Chapter 9

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Mike's POV (Riley's Dad)

Ring! Ring!

My phone goes off. "What?" I answer. "I've got some people for you to check out, and hopefully buy." A familiar voice says. "Kayden, I have told you several times that im not gonna be involved in any way shape or form with your trafficking." I snapped. "Oh but I insist please just a look." Kayden replies. "Ugh fine! but you aren't getting a penny from me!" I yelled at the phone. Then he hung up an sent me a address to a warehouse. Of course he's at a fucking warehouse.!

True to my word I hope in and go to the ware house. After some time driving I arrive with about 25 men, an go inside. Kayden is standing with his back to us and hasn't realized we're here. Hehehehe I sneak up behind him and grab his sides, then quickly hit the floor and roll out of the way. Kayden jumped 5 foot in the air and screeched like a little girl! I continued to roll on the round laughing myself crazy. "Really Mike! Really!" He shouts at me. All I can do is nod my head and continue to laugh.

"Not so fast ya pip squeak!" One of his men says. I finally compose myself and look around. I see only about 25 men inside, and there were 5 outside. I scan each of the men, then my eyes travel down the arm of the man you spoke and see 3 little kids. 2 small girls and a small boy. "What the fuck is this!" I yell.

"Ah yes, this is what I wanted to show you." Kayden said as if it was nothing. "Little kids? This is a new low for you kad." I said slightly calmer. "Oh but these aren't just any little kids, The 2 quiet ones are the kids of Daniel and Charles from the skulls and the fighter over their.. well she's the sister of The Angel of Death." Once he finished that sentence, a thought hit me. The Angel of Death is coming, He'll kill anyone who knew about this and their families. He'll rip apart everything they built and loved and torture them then have them kill their selves. Yes, he can be a bit harsh.

"MEN! WE ARE LEAVING! I will not have my people in the path of this. You did this to yourself." I said turning towards the door. Just then, the door slams open. And in walking, The Angel of Death and the leader of the skulls with his most trusted men. My men raise their guns and before anyone can pull the trigger I yell. "STAND DOWN!" All my men slowly lower their weapons. "This has nothing to do with us, We were just leaving. I swear me and my men had nothing to do with Kayden's wrong doings." I say lowering my head and kneeling down.

Riley's POV

Once we arrive outside the warehouse, Billy, Bob, Joe, Mark, and Jack, take down the 5 guards outside, making sure to use silencers. As we walked up to the door, I see several cars not belonging to Kayden's gang, he's brought some more people? Hmm maybe he does have a ghost of a brain. "I will not have my people in the path of this. You did this to yourself." A voice from inside said. That voice sounds familiar. I bust the door open without another thought. Me and the group walk in and several men aim their guns at us. However, no one fired. "STAND DOWN!" the same voice ordered. About 25 men lowered their weapons. "This has nothing to do with us, we were just leaving. I swear me and my men had nothing to do with Kayden's wrong doings," The man said, His voice, everything falls into place as I see the tattoo on his arm. Dad's tattoo. I quickly get heated. My head turns to Kayden, he looks scared shitless. This makes me smirk. I stalk towards him and his men, the boys following me. I turn my head slightly to Carter and nod. In the next second all 25 of his remaining men fall to the ground. Kayden, being the only one left. I turn towards the kids and let Mark and Jack take Kayden away, The skulls want to torture him. I crouch down to the kids, "Hey guys, The guys are gonna take you home, Alice, Jake you already know them. Soph, I want you to go to. They wont hurt you I promise." I said and gave her a kiss on the forehead. Suddenly I stand up.

"Not so fast Red Dragons!" I command. Everyone one of their bodies still. Their movements of leaving, quickly halted. I face the leader and watch him visibly gulp. All of a sudden a figure walks in. "Hon? Is everything alright? I heard shots and didn't hear or see you afterwards." The lady says. I watch as her face begins to show, reveling my mother. My vision starts to turn red. Out of the corner of my eye I see Jasper and Carter standing at the door watching. "Hon leave now!" Dad says. "Oh no please stay. I'd like to have a chat with both of you." I say in a sickly sweet voice. Everyone seems to tense up, even Jasper and Carter.

