Chapter 5 Fight

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Jay's p.o.v.

When I had got home I quickly went to my room. Now I know the Freedom Pals names and the names of Kenny's friends. There must be a way they're connected. The kids that Kenny named I have seen them around or I have them in some of my classes so I know what they look like. After a few hours I finally got my list down of who is who.

The Coon- Cartman (asshole)
Wonder Tweek- Tweek (obvious)
Super Craig- Craig (just as obvious)
Doctor Timothy- Timmy (obvious again)
Human Kite- Kyle
Toolshed- Stan
MFastpass- Jimmy (both have the same voice and stutter the same way)
Caption Diabetes- Scott (both have diabetes)
Call Girl- Wendy
Mosquito- Clyde
Tubberware- Token (same voice tone)
Mysterion- Kenny (Possibly, both don't show their face and are well hidden from everyone)

If I'm correct this list should be right. It was late right now so I got ready and left my bedroom window. I headed into town, hopping from rooftop to rooftop. I stopped at a rooftop and waited for Chaos to come where we said we would meet.

"Hey Violet!" Chaos said using my new villain name. He stood next to me and started talking.

"So, what are we doing?"

"Nothing right now. But I do have something to talk with you about."

"What is it?" I pull out my list and hand it to him.

"One of your friends, Kenny, caught me but I was able to convince him that I wasn't the new villain. He then told me all his friends names so I made some comparisons and found out who's who." Butters goes silent, probably looking through the list.

"Are you sure this is correct? Because you have Kenny as Mysterion."

"Yeah, everything should be correct by my calculations." I tell him.

"I-I don't know but I guess I'll believe you." We waited for a hour till I heard someone coming our way.

"Someone's coming." I warned Chaos. We wait a few moments till I heard someone's voice.

"Hello Chaos, Violet." I have to take guesses with the voices I hear so I assumed it was Human Kite.

"Hello Freedom Pals! Take in the view because soon you won't see it again!" Chaos yelled out to the heroes. I gave him some advice to seem more menacing.

"Not if we have a way to stop you!" Toolshed yelled back.

"Ha! What can you do to stop us?" Chaos asked.

"Maybe you pussies should come down and see for yourselves!" The Coon yelled. "I may be blind but that doesn't mean I can't sense bullshit!" I yelled to them. I felt Chaos move but then I stopped him. "It might be a trap." I whisper to him. "They're just gonna fight us, it's ok I got your back." Chaos said. I was still concerned but I decided to trust him. I grabbed Chaos and flew us down from the building, a few feet away from the Freedom Pals. Everything fell still and quiet, a bit too quiet.

"Violet watch out!" Chaos yelled and we both moved away. I felt a quick breeze of something going past me. "What was that?!" I felt another one come at me and I moved away again. "Ninja Stars!" Chaos yelled.

Chaos and I moved apart and I felt movement coming my way. They're trying to split us up! I felt everyone but one hero surround me, man this is gonna be tough. "You're done Jay, we know it's you!" Super Craig said. I tried not to show any signs of weakness, I can't let them know they're right. "I have no idea who you guys are talking about." I replied. "Don't bullshit us now, we figured out it was you!" Call Girl yelled. I felt them get closer to me. I quickly flew up to get away but felt some grab onto my foot. "Tweek!" Craig yelled. I flew higher into the sky as the person climbed up my body and hugged my waist. "Ahh! I'm gonna die!!" Wonder Tweek yelled. "Human Kite! Mosquito! After them!" Toolshed yelled. I couldn't shake Wonder Tweek off or he'll fall to his death but he needs to stop moving or we're both gonna go down. "Hey calm down! We're not gonna die, I won't let that happen." I say, trying to calm him down. He went quiet but I could still feel him shaking. Human Kite and Mosquito were flying straight towards me. I lifted my arms and shot out fire making them stop and move back. I moved back myself but felt the fire stop. What the hell? It feels cold. I felt my mini flame throwers malfunction and the opening was frozen.

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