Your My Dream (BoyxBoy) 4

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*Tristan's POV*

The little blond cutie who I was now fairly certain is in fact gay avoided me like the plague for the rest of the day. I oddly found it adorable that he was scared of me. Was I sadistic? I didn't think so. It was Jessie's fault for having such a small body and such big eye's. It made him look like an cute little anime boy.

Anyways, though I scanned through crowd after crowd of people at this school, I didn't find a cuter boy. So I was stuck with Jess, which wasn't such a bad thing, considering I had a reason to be near him and I already liked him.

"Promise to behave?" Vanessa asked me a fifth time.

I nodded sincerely. "I won't get into any more trouble at detention. Pinkie promise"

We locked and shook Pinkie's, but Vanessa still looked at me in a motherly way, telling me I better be good. I didn't exactly blame her, considering I was already not taking the detention all that seriously. Dad didn't know, and all I had to do was help the drama department in anyway they wanted.

The principal had taken me out of my first class of the day to explain all of this. He said I'd probably be a stage hand and have to help the actors run through line's. I hated Shakespeare unfortunately, and they were performing a mid-nights summer dream, or what not.

Vanessa hugged me a quick goodbye and kissed my cheek, then she was off to soccer practice. I sighed and made my way reluctantly to the gym, where I did NOT want to be. When I stepped inside I saw a range of people. Kids carrying clipboards and directing other kids who wore odd clothing that could only be costume's. People painting back drops, and making clothing and wings.

Hmm. It actually looked like it might be a decent production. A few scattered teachers helped out but it mainly looked like the children were doing fine on there own. I was looking for a teacher... Ms. Lovett. I spotted a woman nearby who I figured must be her, and hesitantly walked up.

"Ms. Lovett?" I phrased it as a question.

She nodded looking up. her eye's were bitter, and she was dressed in a tidy suit of a woman's edition, as in, she was wearing a skirt that fell to her knee's, not pants. Her hair was in a tight neat bun pulled to the back of he hair, and she wore next to no make-up. I had instant respect for her.

"Mr. Markem told me I had to help out here until I was finished with my detention term. I'm Tristan Stone"

She nodded, looking slightly amused. "I know exactly who you are Mr. stone, I was warned in advance"

I tried to keep from smirking like a trouble maker, but it was hard. "What am I supposed to do?"

She didn't even pause. "Don't ask me Mr. Stone, ask the actors and directors and what-not. You can even help out with the art department if your any good, and if they invite you to do so"

I nodded, and wandered off. I figured that as long as I looked like I was working, no one would give me trouble. This wasn't half as bad as I'd first expected. So just hang out here for half an hour after school each day, tell Paul I'm hanging out with other kids, no big deal.

I explored for a while. It was a basic gym except for the massive stage. On the stage artsy kids were making all kinds of things. Different coloured wings for the fairy's, clothing, props, and background picture's. I examined it all with interest.

I was pleasantly surprised to see a tiny blond by the name of Jessie painting a forestry background. It was actually pretty good and gave the illusion of light filtering through the leafs of tree's. I stepped closer and examined it more thoroughly.

Then I examined him more thoroughly. He had tiny smudges of green paint all over his face and plain white t-shirt. Hmm, he hadn't been wearing that at lunch.. He must bring a change of clothes to paint in. He bit his lip as he concentrated on the small details.

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