past. I just nodded and went to bed. What the hell happened back there. Why did I just say that?

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