Chapter 1 Warnings

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Kenny's p.o.v.

The Freedom Pals and I were all doing our own thing down in Tokens basement. We had finally come together with the Coon and Friends and became one whole team. It took time but we got comfortable with each other, Cartman still hated us but we decide to ignore him. He's always so annoying and is trying to be the leader of the group. Anyways, we were planning on what to do about the crime in the streets when something appeared on our monitors. (The tv)

"We are live from Waltz Street to see that there is a vigilante roaming the South Park streets." The guy on the news said. It caught everyone's attention and we all went over to the tv to see what was happening.

"As you can see here there is writing that says 'By my hands your town shall burn!' In bold and it appears to be written in blood. This seems to be a warning that our town will burn and that we must leave before we get burned as well."

Everyone was shocked by what we were watching.

"What are we going to do?" Human Kite asked. Cartman got on top of our strategy table and did a stupid pose.

"It's obvious, we must find the vigilante and stop them before they exceed in their plan." The coon said.

"Uh Cartman, can you get off the tab-"

"Not now tubberware, the coon and friends have to think of a plan." Cartman said cutting off Token.

"Dude, were Freedom Pals not Coon and Friends." Toolshed interrupts

"Oh yeah I forgot." Cartman said sarcastically while getting down from the table.

"We should search the town, they could possibly still be out there." Call girl said and we all agreed.

~~~Time Skip~~~

We were all out roaming the streets while trying to ignore Cartman who was rambling that the vigilante was probably Chaos. We have yet to find out who Chaos true identity is, Cartman says its Butters but we don't believe him. Chaos has gotten worst over the years and there's no way Butters would do all those terrible things.

"I'm telling you guys, Chaos probably set this whole thing up." "Shut it Cartman." Super Craig said annoyed and continued to walk in the group. We continued to roam the streets until I stopped and looked around.

"What is it Mysterion?" Mosquito asked. I continued looking around.

"Something doesn't feel right." Everyone was on their toes as we all looked around. We were stuck in the middle of Waltz Street. That's when we heard it. A laugh that sent shivers down our spines. Then I felt a breeze go right over us. It was a strong and quick breeze from above us that left in a matter of seconds. We looked to where the breeze have came from and saw a silhouette of a person on top of a building.

"S-Show yourself!" Wonder Tweek yelled to the shadow. Everyone was ready to attack. The person descended from the building gracefully and came into the light. What we saw surprised us. It was a girl.

"You're a girl?!" The Coon yelled confused.

"Is there a problem with that?" The girl asked rudely. Her voice was a bit deeper than a regular girl's voice so she could be covering her voice up. She looked about 16, our age, and her costume was a short purple dress with wings and a purple blindfold that covered her eyes (photo at the top). How can she see with that on? She also had pale skin and long navy blue hair. What? It's always good to take notes just in case.

"Uh yeah! No girl can be a good super villain!" He yelled earning a slap over the head by call girl. The villain chuckled at the action.

"Why do you have a blindfold on?" Human Kite asked.

"Reasons." She answered.

"What's your name?" Call girl asked.

"That's classified but you can call me The Blind Dragon. That's what other people call me." She answer. The Blind Dragon?

"Why are you t-t-threatening to burn down South P-P-P-Park?" Fast Pass stuttered.

"That's none of your business. Now, you kids should run along before you get yourselves hurt." The girl mocked at us and tried to shoo us away. We decided to stand our ground and bring out our weapons to show that we mean business. "Sorry but if you mess with our town then you mess with us." I said and we all charged at her. In a quick moment she flew into the air, Human Kite and Mosquito went after her. They flew up to her and we watched them from the ground. How is she getting away so easily? She was doing flips and spins right over them. Before they could grab her a bright light was shot out of no where. Is that... fire?! She's shooting fire out of her hands!

"Guys get out of there!" Toolshed shouted. Human Kite moved out the way but Mosquito's wings were caught on fire. Human Kite grabbed Mosquito and brought him to Wonder Tweek who put it out with his ice powers.

"I told you, get out of here unless you want someone else to get hurt." The girl said still in the air.

"Oh yeah? Do your worst!" Cartman said. He soon regretted what came next. The girl grabbed a canister of something from her pocket then chugged it down before pulling out a lighter and blowing into it, causing her to breathe fire towards us. We immediately ran away from her as she laughs and flys away. We get behind a building to catch our breaths.

"Nice going Cartman!" Human Kite yelled to Coon.

"I didn't know she could breathe fire!" The Coon yelled back. I look at them till something caught my eye. I looked up at the building wall and saw writing in blood. "Guys look!" I say catching their attention. They saw the writing and were shocked. 'Leave or burn from my flames!' It said in blood. "Aah! We're all gonna die!" Wonder Tweek yelled who was immediately calmed down by Super Craig. "What are we gonna do now?" Caption Diabetes asked. "We have to find out who The Blind Dragon really is. Tomorrow at school we get together and write down everything we could find about her and try to see who she really is." I tell the group and they all nodded. We all left home and went to bed for school tomorrow.

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