Chapter 4 School Problems

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Jay's p.o.v.

I get ready for school and head down to my bus stop. I was in a different outfit today that is sure to make me stand out of a crowd, it's both creepy and cool. I get on the bus and I could already hear people talking about me outfit. I just take a spot at an empty seat and sit down, looking out the window and listening to my music through my ear buds. After a while the bus finally pulled up at the school and like always I was the last to get off. Students still had 35 mins till class started so I walked around the school halls. I was minding my own business till someone tapped my shoulder. I took out a earbud and turned to see who it was.

"Oh, hey Butters." I smiled to him.

"Hey Jay, so my friends are sorta looking for you. I don't know why but Cartman is with them and he might try to ask you about 'you know what'." Butters warns me.

"Thanks for the heads up, try to stall while I get a running start." He nods and I start running around the school. I keep running till I get to a hall that leads downstairs and into the schools cellar. I check my phone to check the time. "7:05, 25 more mins." I take a seat on a random chair that was their along with some others and waited till the bell rang. It was only five minutes later when I heard someone coming down the stairs. Shit! Where can I hide?! I grab my bag and hide behind a bunch of old boxes. I peak over to see who came downstairs and it seemed to be some kid wearing an orange parka. He starts looking around the place then turns around and heads up the stairs. I lean back on the wall behind me and take a deep breath. Calm down Jay, he's gon- my thoughts were cut off when I felt a hand over my mouth. I quickly started to panic and I tried to take the hand off my mouth.

"Shh! I'm not gonna hurt you." Someone said, trying to calm me down. I turn my head only to see that same kid in an orange parka. Shit, now I'm caught. Maybe I could try playing the victim.

"I just need to ask you a few questions." He tells me before taking his hand off my mouth.

"And why should I answer them?" I questioned him.

"You'll know why if you cooperate with me, now will you answer my questions?" He ask again. "Fine." I say, crossing my arms.

"Is your name Jay Sparks?"


"Have you heard about the evil villain in this town?"


"Are you that Villain? Nothing will happen to you if you are, me and my friends just need to know." He tells me.

"First of all, I can sense bullshit when I hear it so whoever the villain is I know you guys would do something to them and second, no. If anything I'd want to be a hero, not a villain in my home town." I tell him.

"Then why did you run down here if you aren't the villain?" He questioned raising and eyebrow.

"Because I heard that some boys were looking for the new girls and I didn't want to know what you guys would do to me." I stated.

"Alright, I guess you aren't the villain."

"Now it's my turn to ask questions. Who are you and your friends?" I ask him.

"I'm Kenny McCormick darling~ and my friends are Cartman, Kyle, Stan, Wendy, Timmy, Jimmy, Token, Clyde, Tweek, Craig and Scott. Most of the guys are either taken or gay except me baby~" Kenny smirked and winked at me, trying to be smooth. "Yeah right, I'm sure you're gay too." I say pushing him back a bit. "Not gay, Pansexual." I just roll my eyes.

"Whatever, we better go before the bell rings." I tell him and he nods. After we get out of the cellar we go our separate ways. Thank god he didn't find out. I think to myself and head to my first period.

~~~Lunch Time!!!~~~

Kenny's p.o.v.

"I know who it is." I tell everyone at the lunch table.

"Who is it?" Kyle asked me.

"That girl Jay. She was pretty convincing in our conversation but made one mistake. She said she'd be the hero in her home town but this isn't her home town. What was her home town again Wendy?" I ask, knowing that Wendy was one of the people that did a background check on the new girls.

"Las Vegas California and get this, her parents had to move so many times because the town she would move into would end up burned after a week she moved there." Wendy tells us.

"Ok, we know who it is. I think I'd be best if we confront her tonight so when we tell her, her true identity she'll be caught off guard and we can take her down." Stan says and we all nod our heads.

"Hey, where's Cartman?" I ask and we looked around for him.

Butter's p.o.v.

I was getting my stuff for my next class when my locker slammed shut.

"Hey Butters! I wanted to talk to you about Violet." He said with an evil smirk.

"What about her?"

"You know who she really is and I want you to tell me." I can't, I have to keep Jay's identity a secret. She's my friend and friends don't betray each other.

"Uh, I-I don't know. She never told me-" I then jumped when Cartman hit the lockers next to me to scare me.

"I know you're fucking lying Butters! You know who she is!" He yells in my face.

"I-I swear! I don't know!" Cartman then got close to my face and made a fist with his hand. I close my eyes and ready myself for impact but nothing came. I opened my eyes to see Jay standing in between me and Cartman and holding Cartmans fist in mid punch.

"What the?!" He yelled confused.

"You know, I'd love it if you didn't do that to my friend." Jay says and Cartman pulls his arm back. By now people were staring at us.

"Friend? Only Butters would be friends with a weird bitch like yourself!" He yelled to Jay.

"Maybe so but still, I'm here to protect my friends from rude, fatass, little kids like yourself." Jay spoke rudely to Cartman. Some of the students loved how Jay spoke to Cartman. Cartman only got more mad.

"I'm not fat! I'm big boned!" Cartman yelled and swinging at Jay. Jay quickly moved me out the way and ducked from Cartmans punch. She then punched Cartman in the face and kicked his back hard onto the ground. People were shocked from her actions.

"Mess with my friend again and it'll be even worse!" She growled to Cartman who was trying to get up. She stepped on his back so he'd stay down, she then grabs my hand and took me away from everything.

"You'll pay for that bitch!" Cartman yelled as we walked away. Once we were away in a different hall Jay turned to me.

"Are you ok?" Jay asked me. Her expression changed from anger to worry when she looked at me.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you." I smiled to her.

"No problem. We protect each other. No matter what." She smiles back to me. It was like she was reading my mind. Jay then takes me to my first period in case someone tries to mess with me along the way. I'm glad I became friends with Jay.

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