Your My Dream (BoyxBoy) 20

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*Tristan's face's POV* (Hyper..)

I hated flying. The seat were always uncomfortable the flight attendants always flirted with me-they were girls to L-and the movie they played always sucked. Unfortunately for me, Jessie and Vanessa were both dying-god were they ever female- to see The Last Song. Evans fallen asleep.

Boredly looking around I gazed outside the window. Of course, there was nothing to see but endless blueness. It was kind of creepy now that I think about it. Endless blue. That'd make a good title for a poem... gah. Can you not see how bored I was?

Soon the stupid Miley Cyrus movie ends and Vanessa and Jessie are clinging to each other and sniffling. I suppress the urge to laugh. Stupid movie...


I grinned as Jessie snapped yet another picture. We were on the cab drive to my mother's house and he'd already taken at least fifty picture's. "You do realise we're going to be here at least a week right? You'll be out of film by tomorrow if you keep this up"

He sticks his tongue out at me "I need the memoirs" a bright flash stuns my eye's. He just took a very close up picture of me. I give him a fake dirty look and rub my eye's. Vanessa grumble's and readjusts from where she sits propped against the window beside me.

Evan's hardly spoken. I think he feels awkward, but hell, who wouldn't take a free vacation? Even if a girl who was totally in love with you was the one paying.. Poor sap. The cab ride only lasted about ten more minute's, then we were at the oh so familiar house.

It came as a shock, seeing it there, still standing, still the same as I'd left it. It was weird knowing that, even if you left, life went on. There was only one new difference-the cross on the door. Paying the taxi driver I stepped closer for further inspection.

The paint door was wearing thin again, but it did that every year on the account that it was right on the beach and the sea spray easily cut through the coloring jobs I did most summers. The roof was still shabby brown tile's. A wave of homesickness washed over me, and I tried my best to push it away.

I look around to distract myself. Evan and Vanessa are unconsciously standing next to each other, examining the house. Evans eye's gleam envy, well Vanessa's seem filled to the brim with memoirs. We'd grown up in this house together..

Jessie on the other hand, had dropped his stuff and stood gaping at the ocean view, uninterested in the house. His mouth formed a silent 'o'. I came up behind him and wrapped my arms around his torso, pulling his back against my chest and leaning down so that my breath brushed his cheek.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" he nodded silently, and I could easily picture his blush.

I pressed a slight kiss into the curve of his neck then picked up his bags and went to the house's porch. Walking around the corner, Vanessa, Jessie, and Evan trailing me, I made my way to the front door where I knocked twice, formally.

The reaction was immediate. Footsteps from inside the house hurrying towards us. The door bust open. "God bless..." the words died in his mothers throat upon seeing Tristan's face.

"Oh hello son. Or do you go by daughter now?" she asked critically.

"Mother. Or do you go by close-minded bitch"

She waved her hand dismissingly. "You gays, always so sensitive"

I brushed past her, into the house. Everyone followed, Vanessa pausing in the door way.

"How've you been mother? You look older somehow. More bitter" her voice dripped with venom, then she cleanly turned and followed us. Mom sighed and followed us into the house.

"Aren't you going to introduce me to your friends?" she pestered.

Evan and Jessie had sacredly banned together, afraid of my crazy mothers wrath. I shot them an apologetic look, then turned to my mom again. "This is Evan, Vanessa's friend. This is Jessie my Boyfriend."

My heart almost burst for sympathy towards Jessie. Poor little guy wouldn't dare to stand up to my mom, even when she was trying to kill him with her eye's.

Upon first glance you might not see my mother as an intimidating woman. She's short (Me and Vanessa gain height from Paul. To be honest, she's not even taller then Jess) her hair is to thick to me held up, so she simply pushes it out of her face with a hair band. Her clothes are tidy and casual. Light brown hair and dark brown eye's. Yet if you piss her off-she herself is the mother fucking devil.

"So" she said, icy gaze focused intently on Jessie "You're the young man who's condemned my son to hell"

Jessie looked at the floor, nervously biting his thumb nail.

"What? Not going to answer?" she snapped.

And Jessie did what Jessie does when he was to scared to think straight. He started giving 'maybe' answers. He shrugged towards my mother, mumbling something and refusing all attempts at eye contact

She sneered. "Are you slow?" she asked in the voice everyone preserves for dogs and three years old.

He shook his head, mumbling something else. Time to interfere.

"Mom, leave him alone. I told you, I'm only going to stay if it's a bullshit free visit."

She tsked. "Such rotten vocabularies you and your sister have developed"

I was just itching to give her the middle finger.

"I'll show you your room" I told Jessie, grabbing his hand and intertwining our fingers. He gave me an apologetic look as if my crazy mother was his fault. Reassuring him with a smile I started pulling him towards my room.

I rushed us in and slammed the door behind us. He marvelled, looking around my room curiously. It wasn't exactly a gay guy room, but it was divinity neater then your average teenage boy. Unlike Jessie's tornado struck mess of a room everything was neatly in place, just like I'd left it.

I pushed him against the wall and leaned over him, my body against his warm one. I could feel him shivering as my breath danced down his neck. "You look like you could use a kiss" I told him.


Sorry that the begining of this chapter kind of sucks. I'm having a hard time writing right now, to many ideas taking all the closet space in my head. i hope this chapter pleased some people, cuz I kept my sappy element from tainting the story. Yeah-Apparently some people dont like over gushy couples. erm give me you opinions in the form of a comment plz? remeber 1 commet=10000000000000000000000 votes.

Am i the only one who found the end kind of sexy?

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