Chapter 10

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Riley's POV

After we got back to Skulls HQ, I ran to Sophia. When she hugged me and told me she loved me, my heart broke. After that I sat everyone down and explained to them. "I have.. another side to me. Its dark and hardly comes out. After me and Sophia were on our own, I forced myself to learn to control it. Now I can use it as I please. If I ever get to a point were I can't return, then I want you to kill me. I do not want to roam this earth in that state." I explained, they all agreed. I apologized for them seeing it and for scaring them. And reassured them I wouldn't harm them as long as they don't harm Sophia, or backstab me.

After about a hour of talking to them and sorting everything out, I went outside to make a phone call. I called a furniture company and ordered everything I need for the hotel. AS I end the call, Carter walks out. He clears his voice, effectively making me turn to look at him. "We are going to kill your parents now, are you coming?" He asks. I nod my head and walk behind him as he leads me to the basement. As we walk in, my parents sit tied to chairs. Their bloody, and have cuts and cruises all over their body. Their soaking wet and its freezing down here. The sight makes my heart ache.

What on Earth am I doing? Their my parents! Yes the abandoned me and Sophia. They could have at least kept Sophia. Or just left instead of hiring those people to beat them till they were nearly dead! But they are my parents. I can't do this. But they deserve it! But I can't bring myself to do it. I argue with myself. UGHHH Carter is about the whip them when I interject. "Stop." I say just loud enough for him to hear me. He stops his movements and looks at me with confusion. I put my hands on either side of my head, trying to make my reasoning go away. "I can't let this happen." I whine. All the guys stand up and look at me. "Alright, we let them go on two conditions." I say. "Anything!" My parents yell in unison. I look them in the eyes and say, "One - you handover the gang to me, remove your tattoos, and completely get out of the gang." They both nod, agreeing to the first condition. "Second - you are no longer mine or Sophia's parents. You are just people in our lives. The only reason you are in our lives is because Sophia deserves to know her parents even if she knows them as someone other than her parents." Their eyes go wide, and tears brim them. "Done." Mike says. A smirk makes its way to my face, "Good. Now that we no longer have any problems, you get to work your problems out with the skulls." Their eyes once again go wide, with fear. Carter and the boys smirk. With that I walk out of the basement and to bed. Sophia is already asleep on the bed along with Jake and Alice. They have taken over my bed. A small frown shows on my lips, and I walk to the bathroom.

20 minutes later I walk out of the bathroom, with short shorts and a t-shirt on. My hair is still slightly wet and hangs down my back. I glance at the kids once more and go to the living room. I lay down on the couch and fall fast asleep.

*The next day*

I wake up around 8:30 am and smell bacon. MMMMM. I hope off the couch and run upstairs to change. I put on my black jumpsuit (Picture up top), and went to the kitchen. The kids were all sitting at the table eating pancakes and laughing. Carter and the rest of the guys were there along with Charles and Daniel. The sight in front of me made my heart stop. Sophia was on Carters lap laughing and giggling and smiling at everyone. Its like she has a family. A family I never had. My heart started to ache at the thought. Tears welled up into my eyes and I turned and ran to my car. As soon as the door closed and the car started I speed of to my meeting.

Carter's POV

My eyes pop open as 3 little bodies jump on top of me. They were giggling and smiling at each other. As soon as they saw I was awake they ran through the house an to the kitchen. I looked at the stove clock and it was a few minutes till 8:30. All the guys come into the kitchen sleep evident in their faces, voices, and movements. I chuckled at their appearance and started making breakfast. I made, pancakes and bacon. Once breakfast was finished, I dished out plates of food and sat down. Riley should wake up soon. So I left a plate in the microwave. After about 5 minutes, of everyone laughing and eating. Riley walks in the kitchen, and stops at the door way. Sophia just climbed into my lap and started laughing at jack who was making faces at the kids. Out the corner of my eye I see Riley look around the room and then her eyes land on Sophia. Out of no where she starts to run out. I set Sophia on my chair as I stand up and go to run after her, but a small hand stops me. The entire room got quiet and everyone was looking at the door Riley just ran out of.

"Don't go after her. She will come back, and she'll talk when she's ready." Sophia says. Everyone looks at her shocked. She's 6 and talks as I've she's as old as dad. "Did I do something wrong?" I ask her, dropping to my knees. Everyone's eyes are on us. "No, but you are a family." she says as she looks at everyone. When her eyes meet mine, they hold sadness. And I understand. "A family. Like the one she never had." Charles said. I fall back on my heels, and stare at Sophia. "Come on lets eat. From what she was wearing, we are gonna have a big day." She says smiling and holding her hand out to me. I stand up and sit back down with her in my lap. The rest of the morning was filled with happiness, laughter, and conversations. But I couldn't get t out of my head. Sophia's right. They've never had a family. They've just had each other. I don't even want to think about what I would have turned out to be like without my family.

Riley's POV

I arrived at the office about 8:50 and signed all the papers by 9:30. I then drove to the hotel, which is in great shape by 10 and had the movers from the furniture company put everything in and set everything up. Organizing everything and helping them put everything where its supposed to go helped me keep my mind off Soph looking so happy back there. With a family, something I could never give her. It's now 12:45 and the movers are leaving. They just finished installing everything and helping me make the beds and cleaning what they installed. It is now time to bring in my new gang. I call Carter because he is supposed to help.

R - Riley C - Carter

R - Hey are yall busy?

C - Nah whats up?

R- I have everything ready to bring in the Red Dragons. You still up for helping?

C - Yeah! Ill round up the guys and some other members and meet you at the Red Dragon HQ

R - Alright see ya then

After that I hung up and got in my car. I drove to the old HQ and saw that Billy, Bob, and Joe had the buses that will transport the members. Everyone was stripped of their weapons and the weapons, and personal belongings were put in one of the guys trucks. After about 3 hours of packing everything and organizing everything we are finally driving to HQ. No one knows what I've done, all they know is that I need their help, or their following orders.

Before I could get into my truck, carter grabs me by the arm and pushes my against the car. He places his hand lightly on my neck, and lends down. His eyes flicker back and forth from my eyes to my lips. Carter pushes his body impossibly closer to mine, pinning me to the car. He puts one of his legs between mine. And then...

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