Your My Dream (BoyxBoy)

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*I wrote this a long time ago and DO NOT recommend it. I highly suggest you find something better to read (Any of my other stories for example, or the stories of those I am a fan of) I only leave this posted on this site as tribute to my first story and to make my fans happy. this story is full of plot holes, errors, terrible spelling and grammar. It, and its deleted sequels, are undoubtibly the worst things I have ever written. Run while you can-and if you choose not to and then complain at me, I will become very annoyed.*

Jess's POV*

The sun was.. Well it was to hot on my back as I stood perfectly still, watching with the rest of the kids as some poor unfortunate boy got beat up. I guess it was my fault for wearing a black t-shirt. I winced along with half the other kids as the boy got kicked in the ribs harshly. 

Some girls had their cell phone's out and were video taping the fight. If you could call it a fight. Really, it was some wimpy boy from grade ten getting a beating from the seniors for being openly gay. I felt vaguely guilty just watching, the kid and me did in fact, have a lot in common. 

We were both gay. 

The keen difference and the reason I wasn't getting brutally beat-up with him, is that I was closet gay. Really, the kid kind of deserved it. How stupid can you be? Coming out in high school is not the brightest idea in the world.  

I refocused on the outside world, as in, not the confinements of my mind, to see a disruption in the fight. Not a teacher as you'd expect. Another student but this one wasn't scrawny and weak, he was tall with broad thick shoulders and arms I wouldn't mind cuddling up against. 

Bad boy, I told myself, annoyed that I'd let my thoughts wander that way. Were you not just admitting how stupid it was to come out of the closet in high school.? 

Anyways, I watched as the very hot (Damn you hormone's!) boy pushed his way through the kids to the head senior (a foot ball player, how cliché) and punched him across the face. My eye's widened and then the crowd of gathered students, who were missing third period, went insane. 

The jock held his face and I could see red dripping from between his fingers. His friends hurried forward to help, and seized the hunk who'd stood up for little mister gay. The ungrateful brat wasn't even sticking around to see his rescuer's fate! He was already off, dashing across the parking lot. 

Cheers broke out from the crowd as the head jock, who I now recognized as John HockMan, stormed over to the guy who'd punched him in the face. Believe it or not, the dude was F'in smirking! The first punch landed, then... the principal's voice boomed from behind the crowd. 

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!" he fumed. The principal was a short, boarder line dorky, and not very intimidating man. But he was head of the school, so the jocks released the guy and stood a little away from him awkwardly.  

They all stared at the principal along with me. No one spoke up to answer. "No one's going to speak up?" no one made a sound. "Fine then" Mr. Markem (ironic name, right?) muttered. Then he wheeled to look directly at me. "You" He said with authority. "What happened?" 

I blinked. Why me?!!? But then as I looked around, I realized I'd been to absorbed in the fight. The rest of the crowd had already dissolved, and I was the only one left watching. Oh my god I was soo stupid! I fumbled for something to say, my face feeling hot and my throat feeling tight. 

"Uhh" I said brilliantly.  

Mr. Markem sighed, clearly annoyed and growing impatient. "What did you see?" he snapped. 

SHIT. What did I say?! If I told the truth, the jocks would probably kill me. If I lied to make the jocks look like the good guys, I'd gain nothing but the reputations of being a coward. 

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