Your My Dream (BoyxBoy) 25

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*Jessie's POV*

I yawn, doing which moves the muscles in my cheeks, reminding me of the tear stains that lay across them. I reach up to touch my face and realise that the fabric of the couch has also made a strange pattern there. I sit up feeling nauseous and more then a little miserable.

I wish I could sum up the whole Tristan thing as a bad dream, even for just a couple minutes. But it's hard to live within the fantasy when Evans staring at me like I'm an atomic bomb, about to go off and brutally murder him.

He's sitting on the chair across from me, eying me nervously. A book is half raised in his hands, like when he'd seen me awake he'd gone to set it down, then paused, considering using it as a shield. I frown. Had I really been crying that hard? I hope not. Tristan probably thought I was pathetic and overdramatic now...

No I don't care about him, I assure myself. I'm pretty good at lying.

"Where's Vanessa?" I ask, trying to keep my mind off things.

"" Evan falters.

"Evan, I'm not THAT gay. I'm not going to bitch slap you or start siren crying"

He nods wearily. "She went to find Tristan"

"What!?!?!?!" my voice is a high-pitched squeak, discrediting the whole 'not-that-gay' speech I just gave. Vanessa went to find Tristan? What had happened? Had they fought? Had he said mean terrible heart-breaking things about me? Did Nessa kill him!?!?!?

"Its o-"

"It's not okay!!!!" I yelp, beating Evan to his assuring me, then jumping to my feet, my nerves to drawn out to be able to handle this news of Nessa man hunting her own brother with good grace. I needed to stop her. I needed to...

The front door opens and closes. Footsteps approach, and right as Vanessa reaches me the door open and closes again. My throat convulses. Tristan's here, and I'm really not ready to see him yet. On top of which, I can only image my physical state.

Puffy eye's, dirty face, tousled hair, wrinkled clothes. Yeah, so not ready. "Are you okay?" Vanessa asks in a low voice. To low for him to hear. I'm so very grateful it's to low for him to hear. I shake my head, and then my gaze has automatically shot past her. My eye's focus on Tristan.

He looks... blank. No emotions on his face. He probably regrets me. Our relationship. Ever even coming out of the closet to his mom and moving in with Paul. Breaking up with Marco for me. He regrets it all. Oh god, now I'm shaking.

"Jess...." he says softly, earning him twin glares from Vanessa and Evan.

"Can we go?" I ask, for Vanessa's ears only. She nods, puts an arm around me and guides me from the room "Jessie...please?" Tristan says behind us. I hear him take a few steps. That's all I can really take before I dart out from Vanessa's grasp and hurry into her room.

*Tristan's POV*

Vanessa nods and then give's Jessie a one armed hug. I realise moments later that it's not a one armed hug and that she's supporting him, guiding him out of the room. My heart wretches, I can barely take knowing I caused all this.

"Jessie...please?" I attempt, feeling tears begging to reach my eye's. They keep walking, and feeling desperate I take a few steps after them. Evan, trying to be macho would be my guess, take's a few steps in front of me to cut me off.

"Don't even try it bro" he warns under his breath. I'm surprised to see genuine anger and protectiveness on his face. I didn't know he cared so much about Jessie. Somehow this make's me like him more, despite our current situation, it's nice to know Jessie has people who care.

"Evan, please?" I beg.

He frowns, made uncertain by my sincerity.

"I don't know..."

I take his shoulders firmly, holding him an arms length apart. No, I'm not being intimate, I'm respecting him as almost a comrade, a fellow solder but one on the opposite side of the war, someone to be appreciated but to also bargain and do serious it's-nothing-personal business with.

"Evan, I never wanted to hurt Jessie. I was hurt. So I lashed out. I regret it a lot, and I'd do ANYTHING to take it back. You've got to listen. Just let me go talk to him. Please. I'm going to loose him Evan, no matter what. Please let it be on my own terms."

Is expression wavers. "If Vanessa beat the shit out of me to get past" he grumbles, then steps aside. I give him a serious faced nod of approval then walk past him. I make my way down the hall, breathing heavily from the mouth, and linger outside Vanessa's door.

Then I twist the knob and open it.

Vanessa and Jessie sit on the bed, then look at me like startled wild animals.

I put my hands up, signalling surrender. "I just want to talk to him" I reason with Nessa.

She searches for something to throw. Jessie holds his hand up to her.

"No Nessa.. Thank you...But I guess I do have to talk to him eventually. Give us a minute?"

She frowns. Thinks about it. Her frown deepens. "Your sure?"

Jessie shrugs.

She crawls off the bed, stalks up to me, then bumps into my shoulder in a menacing I-plan-on-killing-you-later kind of way. I look to Jessie, who just so happens to be sitting in a pool of moonlight, making his angel blond hair look like a silver halo. And I yelled at this obvious fallen angel? Something is seriously wrong with me.

"So...lets talk" he suggests.


Yay....25 chapters......

The celebration seems kind of bitter to me. I've had idea's stolen from em in the past..but somehow I never pictured it happening to 'Your My Dream'.. Yes my lovable fans, though the person who wrote a shockingly similar first chapter to my beloved story claims that she's heading her story in another direction... we'll see. Anyone who reads both can see the obvious sameness.

there's more about this little look-alike story on my profil. The main point is... Well, if her story continoue's to sound rather 'Your My Dream' ish..I'm taking 'Your My Dream' down. i know i've threatened stopping before...but no, i'm not just stopping. I'll be taking it down? Why? cuz I like my idea's to stand on there own and not look like anyone elses. so yeah...thats it I guess. we'll see about uploads I guess... it all depends on the other persons story. If there plots the same? Dwon come's 'Your My Dream'. it all depends on them. Thats it I guess.......

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