Your My Dream (BoyxBoy) 16

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*Vanessa's POV*

I sat in my room, my Mp3 snug in my hands as I flipped through the songs, looking for 'Animal' be neon tree's. The lyrics had just started when a voice cut through my happy music time. "Give it up Jessie! Your completely wrong on this one!" Tristan shouted.

"Oh yeah, I'M the one that's wrong" Jessie snapped back sarcastically. Sigh, time to go break up yet anther of their fights. I had been so sure they'd end up together to, there personalities were perfect for one an other. Or so I thought...

I rolled off my bed and hurried down the hall, not bothering to knock on my brothers door I barged right in. "What are you two fighting about n....." I trailed off. Jessie was holding in giggle's and Tristan was looking at me smugly.

"YOU TWO ARE BACK TOGETHER?!" I screech and tackle first Tristan, then Jessie in a hug. "OMG OMG OMG! When?!?!!?" I gush girlishly, making Jessie blush.

"Get off my boyfriend.." Tristan grumble's.

"WHEN?! Why wasn't I informed of this!?!?!" I say fanatically.

"Off." Tristan re-grumble's.

I release Jessie from my death grip and he lets out a big over exaggerated burst of breath. I slap him roughly on the shoulder. "When!!!" my eye's are probably so big that there fish eyed.

Jessie laughs wiry. "Just an hour ago. Paul knows"

"Gah!" I tackle/hug him again making Tristan send me envious looks.

When I let go of Jessie I clap my hands together in ecstatic happiness. Then I frown. "Oh wait.. If your back together why were you fighting?" I ask confused.

"Cuz he's a little idiot" Tristan says fondly.

"And he's an blind unevolved brute" Jessie replies sweetly. I blink.

"So, wait, what's this fight over?"

"Who's cuter" Jessie sighs dreamily, then realizes what he just said and clears his throat in a manly fashion. Tristan and me giggle. "If you ever tell anyone I did that, I'll kill you" he warns.

"So Ness.. Who's cuter?" Tristan drawls.

"hmm" I scrunch up my forehead. "Jessie I suppose, because anything that has a blood relation to me has no right to be cute. Plus he's just like a puppy dog!" I squeak the last part.

Tristan beams smugly in victory and Jessie sticks his tongue out at us.

"I always knew you two would end up together" I brag.

"Fine, fine. You were right, were morons" Tristan hmp's.

"Awe, Don't feel bad. Guys are just naturally not as smart as girls. Even gay one's" I pat Jessie's back in sympathy. Tristan scowls. "Aright, enough physical contact with my boyfriend already"

I chortle "Oh yeah, I'm tottaaallllyy trying to steal Jessie from you"

"Better not be" "I'm offended" Tristan and Jessie growl at the same time.

"Aw Boo, I'll make you feel better" Tristan steals and capture's Jessie in a kiss.

I 'Ewww' really loud and leave the room in giggle'.

*Jessie's POV*

You know how some people say that your room really reflects your true self? I hope Tristan didn't think that about me, because then I was a tiny cheap tacky mess-just like my forsaken room. And to make thing worse, Tristan was snooping every time I had my back turned.

"Hey!" I yelped as he tugged on a drawer. This particular drawer had my underwear in it, and I was pleased to find that it hadn't clattered open before I'd gotten to him. He smiled devilishly in reply and plopped back on my bed, grabbing my wrist so I fell on top of him.

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