Your My Dream (BoyxBoy) 22

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*Jessie's very blond POV*

Being on a beach with Tristan.. Reminded me of a dream I had a life time ago. Back when me and Tristan weren't even a possibility. Ha. Now we were a full blown couple and I was still embarrassed by the fact that the hand he held possessively in his own was sweaty.

It was actually kind of reasonable to be sweaty though. It was so freaking hot out. The sun blazed like a torch in the sky, and the beach that lay before us was packed. Finding a nice spot away from the board walk me and Vanessa set up and umbrella and some lawn chairs.

I ignored the chairs of course. If you haven't caught on by the tone of my thoughts, I'm not the most normal child. I curled up in the warm scorching sand, stretching out to feel it to it's fullest ability. I can feel Vanessa Tristan and Evan staring blankly at me.

.....Yawn. The ground is so warm and cosy....

I wake up, blinking my eye's disturbed to find that the eyelashes' have sand on them. Something's weird.. It take's me a second to figure it out, but I realize I've been flipped so I'm lying on my back and there's weight pressing down on me.

"Gah!" I wail. My stupid friends (and not so stupid boyfriend...) buried me on the beach! That's so mean!.

"Huh. I see your awake." Tristan's voice drawls lazily from above me.

I squint against the sun trying to pinpoint him, then there's suddenly more weight on me. It doesn't hurt though, just feels extremely weird. Tristan's sitting on my chest, his eye's dancing playfully. I struggle against the sand that holds me down but find that there's next to no squirming room.

"Yeah I'm awake. And you guys are bullies." I grumble.

"Awe, don't sound all upset. It made for some really cute picture's." he tease's, and I notice my camera strapped around his neck.

"I'm deleting those" I warn.

"Not if I stick the memory card down my pants" he replies.

For some crazy reason this makes me blush.

He chuckles and leans down for a kiss. I close my eye's automatically, but notice the flash of red that goes off n the other side of my eyelids. Blinking against the daze of the camera I scowl up at him.

"Can we unbury me now?" I plead, trying my best to look cute.

"On one condition." he says firmly.

"And what would that be?"

"Come for a swim with me?" he phrases it like a question and not a condition.

"Deal" I proclaim, and he starts digging me up.

When I'm free from under pounds and pounds of sand I made a beeline for the water. I make it about as high as my waist when I'm tackled. When I resurface Tristan has flipped us so that he's lying on his back, floating in the water, and I'm on my stomach above him, treading water.

"Why'd you tackle me?"

He shrugs. "For fun"

I roll my eye's, gulp in a breath of air, then swim away underwater, holding my breath. I think I'm home free when a large hand clenches around my ankle. I struggle, then burst to the surface as I'm dragged backwards and deeper into the water. When Tristan releases me I find I can no longer touch the bottom.

"Trying to drown me?" I ask, raising a curious eyebrow.

"Nope" he replies, popping the 'p'.

I try to swim past him a couple time's, but he blocks my path every time. Soon my legs are tired and I keep choking on salt water.

"I'm tired. Let me past" I whine.

"No way. I made you tired for a reason" he grabs me around the waist and drags me once again through the water. But this time it's towards him. He takes my legs and firmly wraps them around his waist. I yelp, but then moments notice that my tired limbs are burning in relief.

"Jerk" I hiss. Our wet skin is soft against each other.

I get a kiss in reply.


The four of us are all laughing and chatting as we get back to Tristan's mom's house. It's night time and we've all had a wonderful day. When Nessa and Evan came back to find Tristan holding me hostage in the water, it'd become a full blown war.

We'd even had chicken fights.

Nessa had suspiciously had hickeys though, and when I'd questioned her about them, both her and Evan blushed. And don't think I didn't notice how they were holding hands during the walk home. Our light and playful astrosphere crumbled when we got to the front door though.

Misses. Lucille stood, stiff as a tree. She was tapping her foot expectantly, and a mug of coffee was in her hands. It was long past dinner time, when she'd specifically told them to be home.

All laughter stopped when everyone got hold of her stone set faced.

"Evan, Jessie." each name was a slap in the face, cold and menacing. "Please retire to your rooms for the night. I need a word with my children"

Tristan and Vanessa steeled themselves and released me and Evans hands. Evan bravely kissed Vanessa on the cheek, and stating his opinion, Tristan pulled me forward into a firm kiss, in which he promptly put his tongue in my mouth.

"Night" I whispered, then hurried inside with Evan, my lips still tingling a little.

I didn't stay inside long. I creeped around the house and out the backdoor. I went around the cottage-style home and sat around the corner from where Miss. Lucille was chewing Tristan and Nessa out.

"First you sin in gods name. then you bring this abomination into my house. Now your influencing Vanessa as well Tristan? What's gotten into you!?!?!!"

"Mom, shut the-" Vanessa starts.

A sickening sound. Skin making contact with skin. A stinging slap. A long pause. Then another smack of thundering contact. It sounded like it hurt.

I dared to peak around the corner, only to see both Vanessa and her mother holding there face's. I stifled a gasp. They'd slapped each other?! It was strange seeing both woman, so similar in looks, both holding there rose coloring face's and glaring hate at each other.

"Go. Inside" their mother spit the words.

Retreating footsteps, Tristan's low voice murmuring reassurance. Then footsteps. Precise and angry, heading directly for my hiding spot with purpose. "I know your there Jessie"

I straightened my back and stepped around the corner.

We stared each other off grimly.

"You know, my brother thinks like you. He thinks I'm a sin, an abnormality. Maybe I am. I dunno. But I do know Tristan's your son. And I know you still love him. So you should learn to accept him. For your own sake as well." I stat. my gaze surprisingly doesn't falter against her unforgiving gaze.

Long pause. Her eye's icy, mine bold.

"You have no idea what your taking about" she informed me, then curtly turned, the sound of her heels clicking against the deck filled the silence, that and far off wave's crashing in the distance.


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oh and another thing, sorry for not uploading as consitently, but I really do try to stay on top of that.

Btw-was sooooo happy with last chapter!!!

29 comments? Now THATS what I'm looking for. if you can read and vote, you can comment. so be sure to do soagain, or i'll go all depressed and threaten you guys with destorying this story again.! :O Ikr? I'm such a mean person. tsk tsk. Love ya lots. COOMMMEEENNNTTT

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