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I straddle his waist as my vision goes blurry, "Andre!" I push against his chest and he pulls me off him just in time to lose himself, "Shit." He lets out a deep throaty moan, I can't get my body to move, "Where'd you learn to do that?" Andre takes off the condom and carefully puts it into the trash can near the bed.

I push some hair behind my ear, "I don't kiss and tell." He takes in a deep breath, "Yeah I'm definitely marrying you after that." I roll my eyes and roll off of him not by choice, "Where are you going?" I ask as he slips on his underwear and disappears from the room. I sit criss cross and pull up the sheet to cover my goods, "Andre!" I groan missing his presence.

He walks into the bedroom holding a cold water bottle, "What? I got thirsty." I roll my eyes, "Gimme." I extend my arm, "No this one's mine." He chuckles shaking his head, "I just want a sip!" I laugh sliding to the edge of the bed, "Fine." He says smiling, "Here." I take the already open bottle and take a drink, "Thank you." I hand it back.

He puts on the top and sits it on the table by the bed. His soft lips connect with mine, "So when do we need to leave?" Andre asks running his fingers through my hair massaging my scalp, "Depends." I close my eyes and let my body fall into him, "If you want to spend the night there tonight or wait until the morning." I sigh feeling all my problems fading away, "I mean we can go tonight? It's not that far from here." I nod, "Can we nap before we leave?" I ask and hear him laugh.


I sigh as Andre turns into their driveway, "I can't believe we slept so long." I laugh. Our nap turned into us not waking up until the next morning, so we finally decided to climb out of bed by ten to get ready. We left town around noon and we just got here at a little after five due to some pit stops.

We park behind my brothers car and he turns off the engine, "I hope you enjoy crazy." I chuckle and get out of the car. Andre pops the trunk and I get my bag out, "I can carry that." He says taking my bag from me. He smiles as I lean against the tail light, "I'm perfectly capable of carrying a bag." He nods putting on his backpack which held more than just clothes for him.

I was informed that he never travels anywhere without his protection and badge. I meant to say lectured. I sigh as he closes the trunk, "Me too." I begin walking towards the house with him next to me. I intertwine my fingers with his, "You're feeling brave." He says as we walk, "Just a little bit." I hold onto his upper arm as usual, "Mhmm." He moans.

I release myself from him as I open the front door and hear the voices from family I haven't seen in years. I walk in first and allow Andre to walk through the door before closing it behind us. They must be in the den, "Hey follow me." I say and he follows me up the steps to my bedroom, "This is mine." He gets a goofy smile on his face, "Don't get too excited." I laugh opening the door. The bed, desk, and dresser are exactly where I left them not that long ago.

He puts the bags on the bed and his eyes drift around the room, "We should probably go find everybody." I say leaning against the doorway, "You better not introduce me as a friend." He jokingly points his finger at me. I snap my fingers and point at him, "Crap you ruined my plan." He smiles kissing my forehead. I close my bedroom door and walk us to the den where the talking is coming from.

I bump his arm with mine as I walk through the doorway and someone screams. I look up to see Kaitlyn running towards me, "Becks!" She wraps her arms around my shoulders squeezing me tight. She stops squeezing when she sees Andre, "Hey bud." She disconnects herself from me and hugs him, "Glad you guys could make it!" Jack says walking in from outside with arms wide open.

I roll my eyes and see Andre tensing up, "It's okay, I promise." I whisper and he nods, "I know." He whispers back, "Hey Andre." Jack says shaking Andre's hand, "I heard about what happened with mom." Jack smiles, "I can't believe you said that to her."

He shakes his head and I send him a glare, "What did you say? " Kaitlyns eyes light up, "Yeah what did you say?" Andre joins in, "Nothing." I shove Jack and he holds up his hands, "Just know dinner's gonna be interesting."

I try not to laugh as he smiles down at me, "You're awful." I say, "I'm smart enough to know its not true." He spins my words from yesterday to fit the conversation, "Shut up." I say, "What happened?" Kaitlyn stomps her foot, "She called mom stupid pretty much and told her she was better off without her." Andres mouth drops open, "You didn't?" I scratch the back of my head, "I didn't say it in so many words." Andre covers his laugh with a fake cough.

