Your My Dream (BoyxBoy) 10

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Hey guys :/

I'm happy with the amount of people who vote and read, but...

Do you guys mind commenting? Thanks to everyone who has been commenting btw.

I just really like comments, it make's me happy to read people's opinions. Well, thanks :) Luv ya all lots

*Jessie's POV*

I really needed to puke. But no way was I telling my new almost boyfriend that, because hearing that someone was about to throw up was not at all attractive. And no, nervousness wasn't the reason for my almost-puking.

Though it certainly didn't help. The real reason I felt nauseous was because I was blind folded and the G force (no not the movie about hamsters) was making my stomach turn. Car sickness. I'd been experiencing it for two hours now.

It might have something to do with Tristan's driving abilities though. He drove like a maniac. Even without eye's to rely on I could sense that, and something told me that if Paul was here he'd be worrying about the condition of his car.

"Can I PLEASE take this blindfold off" I begged for the fourth time.

"No" he answered immediately "you'd Guess where we were going"

"I don't really care, I think I'm going to be sick" I finally admitted.

"Were almost there" he assured me, taking one hand from the wheel and capturing my own with his.

"Hands on the wheel" I warn.

"Oh right" he pulled his hand back.

Five minute's later I felt the car slow and turn. I nearly lost my breakfast then and there, but managed to keep everything down. Tristan hummed and pulled to a stop. Confused, I heard him roll down the window. He spoke in a voice to low for me to hear, then we started driving again. Soon the car was parked.

"Okay.." he said mischievously "Take off your blind fold."

I reached up to take it off, but suddenly Tristan yelped. "No wait" he ordered. I dropped my hands to my side's. "What?" I started to say, but was interrupted by a kiss, hard and demanding on my lips. I kissed him back passionately, wishing I could see so I'd be able to wrap my hands around his neck.

He pulled back, and I grumbled a little bit, making him laugh. "Okay, now that we got that out of the way, you can look"

I hurry to pull my blindfold off, egger to see where it is that he's taken me. I open my eye's.. and grin. "Canada's wonderland!" I shout happily. He grins. "Isn't this even better then a carnival for our first date?" he says proudly.

"Yes!" I squeak in agreement. Then I throw myself at him, into a kiss. He smile's against my lips and kisses me roughly, which I like. Just as he's snaking his arms around him, I pull back. "Come on" I say, unbuckling "If we start now we'll be here all day"

He grumbles a little, but unbuckles and we hop out of the car. I stare in awe at the behemoth. (That's a roller coaster) soon I'm practically bouncing with excitement, and because Tristan is walking way to slow, I grab his hand and drag him. He laughs at my excitement.

When we get to he entrance, he starts pulling money from his pockets. There's way to much money there for him to be paying for one person. "Oh no" I warn him "I'm paying for myself, I brought enough"

He shake's his head. "No way"

"You can' stop me from paying for myself" I inform him.

"Yes, but Jessie, I thought of that. If you pay for yourself, then I'm carrying you around the park all day. This is a serious threat" I can tell that he's telling he truth, but there's also a playful glint in his eye's. Many people are giving us strange looks, maybe at the argument or at our handholding.

I glower up at Tristan, who beams back like a naughty little boy. I slap his chest, and he laughs evilly. I resort to pouting. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, I'll just kiss that pout off your face and you wouldn't want that" he advises.

"Grr" I whine, because I don't know what to do.

He starts towing me to the admission place. Then he pays for two. The girl working the booth looks like she wants to giggle, but stamps both of our hands and lets us through. Tristan looks down at me slyly. I glare back.

"Where do you want to start?" he asks, changing the subject.

"Drop zone!" I chant, making Tristan turn a little green.


Apparently Tristan is afraid of heights, but has a thing for roller coasters. To make up for forcing him onto the drop zone three time's, I go on an old wooden roller coaster with him. I don't mind some roller coasters, but this one was terrifying. I spent most of the ride clinging to Tristan's arm with my eye's squeezed shut.

The rest of the day we go on a verity of rides. We both like the water park, but I didn't have a bathing suit. Before I knew it my first date was coming to an end.

It's dark in the sky above us and all the ride's are lit up. Now that it's harder to see shape's and face's, Tristan frequently sneaks kisses in. but we're both pretty worn out. We've walked a lot today and what would turn me on more then anything else at the moment would be a hot bath and a foot rub.

"Let's play a game before we leave" I practically yawn.

Tristan nods in agreement. "I'll win you a souvenir."

We make our way over to the game booths, and I insist on paying. I've also paid for our lunches, slowly paying him back for paying the entrance. He's to tired to put up much of a fight. "What do you want to play?" he asks.

"Hmm." I think it over "The basketball one"

He nods, take's my hand, and leads me in that direction. I pay for us to each take three shots. Tristan shots first, getting it in perfectly. I throw my ball and it's so off that it doesn't even hit the rim. Tristan snickers, but tries to hide it. I stomp on his foot.

On the second throw Tristan once again has a perfect shot. My shot is closer this time, hitting the backboard and bouncing off. Tristan give's me a sporting smile. He take's his third basket ball and throws it. Once again, it goes throw easily. I bite my lip, not wanting to waste my third shot.

"Here" he says helpfully, and take's a position behind me, holding my wrist and elbow. He guide's my arm forward into a shot, and the ball falls easily into the hoop. The guy running the booth looks away awkwardly and Tristan kisses my cheek.

I turn around and kiss him right on the lips. I know it's strange to like I guy I don't know that well so much, but I really do. He's so sweet, but not in a suffocating overly mushy way. Fireworks seem to go off in my mind as he deepens the kiss a little, before pulling back.

"Though you just gave me the best prize I could ever ask for, we should probably collect ours" he suggests. I get a small prize for getting one shot, and Tristan gets a big one for his three. Being the cool kid I am, I pick a little stuffed duck. Tristan gets a giant teddy bear.

We are about four feet from the booth when Tristan hands me the teddy bear. "For you" he says brightly. I blush a little, but take the giant teddy, even more embarrassed by the fact that it's taller then me. I hug it awkwardly and attempt to walk. It's more difficult then it sounds.

"Well.. It's certainly not a giant bear, but here." I hand him the little white duck. He stops me with a kiss so passionate you'd think I'd given him gold, not a two dollar stuffed duck. The teddy bear falls to the ground, because it's way to big to keep a hold of well I stand on my tipsy toe's putting my lips at a more reasonable distance from his.

His hands grapple at my lower back which I ignore, throwing everything I have into the kiss. I clench my hands around his neck. He groans lightly. The kiss is about to break anyways, when I stiffen at a voice that's familiar interrupts us.

"Jessie!?" someone shouts.

When I turn my face to that direction I hear a collective gasp. Squinting into the darkness I can just make out my brothers face as he stands among a puzzled group of his friends. Kelso blinks. "It really is you" there's horror written all over his face.

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