Your My Dream (BoyxBoy) 19

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*Jessie's teary eyed POV*

"Mom.. that's ridiculous." I tried to protest weakly, struggling to hold my tears in. my lips trembled and I felt like something thick dark and horrible was building up in my chest. Tristan's name echoed in my head. Other things echoed along with it.

Vanessa's name, my moms name, my street, my school, my house number. Everything I loved or even mildly have come to terms with about living here was suddenly alive and vivid in my mind. I found a whole array of things I hadn't even truly noticed before.

"Oh baby" my mom hugged me. I choked back the tears, more angry then anything.

Pushing her away I gave her a hateful glare then took the stairs two at a time to my room where I loudly slammed the door shut. I only got a few disturbing minute's to ball my eye's out before the phone started ringing. I ignored it.. But then I pictured Tristan, excitedly waiting to see if I could go to California. Hesitantly, I check the caller I.D. sure enough, it was him.

"Hello?" I practiced saying it out loud. My voice sounded way to thick.

Pulling my best acting ever, I tried again "Hello?" my voice was perky and eager. That was better.

Answering the phone I used my way-to-perky voice. "Tristan?!"

"Yes or no?" he asked.

"Yes!" I eked, considering the career choice of actor.

"Oh my god! I'm so excited" his voice sounded more gay then it ever had in his life there.

I forced a giggle "You sound like such a fag"

"Don't use that word!" her shouted into the phone

"Okay. I'm officially hearing impaired" I said grumpily.

"Then be a good boy." I heard Vanessa saying something from a distance "I got to go, Vanessa wants the phone. See you later baby. God your cute"

Normally I would have narrowed my eyes at the phone. Right now I was to upset to do anything but feel relived over the fact that the conversation was ending.

"Oh hey... what was wrong with your mom?" he interrupted before I could hang up.

"Oh..." I scrambled for an excuse. For some reason I really didn't want to tell him that I was moving. Actually, I did no the reason. He'd totally dump me, then never go to his mom's, therefore never making up with her. "She's sick" I finally said.

"Oh... It's nothing serious, right?"

"No, just the flu" the tears were once again trying to escape and my act was falling to pieces.

"Jess, you okay?"

"Mhm.. Fine" I try to sound nonchalant.

"Are you sure?"

"Awe, look who's getting all protective" I tease, even though I'm secretly touched.

"Just making sure. Bye baby" he made a kissy noise into the phone.

"Your such a loser..." but I smile a little. He has that affect on me.

"Bye!" he hangs up.

"Bye..... I love you" I mumble into the phone. Of course, he doesn't hear me.


"That's impossible" Vanessa blubbers. She's hugging me so tight I think my back has officially broken. "You can't move!!! I've wanted a gay best friend since I was thirteen! The you came along and told me you were gay! Then I figured out that I would have been your best friend even if you weren't! Then" sob "This whole thing with Tristan! You were going to be my brother-in-law!!" sniffle.

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