Kaitlyn covers her mouth, "Grandma's out back if you were wondering." Jack says before wrapping his arm around Andre's shoulders, "Let me introduce you." He drags Andre out with him, "Hey, I have to tell you something." Her voice is skeptical, "Grandma didn't come alone, she brought uncle Dave with her." I sigh, "Great." I begin my walk out the back door, "At least you look pretty." Kaitlyn says as I walk out.

I stop in my tracks as I notice it isn't just Dave that she brought with her, his fourth wife and their brats they call kids. I groan, "You're pretty." She says again and pats my back, "That's all I got." Kaitlyn huffs crossing her arms over her chest. I look over at her and she fakes a smile, "Sorry?" I roll my eyes and smile, Kaitlyn has always been the ditsy one out of the three of us.

"Rebecca!" My grandma gets up from her chair holding her arms out. I smile and make my way into her inviting arms, "Oh sweetie I miss you more everyday." I love this woman more than anything, well next to Andre. I kiss her cheek as I leave the warm hug, "Lets walk." I smile, I used to love to walk with her anywhere.

We walk away from the party and go into my piano room, "Tell me everything!" She pulls me down onto the piano chair, "About what?" She rolls her eyes, "I'm old, but I'm not blind at least not yet." I laugh running my finger over the keys, "Your two year adventure?" I smile, "I met a boy, fell in love with the same boy, and left the boy." She sighs, "What about this boy?" She smiles and I press down on a key.

"He's the sweetest human being I've ever met grams, he gives me the world and asks for nothing in return. I met him in this little diner-" I'm cut off my glass shattering and people yelling. I get up and run outside, grams follows after me. Dave is yelling something about corruption and other incoherent things at Andre. My dad is pushing Dave back and Andre's just standing there not knowing what to do.

Dave's eyes meet mine and he stops yelling, "This is all your fault." He hisses at me before shoving himself away from the party. My jaw tightens as his wife looks me up and down before following her husband like a little puppy.

I go to Andre, "You alright?" I ask and he nods, "Yeah, I'm fine." He smiles, "I left you alone for fifteen minutes." He chuckles, "I arrested his friend a couple months ago." My jaw drops, "I'll tell you the rest later." I stifle back a laugh.

A small hand rests on my back, "Is everything okay?" Grams asks, "Yep." She rolls her eyes, "Grams this is Andre-" She cuts me off, like always, "Oh darling you really out did yourself." She says eyeing him head to toe, "Grams!" I say and Andre smiles laughing softly, "He looks like he'd be good in bed." My jaw drops, "Oh my gosh, what are you talking about?"

Jack is cracking up with laughter, "What?" She says nodding towards him, "But I bet you already know that." She says putting her hands on her hips, "What has gotten into you?" I ask, "Well not him." Well at least I know where I get it from, "I can't believe you left this gem by himself, someone could just snatch him up and you'd never know." Grams says playing with a piece of her hair, wow I hope I'm like this when I get old.

Andre takes her hand, "It's nice to finally meet you Grams." She puts her other hand over his, "Call my Katie." My jaw drops, Andre smiles again and Grams winks. Andre takes his hand back and crosses his arms over his chest, she whistles.

My grandma is hitting on my boyfriend.

I mean I know he's hot but come on grams, leave him alone. I look at Jack who hasn't stopped laughing, "I'm thirsty dear, would you mind walking me to the kitchen?" She bats her eye lashes, "Of course." Andre says and she loops her arm with his. She leads him to the inside of the house and continues to hit on him the whole way. I throw my hands in the air, "She just took my boyfriend away from me."

Jack pats my back, "It doesn't surprise me, what surprises me is that she did it so quickly without skipping a beat." I sigh and hear him take a drink from his beer bottle, "She's a cougar." I say and Jack spits out the beer in his mouth, "It came out my nose, help." He says fanning his face, I can't help but laugh, "Becca stop and help me!"

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