"Do you know who I am?" I ask. "Yes, you're The angel of Death sir." Dad says with his had slightly lower. I let out a low giggle. "Oh honey I'm not a guy, the exact opposite actually." I said as I remove my hood. Everyone of them gasp. "But I didn't mean that, I meant my real name." I said. They both gulped. "No ma'am." They said in unison. My jaw clenched and my hands in fists. "Well you should know, you gave it to me." I said through gritted teeth. Their eyes widened and their men looked confused. "But they don't have kids." One of their men says. My parents look like deer caught in head lights, and soon are glaring at the man who spoke. "Oh is that so? So me and Sophia don't exist!" I yell.

My temper quickly taking over my body. "Why? Why did you leave us!" I yelled. My voice full of authority. They both flinch. "Because you are a monster, Right after I became pregnant with Sophia you went on a rampage and put almost you entire school in the hospital." My mother says. Tears running down their cheeks. "So you leave me?" I ask my voice quiet. "Well since you didn't get to see me grow up, why don't I show you what I've become." I say and start running. I pull out my Desert Eagles and shoot every single one of their men in the shoulder, millimeters away from their artery. Everyone of them falls to their knees and doesn't move. I make eye contact with one, and see the fear in his eyes. The fear that if he moves, I'll kill him. Then I turn to my parents. The reflection of myself in their eyes, shows that my eyes are no longer blue, but black. Pitch black. There isn't even white in my eyes. They drop to their knees and start visible trembling. Their heads kept low. Just as I am about to off them, they look up. Our eyes meet. And Sophia runs into the room. "RI!" She yells. Just at her voice I'm snapped back to my normal blue eyed self.

I then notice Jasper, Tyler, Jack, Mark, Billy, Bob, Joe... and Carter. Standing behind my parents, their eyes filled with confusion and.. fear? Then my eyes move to Sophia at the door. As she walks up to me, I see concern, relief, and.. fear? They fear me? I drop to my knees and a tear streams down my cheek. "You fear me?" I ask. "You all... you fear me." I state. I look at my parents and their smirking. Their men silently watching everything. "Yes daughter, they fear you. You're a monster!" They yell at me. My eyes go wide, and before I can think of what I'm doing. I hid Sophia's face in my chest and I shoot my parents in the legs, "Take them back to your HQ and do whatever, and make sure in the end.. they don't live. Their men stay on their knees, shocked and staring at me. I stand up and put Sophia on my hip. My face emotionless, and look at the men left behind. All of a sudden my phone rings. I answer it. "Hello Ms. Taylors?" A voice says. "This is she." I reply. Not taking my eyes off the men. Carter and Jasper come to stand beside me. "I was just calling to let you know, that your deal on the old hotel off towards the old mines has been confirmed. You are now the owner of the hotel." A small smile spreads across my lips. "Ok Thank you, I'll come by tomorrow to finish the paper work." I finished and then hung up.

"Ma'am, sense you are their daughter, you are our next leader." One man says. A evil smile spreads across my lips. Ahhh Yes... This will do just fine. I nod my head at them and then towards the doors. "Lets go visit my new gang shall we?" I say to Carter. He keeps his face emotionless and just nods. Aw such a gang leader! I scream in my head.

About 30 minutes later we all arrive at the Red Dragons HQ. GOD THIS PLACE SMELLS! "Why the fuck does it smell so bad?" I ask. They all frown and lower their heads. That's the way the old bosses wanted it. You either died or lived like this. And a lot of us have families here. I furrowed my brows and continued to walk with the men. Jack took the kids home, mainly cause no one wanted to bring them here, they could be doing this as a trap or something. Once we step through a set of doors, I see hundreds, almost a thousand people. All gang members or their families in the room. The families look horrible. Their hair is dirty and knotted. Their clothes torn and has dried everything on them. "What happened here?" I ask to no one in particular. I look over and Carter and the rest of them all have the same look on their faces. Once we reach the middle of the stage that sits in the front of the room everyone goes quiet. "EVERYBODY WELCOME OUR NEW BOSS!" The guy from the warehouse, also known as Sean, announces. Everyone erupts in a wave of cheers. Sean then steps away and lets me stand in front. Everyone quiets down. "Alright everyone my name is Riley, also known as The Angel of Death. You can call me boss, Riley, or Death. My first order of business is to get you out of here. Ill come back tomorrow with enough transport for everyone and we will travel to out new HQ." I stated. Everyone again erupted into cheers. I dismissed them and then left with the guys. Well theirs a bump in the road to helping out the homeless. Once in the cars, we all headed home.

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