Your My Dream (BoyxBoy) 27

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*Tristan's POV*

Jessie stare's up at me guiltily, like it's his fault for not being old enough, for not being ready. Does he thinks I'm going to be mad at him? I may have yelled at him earlier, but no way do I plan on pressuring him when he's vulnerable and uncertain.

"Jessie.. It's okay, really. I wouldn't want to have sex anyways, not like this, not when you feel like this" I assure him. His eye's sparkle relive and happiness. I find my heart responding to his beatific smile. I pull him closer to me, where he belongs.

"Can we at least sleep in the same bed tonight?" I ask.

He nods eagerly and snuggles into the warmth of my chest. I hold him close, liking how his breath tickles my skin and his silken hair brushes against me. Our legs tangle together and we lie in a very loving and comfortable tangle on the bed. I pull a blanket over us and drift off.

"What the mother-fucking, hell?" Vanessa.

I blink groggily, trying to make sense of things. The first thing I take notice of make's me feel very warm inside. Jessie is cuddled up on my chest, completely relaxed against my skin. Well, he was completely relaxed, but the harsh voice has stolen him from sleep along with myself.

He blinks against sleep, focuses on the people standing in the doorway. Jolts.

"Uhh.. Miss. Lucille...Nessa...this REALY isn't what it looks like" he stammers.

"Then what is it?" Mom speaks for the first time. Her tone sharp. On the boarder line of snapping.

"We fell asleep together" I speak up.

"And you clothes magically disappeared?" Nessa interjects. Since when is she on mom's side?

Jessie blushes. Notice's that the blanket has fallen away, exposing our chests. Grabs the sheet and wraps it around himself, inching away from me. I feel the absence of his warmth like a blow to the face. Well, I don't really blame him for feeling embarrassed.

"W-we were making out" Jessie's blush has turned him into a tomato by now.

"Naked?" Mom asks, looking a little green.

"Were not naked. Were wearing boxers" I state like it's no big deal.

Vanessa lets out a huff of frustrated breath now. "Jessie, how come you even forgave him?"

Jessie drops his gaze and shrugs. Vanessa scowls. "Do you forget? Forget what he said to you? Forget that he made you cry and almost hit you? Forget that it was ME who looked after you ME who took you back to the house and comforted you!"

"Nessa I don't get it. Why are you so mad?" he asks, hurt written all over his face.

"Ugh. I just can't believe I went through all that utter bullshit for nothing" she storms from the room.

Jessie's eye's are uncomprehending. but everything has suddenly clicked into place for me. She wanted to defend him one last time before he moved away. Wanted him to remember her and their friendship as the best part of living back home.

"We need to talk" mom speaks up again, quite grimly this time.

I nod loosely. "One sec" I tell her, lean over to give Jessie a bye kiss, even if I'll see him in a few minute's. When our time is limited the way it is, every kiss counts. His lips felt a little swollen, which I liked because I was the one to make them swell.

"Ah-em" Mom grumbled. "He's coming to"

We both draw back from the kiss. Blink in union.

"Oh. Okay... can we get dressed?" he asks.

"I suggest you do" Mom replies coldly, then she leave's the room.

Jessie scrambles out of the bed, plucks his jeans off the floor and starts pulling them on. I get a good few seconds to admire his body, feeling the familiar desire for sex awaken in me. I've never had sex. I can only imagine the sheer pleasure of having my first time with Jessie.

Maybe I'll still get him to be my fist time.. The thought make's me sad because I'm not naïve and I know how unlikely that is. I doubt I'm Jessie's first time either. No, their's to many guys out there who would thank their lucky stars for someone like Jessie.

Because I'm one of those guy I slink out of bed and wrap my arms around Jessie, pressing his back against me. I feel every fibber of me pull towards him. I place my nose in his hair and inhale sharply, running the back of my hand down his cheek.

When I pull away I sheepishly put my clothes on. "Lets see what the bitch wants" is sigh.

Jessie give's me a glare. "What?" I ask innocently.

"Don't talk about her like that. She's your mom" he orders.

I roll my eye's but don't argue with him. We enter the living room where my mom is sitting with her legs crossed, looking uneasy. Weary. When she see's are approach she puts her hands together and rests them in her lap.

"go ahead, take a seat" she directs us, nodding to the couch. We sit down, making sure the distance between us is reasonable so she doesn't give us her signature homophobic glare. She swallows, don't look at either of us. Finally she clears her throat.

"Now.. I know adolescence is a time when...hormone's erm...start to stir. That's probably one of the many reasons for your confused sexualities." she seemed to be fumbling with her words. Both my own and Jessie's face were pink, and I'm usually not one to blush.

"And though the call for sex is strong... and you shouldn't necessarily be doing should be.. Prepared. I know birth control isn't exactly an issue in this case.. But protection... is mandatory. Without protection.-"

"Gah, Mom! Jesus! We took sex ed!!!" I outburst. "We don't need to have 'The talk'. we didn't even have sex! Just stop it!!" I stand up, ready to flee. Jessie glance's between us, looking like he's about to die from sheer embarrassment.

"I just thought..." she trails off.

"Well don't think like that!" my face defines the color red.

I hurry from the room, wishing me and Jessie had of set and alarm or something to avoid this very awkward and embarrassing situation.


Sorry about the late update :P

been busy.

This chapters kind of a filler

But comment anyways.

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