Your My Dream (BoyxBoy) 21

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Warning.: If i dont start getting more comments i'm 'on holding' the story. You guys do realise i linger over the computer praying to god for a comment? *Sigh* so yeah. those of you who read and dont comment...You won't be reading much longer without a comment.

*Jessie's POV*

For all of you who were wondering, making out with Tristan Stone was sexy, pleasurable, and very frustrating. For starters, he took complete dominance of the kiss, denying my tongue the right to even fight with his. He explored my mouth in a lingery, breath-taking sort of manner.

When I attempted to break the kiss so I could explore his skin, his hands pressed me tightly against him and he continued taking advantage of my mouth. When he was done however, his lips detached from mine, and still in utter control, he started sucking on my neck.

I shuddered feeling the warm lips doing what they wanted on my neck. I rested my head against the wall I was pressed to and bit my tongue, trying not to make any noise. It was harder then you might think. Withering at the pleasure I decided to do something to distract myself.

Lifting my hand to his chest I let them dip up and under his shirt. I felt him shiver as my icy hands invaded the very heated landscape of his finely moulded torso. Clutching at the sweaty muscle I let my hands roam freely, enjoying it when he hissed in sharply, breath dancing across my skin.

My fingers had just brushed his nipple when the door opening loudly and suddenly made me jump, retrieving my hands from under his shirt.

But not before Tristan's mother saw. I could feel all the blood in my face rushing to my cheeks. I struggled against Tristan's grip, but for some very evil reason he kept his body sculpted over mine. Him weighing probably twice as much of me (all solid and delicious muscle) I didn't stand much of a fight.

"What in gods name are you two doing?!" she shrieked.

"I-I I'm soo sorry. W-we w-were j-ju-just" I stuttered helplessly

Tristan gave me a leisure kiss. I bit down on his lip. Hard. I think he got the point because he drew back a little. "Relax mom, we were just making out" he sighed, his hands still gripping my waist.

"Just making out?!?! How impure have you become son! Your not even married!!!!"

"Married?" I repeated in horror and embarrassment.

"Mom, I hate to inform you, but your against gay marriage"

She took a moment to compose herself. "None the less you shouldn't be whoring yourself around with this little slut Tristan" something dangerous and protective flashed in Tristan's eye's at her words.

"What you just call him?" he asked in a deadly tone, finally releasing me, but only to approach his mother.

His mother met his gaze unflinching. "Oh come on Tristan, you can't be that attach. I mean really, you gave him a free vacation. He's just some little blond tramp who's in it for the ride."

His teeth clenched and unclenched. He was about to punch her. I could tell. Whisking myself across the room I grabbed Tristan's arm. "Come on Tristan, let it go. I don't mind, really."

Not even sparing me a glance he shook me off his arm. "I mind" he said icily.

"This really isn't a good way to start the vacation off-"

"See, all he care's about is the free trip." his mother interrupted. "Men can't love men. It's Satan messing with your mind" she seethed flatly.

"Why don't we just go to the beach?" I continued to ramble, more desperate then ever. "Yes, that's a good idea. Lets get Evan and Vanessa and go to the beach. It'll make great pictures. VANESSA!" I shouted her name frantically. I think she could tell, because she was barging in mere seconds later.

She took in the scene with a level headed inspection, then meet Tristan's eye's ever so slight, she shook her head. He swallowed, seeming to consider. He looked at me, seeking and answer and he must have found it in my eye's, because he un-tensed his ready for action stance.

"Okay. Lets go to the beach" he agreed, his tone still annoyed.

His mother scowled. I was pretty certain she was looking for a fight. "Fine, be back in time for dinner"

She turned and stalked from the room with near perfect posture.

Tristan, who was still grumpy, kicked me and Vanessa out of his room so he could change into a swim suit. I sighed, walking down the hall with Nessa. "I think he's mad at me" I confided in a small voice. She shook her head immediately. "He's just upset"

I shrugged, feeling queasy and not really wanting to discuss it. Understanding my nervous silence she gave me a one armed hug and headed to her own room. I retrieved my suitcase from the front hall and went into the bathroom.

Digging through all the essential things I'd brought found a towel and bright yellow swim trunks. Pulling my clothes off and my bathing suit on I caught my reflection in the mirror and gave myself a dirty look. I looked pathetically skinny and pale.

Feeling self conscious I peeled my eyes away from the mirror and forced myself out of the bathroom. I crept down the hall fearing an encounter with Misses. Lucille. Suddenly thick arms wrapped around my waist and a bare chest was pressed against my bare back, the sensation making tingle's run down my spine..

I squirmed in embarrassment and suppressed pleasure. Tristan carelessly leaned down and nibbled my ear a little, completely untouched by my feeble protests. "Where were we before my mom interrupted?" he purred, his warm breath tumbling through my ear, raising hairs on my neck.

"Well I was about to push you away, so do you want me to start from there now?" it was supposed to sound sarcastic and a little flirty. It came out quivering. Damn Tristan's irresistibility to hell.

He made a small sound of complaint but unfastened his arms from around my chest. As he circled around me he took in my chest to the fullest of his ability. Slowly a pleased smirk spread across his face. I crossed my arms over my chest, the exposed feeling making my flesh crawl.

"Cut it out" I whine.

He puts up his hands, gesturing innocents. "I'm not doing anything" he defends himself.

Then he winks very suddenly. "Beside's, your doing it to"

I probably was. But his body was just so great. Muscled and tanned from days in the sun. delicious six pack and yummy abs. they were the kind of abs you just wanted to put whip cream on so you could lick it off. Really and truly. If only I had some whip cream...

"You should wear shirts less often" I inform him.

"I'll start when you do babe."

I scrunched my face in distaste, unsure about how I felt about the word 'Babe'. I knew I was very clearly the girl in this relationship, but that word took it a little over the top.

"Lets go to the beach" I said, clamping my hand around his ".....BABE"

Read this: This story is written by a kid. i dont know how old you guys think I am, but I'm a child. People keep asking for sex. *Scoff* what th hell does a kid know about sex? nothing, thats what. so screw it. no sex in my storys. I might mention sex, as in saying that my characters had sex, or you know, making it obvious. But no. You want a sex sceane? you won't find one here. Sorry.

On a happier note, I'm starting another BoyXBoy. I'm not abandoning this one. I love this tsory. And though I might stop posting (Only if you guys stop commenting) but i'mma keep writting it. So as soon as those of you who read and even vote (What the hell? Do I not constantly grovel for my beloved comments?!) start commenting as well, then this story will keep going on.

I'm excited for my new story to though. First chapter will be up in a few days. I hope all the people who like 'You My Dream' will like my new story to. Keep on the look out!!!!!!

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